some people say.. the happiness is in themoney .
. other people say
: it's in the health, the
other say: it's in the power
.. but i say : it's in the tone of ur msg

I hide my tears when I say your name,
for the pain in my heart is
still the same. Although I smile and seem carefree,
theres no one who misses you more than me

Its raining now
should u look out
the ************s and try
to count the numbers
of rain drops u see
filling from the sky
above thats how much
i'm missing u now

Some people come into our live
and quickly go

some stay for awhile and

leave footprints on our hearts.

When i miss a special person,
i don't have to go too far,
i just have to look inside my heart,
because that's always where my
special peoples are

There are many stars , but the moon is
one. There many friends , but the best
is one . To forget me , it is up to you ..
To forget you , I will
never do ."


People live ... people die , people
laugh ... people cry . Some give up
...some still try , some say HI while
some say BYE ! Others may forget
you , but never will I ! "

When all seas become dry . When all
birds leave the sky . When all friends
say goodbye . My love for you will
never die

Some1 asked me once
Have you ever missed some1 so much?
I made me Stop & think
Then i smilled coz...
i was thinking of You

A good friend is like a computer
He "ENTER" ur life
"SAVES" u in his heart
"FORMAT" ur problems
And never "DELETE" u from his memory

Its raining now
should u look out
the ************s and try
to count the numbers
of rain drops u see
filling from the sky
above thats how much
i'm missing u now

Some people come into our live
and quickly go

some stay for awhile and

leave footprints on our hearts.

<!-- google_ad_section_start -->People live ... people die , people
laugh ... people cry . Some give up
...some still try , some say HI while
some say BYE ! Others may forget
you , but never will I ! "


There are many stars , but the moon is
one. There many friends , but the best
is one . To forget me , it is up to you ..
To forget you , I will
never do ."


شذرات مُتجدده مُجدده http://kenanaonline.com/hany2012/

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نشرت فى 13 ديسمبر 2011 بواسطة hany2012

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