WHAT IS 'TEAM LEARNING'?<!--mstheme--> |
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<!--mstheme-->Team learning is more than individuals on a team who are continuously learning and upgrading their skills. It's also more than team members who are skilled at teaming - at being an effective team.<!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
<!--mstheme-->Team learning is the systematic ability of team members to raise their "collective IQ." That is, a team which has acquired this capacity for a special type of learning: <!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist-->
<!--mstheme-->has vocabulary, norms and procedures for challenging and changing its own assumptions;<!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
<!--mstheme-->has tools for seeing the bigger picture of what is going on in its part of the system, and can communicate that to other parts of the system<!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
<!--mstheme-->has mastered the disciplines of listening to one another, inquiring about underlying assumptions, and of slowing conversations down in order to reduce errors, establish shared vision and achieve results faster.<!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
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<!--mstheme-->WHEN IS TEAM LEARNING IS NEEDED?<!--mstheme--> |
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The following behaviors characterize teams that could benefit from a Team Learning Lab: <!--mstheme-->
Only some team members take ownership for team results, for how well the team is functioning, or for the team’s learning and improvement<!--mstheme-->
Some members’ contributions are ignored, stifled or discounted<!--mstheme-->
One or more members feel uncomfortable expressing his/her ideas<!--mstheme-->
One or more team members complain about how the team is doing, or about the team leader, but fail to give their feedback to the leader or to the team <!--mstheme-->
Attempts to collaborate are overshadowed by what individual “stars” contribute <!--mstheme-->
Team members do not feel free to challenge other members’ assumptions <!--mstheme-->
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<!--mstheme-->WHAT IS A 'TEAM LEARNING LAB'?<!--mstheme--> |
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<!--mstheme-->The Team Learning Lab (TLL) is a modular, group-based program designed for intact teams. Implementation can be completed in a flexible manner in the work place. TLL materials comprise a self-paced team manual, a Coach Guide, and two video cassettes featuring commentary by Peter Senge, discussion of the team learning experience at Ford by former executives Nick Zeniuk and Fred Simon, and a series of vignettes illustrating various team learning concepts.<!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
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<!--mstheme-->TEAM LEARNING LAB FORMAT<!--mstheme--> |
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<!--mstheme-->The Team Learning Lab is a flexible, 16-to-32 hour program [see note 1] comprised of four modules: <!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist-->
Module 1: Understanding Mental Models <!--mstheme-->
helps participants recognize and understand their “mental models” <!--mstheme-->
helps participants learn how to create open, honest, and meaningful conversations through tools such as the Left Hand Column, Ladder of Inference, and Advocacy and Inquiry Protocols.<!--mstheme-->
Module 2: Applying Systems Thinking <!--mstheme-->
uses Systems Mapping and archetypes to enable people to describe work situations, have meaningful dialogue about them, and begin creative problem-solving.<!--mstheme-->
Module 3: Creating Shared Vision <!--mstheme-->
guides participants in building a shared vision for the future. <!--mstheme-->
building on skills participants learn in Modules 1 and 2, Module 3 helps participants to get off the problem-solving treadmill and to leverage their efforts at bringing about systemic change.<!--mstheme-->
Module 4: Using the Tools <!--mstheme-->
integrates all the tools previously learned to create an Alignment Matrix. <!--mstheme-->
The Alignment Matrix identifies specific outcomes and daily tasks needed to be accomplished to achieve results, and helps to align the work people do with their shared vision. <!--mstheme-->
Inhibitors and enablers of these goals are addressed. <!--mstheme-->
Leverage points are identified (by focusing on systemic structures).<!--mstheme-->
uses the Alignment Matrix to create a “Roadmap for Group Success.”<!--mstheme-->
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Delivery Format: <!--mstheme-->
<!--mstheme-->In a typical Team Learning Lab, team members meet for four to eight half-day (i.e., 4-hour) sessions, spaced from one to two weeks apart. <!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
<!--mstheme-->Additional sessions can be scheduled if team members feel they want additional practice time, or if they want in-depth study of a particular topic (such as Emotional Intelligence or “Personal Mastery”). <!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
<!--mstheme-->Supplemental materials to the Team Learning Lab Manual can be supplied (such as readings from the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook or similar articles for discussion and learning). <!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
<!--mstheme-->Module 3 may be followed by a one-day “Levels of Perspective” gap analysis, team visioning, and action planning exercise.<!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
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<!--mstheme-->ADDITIONAL DESCRIPTION<!--mstheme--> |
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The TLL process allows learning teams to conduct their own "training" in short increments of time -- preferably over the course of weeks -- scheduled to minimize impact on work flow. <!--mstheme-->
Sessions are designed to be self-facilitated by team members themselves, supported by a team learning coach. <!--mstheme-->
Teams not only learn the content of Senge's Five Disciplines, but – by learning it as a team – they strengthen their team bond and get practice they need in reflection, discussion, and working effectively together. <!--mstheme-->
TLL helps change the culture of a team so that team members practice team learning behaviors.<!--mstheme-->
Team members first learn – then practice together, some basic organizational learning principles. <!--mstheme-->
They focus on gaining an understanding of their own mental models and learn how to create open, honest, meaningful conversations with others using tools such as the Left-Hand Column, the Ladder of Inference, and Advocacy and Inquiry Protocols. <!--mstheme-->
Team members then learn about and practice systems thinking, making direct application to issues currently relevant to the team.<!--mstheme-->
Once team members have some specifics tools and have practiced applying these skills to their own work, they then tackle creating a shared vision. <!--mstheme-->
The team vision is critical in helping the team identify the specific outcomes necessary for achieving their vision. Identifying outcomes helps focus the team on examining their tasks – what they’re doing now that helps achieve the vision, tasks they’re doing that don’t contribute to their vision, what they’re not doing, etc. <!--mstheme-->
<!--mstheme-->Participants report that what they like about the Team Learning Lab is that they are coached through the program, not “taught.” <!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist-->
<!--mstheme-->They work directly with other team members applying new skills to current work issues, and they do so with new ground rules for working together in place.<!--mstheme--><!--msthemelist--> |
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