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Double Dutch
(UK) If something is double Dutch, it is completely incomprehensible.
Double take
If someone does a double take, they react very slowly to something to show how shocked or surprised they are.
Double whammy
A double whammy is when something causes two problems at the same time, or when two setbacks occur at the same time.
Double-edged sword
If someone uses an argument that could both help them and harm them, then they are using a double-edged sword sword; it cuts both ways.
Doubting Thomas
A Doubting Thomas is someone who only believes what they see themselves, not what they are told.
Down and dirty
Down and dirty means unscrupulous and very competitive.
Down and out
If someone is down and out, they are desperately poor and need help.
Down at heel
Someone who is down at heel is short of money. ('Down in heel' is used in American English)
Down for the count
If someone is down for the count, they have lost a struggle, like a boxer who has been knocked out.
Down in the doldrums
If somebody's down in the doldrums, they are depressed and lacking energy.
Down in the dumps
If someone's down in the dumps, they are depressed.
Down in the mouth
If someone is down in the mouth, they look unhappy or depressed.
Down the drain
If something goes down the drain, especially money or work, it is wasted or produces no results.
Down the hatch
This idiom can be said before drinking alcohol in company.
Down the pan
If something has gone down the pan, it has failed or been ruined.
Down the pike
Something that is down the pike it is in the future.
Down the Swanee
If a plan or scheme, etc, goes down the Swanee, it goes wrong or fails.
Down the tubes
If something has gone down the tubes, it has failed or been ruined.
Down to the wire
(USA) If something goes down to the wire, like a competition, then it goes to the very last moment before it is clear who has won.
Someone who's down-to-earth is practical and realistic. It can also be used for things like ideas.
Drag your feet
If someone is dragging their feet, they are taking too long to do or finish something, usually because they don't want to do it.
Drag your heels
If you drag your heels, you either delay doing something or do it as slowly as possible because you don't want to do it.
Draw a bead on
To draw a bead on is to aim a gun at something and can be used to mean to focus on or aim at someting as a goal..
Draw a blank
If you try to find something out and draw a blank, you don't get any useful information.
Draw a line in the sand
If you draw a line in the sand, you establish a limit beyond which things will be unacceptable.
Draw a long bow
If someone draws a long bow, they lie or exaggerate.
Draw the line
When you draw the line, you set out limits of what you find acceptable, beyond which you will not go.
Draw the shortest straw
If someone draws the shortest straw, they lose or are chosen to do something unpleasant.
Drawing card
(USA) A famous person who attracts people to attend an event is a drawing card.
Dress someone down
If you dress someone down, you scold them.
Dress to kill
When someone is dressed to kill, they are dressed very smartly.
Dressed to the nines
If you are in your very best clothes, you're dressed to the nines.
Drink like a fish
If someone drinks like a fish, they drink far too much alcohol.
Drive a wedge
If you drive a wedge between people, you exploit an issue so that people start to disagree.
Drive home
The idiomatic expression 'drive home' means 'reinforce' as in 'The company offered unlimited technical support as a way to drive home the message that customer satisfaction was its highest priority.'
Drive someone up the wall
If something or someone drives you up the wall, they do something that irritates you greatly.
Drive you spare
If someone or something drives you spare, it is extremely annoying.
Driven by a motor
This is used to describe people with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder when they talk excessively: 'they act as if driven by a motor.'
Drop a bombshell
If someone drops a bombshell, they announce something that changes a situation drastically and unexpectedly.
Drop a dime
(USA) If you drop a dime, you inform the police about someone's illegal activities.
Drop in the bucket
(USA) A drop in the bucket is something so small that it won't make any noticeable difference.
Drop in the ocean
A drop in the ocean implies that something will have little effect because it is small and mostly insignificant.
Drop into your lap
If something drops into your lap, you receive it suddenly, without any warning. ('Fall into your lap' is also used.)
Drop like flies
This means that something is disappearing very quickly. For example, if you said people were dropping like flies, it would mean that they were dying off, quitting or giving up something rapidly.
Drop someone a line
If you drop someone a line, you send a letter to them.
Drop the ball
If someone drops the ball, they are not doing their job or taking their responsibilities seriously enough and let something go wrong.
Dropped like a hot cake
If something is dropped like a hot cake, it is rejected or disposed of very quickly.
Drown your sorrows
If someone gets drunk or drinks a lot to try to stop feeling unhappy, they drown their sorrows.
Drunk as a lord
(UK) Someone who is very drunk is as drunk as a lord.
Drunker than a peach orchard boar
(USA) Southern US expression - Very drunk, as when a boar would eat fermented peaches that have fallen from the tree.

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نشرت فى 3 يناير 2012 بواسطة hany2012

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