all told All told means the final number, when everything has been counted.
The number of visitors to the exhibition, all told, was 2543.
ballpark figure If someone gives a ballpark figure, they give an approximate number or a rough estimate of the cost of something.
I don't know exactly how much it cost, but a ballpark figure would be around $100 000.
in dribs and drabs If something comes in dribs and drabs, it arrives little by little, in small amounts or numbers.
Instead of the crowd expected, people arrived in dribs and drabs.
have one over the eight If a person has had one over the eight, they are slightly drunk.
Don't listen to him!  Can't you see he's had one over the eight!
at the eleventh hour If something happens at the eleventh hour, it happens when it is almost too late, or at the last possible moment.
Our team won after they scored a goal at the eleventh hour.
fifth wheel This expression refers to a person who find themselves in a situation where their presence is unnecessary and as a result they feel useless.
Everyone seemed to have a specific role except me. I felt like a fifth wheel
first and foremost This expression is used to state what you consider to be more important than anything ese.
First and foremost I want to thank our hosts for their wonderful reception.
first base When you get to (or reach) first base, you make progress or begin to have success with someone or something.
If you go to the interview dressed like that, you won't get to first base!
first come first served This expression means that there will be no favouritism or preferential treatment. People will be served strictly in the order they arrive.
Tickets for the match will be sold on a 'first come first served' basis.
(at) first hand If you experience something yourself directly, without any intermediairy, you experience it (at) first hand.
Getting to see the performance (at) first hand is much better than watching it on television.
first out of the gate If you are first out of the gate, you are the first to make a start at something that others have also accepted to do.
Sandra was so enthusiastic about the project that she was first out of the gate.
in the first place Something that is done in the first place is done at the beginning, before anything else.
Why didn't you tell me he was your boyfriend in the first place?
first water Something that is of the first water is of the finest or most exceptional quality (like being compared to a diamond).
The violinist gave a performance that was of the first water
five finger discount If somebody gets a five-finger discount, they take something without paying.  In other words, they steal.
How could he afford that watch? Who knows - perhaps with a five-finger discount!
five o'clock shadow

This expression refers to a patch of stubble on the face of a man who hasn't shaved for at least a day.
He looked tired and had a five o'clock shadow.

forty winks If you have forty winks, you have a short sleep or rest, generally during the day.
Dad likes to have forty winks after a game of golf.
on all fours If you are on all fours, you are down on your hands and knees.
When I arrived, he was on all fours playing with his grandchildren.
give or take (amount or quantity) This term is used when expressing an amount or estimate that is not exactly right.  It means 'plus or minus', 'more or less', or 'aproximately'.
The nearest town is about 100 miles away, give or take a few miles.
half the battle This expression refers to a significant part of the effort or work needed to achieve something.
We've already obtained a loan for the project - that's half the battle!
half an eye If you have or keep half an eye on something, you watch it without giving it your full attention.
She kept half an eye on the TV screen while she was preparing dinner.
half a mind If you have half a mind to do something, you are thinking seriously about it but have not yet reached a decision.
I've half a mind to start up my own business but first I need some advice.
chance in a million A chance in a million is a very small chance, or no chance at all, that something will happen.
There's a chance in a million of finding the key I lost on the golf course.
look like a million dollars If you look like a million dollars, you look extremely good.
With a tan and a new hairstyle she looked a million dollars!
never in a million years This expression means 'absolutely never'.
I will never in a million years understand why Anne married Bob.
nine-day wonder An event which is a nine-day wonder causes interest, surprise or excitement for a short time, but it doesn't last.
His sudden departure was a niine-day wonder but he was soon forgotten.
nine times out of ten When something happens nine times out of ten, it is what usually happens.
The public transport system is very bad. Trains arrive late nine times out of ten.
on cloud nine A person who is on cloud nine is very happy because something wonderful has happened.
When the boss announced my promotion, I was on cloud nine!
dressed up to nines To describe someone as dressed up to the nines means that they are wearing very smart or glamorous clothes.
Caroline must be going to a party - she's dressed up to the nines.
talk nineteen to the dozen Someone who talks nineteen to the dozen speaks very quickly.
He was talking nineteen to the dozen so I didn't catch the whole story.
number cruncher This is a humorous way of referring to someone who is an accountant or who is very good at working with numbers and calculations.
She's a number cruncher who perfectly understands the organization's financial situation.
safety in numbers This expression means that being part of a group makes people feel more secure and more confident when taking action.
None of the group went sightseeing alone, knowing there was safety in numbers.

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