best bet The action most likely to succeed is called one's best bet.
Your best bet would be to try calling him at home.
best of one's ability When someone does something to the best of their ability, they do it as well as they possibly can.
I felt nervous all through the interview, but I replied to the questions the best of my ability.
best of both worlds If a person has the best of both worlds, they have the benefits and advantages of two different things.
We live in the centre of town, but only 5 minutes from the beach.  We have the best of both worlds.
best foot forward If you put your best foot forward, you do something as fast as you can.
It's a long way to the station, but if I put my best foot forward I should catch the next train.
bet your bottom dollar If you bet your bottom dollar on something, you are absolutely certain of it.
Jack is very punctual.  You can bet your bottom dollar he'll be here at 9 o'clock on the dot.
bet on the wrong horse If you back or bet on the wrong horse, for example the loser in a contest, match or election, you support the wrong person.
When I voted for him, I was convinced he would win, but I backed the wrong horse.
better late than never When someone does something late, this remark means that it is better to do it late than not do it at all.
Do you know what time it is? You promised you'd come early to help me - but better late than never I suppose!
better safe than sorry It's better to be too cautious than to be careless and have regrets later.
Let's book tickets in advance - better safe than sorry!
better still/worse still This expression is used to emphasize that although something is good, bad, etc., something else makes it even better, worse, etc.
Not only did he get a great offer, but better still, a house and car come with the job.
think better of If you think better of something, you decide not to do what you intended doing.
I was going to go shopping, but when I saw the crowded car park,
I thought better of it.
between the devil and the deep blue sea If you are between the devil and the deep blue sea, you are in a situation where there are to equally unpleasant alternatives.
When the new product didn't take off, the management was caught between the devil and the deep blue sea : develop a new marketing campaign or drop the product.
it's beyond me To say 'it's beyond me' means that it is impossible for you to understand.
It's beyond me why Mary wants to marry John.
beyond any reasonable doubt This is a legal expression which means that something is certain.
The court established, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the man was innocent.

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