Climb the greasy pole
Advance within an organisation - especially in politics.
Cling to hope
If people cling to hope, they continue to hope though the chances of success are very small.
Close at hand
If something is close at hand, it is nearby or conveniently located.
Close but no cigar
(USA) If you are close but no cigar, you are close to success or the truth, but have not got there.
Close call
If the result of something is a close call, it is almost impossible to distinguish between the parties involved and to say who has won or whatever.  It can also mean that you very nearly have a serious accident or get into trouble.
Close lipped
A person who is reluctant to talk about a specific subject is close lipped.
Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades
This phrase is used to say that if you come close to success without succeeding, it is not good enough
Close ranks
If members of an organisation close ranks, they show support for each other publicly, especially when being criticised.  It is a military term- when soldiers close ranks, they stand closer together so that it is difficult to pass through them.
Close shave
If you have a close shave, you very nearly have a serious accident or get into trouble.
Close the book
If you close the book on something, you end it completely.
Close the stable door after the horse has bolted
If people try to fix something after the problem has occurred, they are trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted. 'Close the barn door after the horse has bolted' is alternative, often used in American English.
Close to your heart
If something is close to your heart, you care a lot about it. ('Dear to your heart' is an alternative.)
Closed book to me
If a subject is a closed book to you, it is something that you don't understand or know anything about.
Cloth ears
If you don't listen to people, they may suggest you have cloth ears.
Cloud cuckoo land
If someone has ideas or plans that are completely unrealistic, they are living on cloud cuckoo land.
Cloud nine
If you are on cloud nine, you are extremely happy. ('cloud seven' is a less common alternative)
Cloud of suspicion
If a cloud of suspicion hangs over an individual, it means that they are not believed or are distrusted.
Cloud on the horizon
If you can see a problem ahead, you can call it a cloud on the horizon.
Clutch at straws
If someone is in serious trouble and tries anything to help them, even though their chances of success are probably nil, they are clutching at straws.
Clutch play
If an activity is referred to as a clutch play, it means that the activity was the key to the success or failure of the venture. For instance, a clutch play in a baseball game may be striking out a batter with the bases loaded.
Coals to Newcastle
(UK) Taking, bringing, or carrying coals to Newcastle is doing something that is completely unnecessary.
Coast is clear
When the coast is clear, the people supposed to be watching you are not there and you are able to move or leave.
Cock a snook
To make a rude gesture by putting one thumb to the nose with the fingers outstretched.
Cock and bull story
A cock and bull story is a lie someone tells that is completely unbelievable.
Cock in the henhouse
This is used to describe a male in an all-female environment.
Cock of the walk
A man who is excessively confident and thinks he's better than other people is the cock of the walk.
Cog in the machine
A person who does an unimportant job in a large company or organisation is a cog in the machine.
Cold day in hell
This is used as a prediction there is no chance some event or condition will ever happen.'There will be a cold day in hell before he manages it.'
Cold feet
If you get cold feet about something, you lose the courage to do it.
Cold fish
A cold fish is a person who doesn't show how they feel.
Cold light of day
If you see things in the cold light of day, you see them as they really are, not as you might want them to be.
Cold shoulder
If you give or show someone the cold shoulder, you are deliberately unfriendly and unco-operative towards them.
Cold sweat
If something brings you out in a cold sweat, it frightens you a lot.
Cold turkey
If someone suddenly stops taking drugs, instead of slowly cutting down, they do cold turkey.
Colder than a witch's tit
If it is colder than a witch's tit, it is extremely cold outside.
Collateral damage
Accidental or unintended damage or casualties are collateral damage.
Collect dust
If something is collecting dust, it isn't being used any more.
Color bar
Rules that restrict access on the  basis of race or ethnicity are a color bar.
Come a cropper
(UK) Someone whose actions or lifestyle will inevitably result in trouble is going to come a cropper.
Come clean
If someone comes clean about something, they admit to deceit or wrongdoing.
Come hell or high water
If someone says they'll do something come hell or high water, they mean that nothing will stop them, no matter what happens.
Come of age
When something comes of age it develops completely and reaches maturity. When someone comes of age, they reach adulthood or fulfill their potential.
Come on hard
If you come on hard, you are aggressive in your dealing with someone.
Come on the heels of
If something comes on the heels of something, it follows very soon after it.
Come out in the wash
If something will come out in the wash, it won't have any permanent negative effect.
Come out of the woodwork
When things come out of the woodwork, they appear unexpectedly.  ('Crawl out of the woodwork' is also used.)
Come out of your shell
If someone comes out of their shell, they stop being shy and withdrawn and become more friendly and sociable.
Come rain or shine
If I say I'll be at a place come rain or shine, I mean that I can be relied on to turn up; nothing, not even the vagaries of British weather, will deter me or stop me from being there.
Come to a head
If events reach a crisis point, they come to a head.
Come to a pretty pass
If something has come to a pretty pass, then it is in a difficult, unfavourable or negative situation.

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نشرت فى 3 يناير 2012 بواسطة hany2012

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