Emotional disorders

Emotion is a state of emotional activity associated vehicle body and distinctive physiology, behavior, emotional behavior reflects a composite of both the emotional turbulence typically expressed or emotional.
* The disorder emotional situation where emotional responses Garmenasph to Mterha increase or decrease, the fear deep in response to the stimulus of really awful, is not troubled emotionally, but is the emotional response a normal and necessary to sustain life, and the intense fear of Mtherghyr scary, he is troubled emotionally.
Causes of emotional disorders:
* Vital reasons: Algosoralgesma, injuries and disabilities and physical deformities, and chronic illness such as epilepsy and is inconsistent with these cases.
* Psychological reasons: frustration and failure, and the conflict between sexual desire and sexual satisfaction, and not to satisfy sexual needs, and the birth of a new baby and the fear of conversion love of parents and their interest in him, especially if the first child only, rejection, hunger, emotional, and lack of security and emotional, and trauma in childhood, and stories frightening for children, and autism with parents emotionally disturbed or one of them, and infection with the fear of adults, bullying and cruelty in the transaction, and the pressure directed to the individual and the presence of the individual to new situations without the preparedness and the difficulties faced by adolescents in the consensus and solve their problems, and mental deficiency.
* Social causes: family environment troubled (delinquent behavior) and quarrel and separation, divorce, separation from parents and the absence of one or both parents, and emotional deprivation, parents Alasbaan, and disruption of the relationship between parents and children, and the method of education wrong, as in lack of wrong sex education and errors training hygiene, etc., and the band in the transaction between the brothers and prefer one sex over the other, and the parental authority of excess and to intervene too much in the affairs of the individual, and the negative attitudes of the parents, the rejection of the child and over in the care and pampering, and exciting competition is normal between children, and school environment volatile such as teachers and Thecmanm neglect, abuse and punishment, and the relationship is in trouble with colleagues and exams cruel and frightening.

The main symptoms of emotional disorders:
* Fear: The response to emotional to the stimulus is objectively understood by the individual as a threat to his being physical, psychological, and includes the fear of many types of fear (the fear disease) and fear associated with losing the security and loss of care, feelings of guilt, and fear has degrees gradient is panic and fear and fear light.
* Anxiety: a compound emotional constant fear without dramatically apparent and the tension and contraction, and ensures that the fear associated with the concern of a threat anticipated or imagined (not objectively or directly) to an entity of the individual physical, psychological, and impairs forms of mental knowledge and behavior of the individual in general, affects interaction in various forms of the disease, and daydreaming, and bad dreams and nightmare, and the rebellion, and aggression, and anxiety display serious, especially in our era dubbed by some "age of anxiety"
* Anger: It is a means to deal with the environment, endangered, and includes emergency responses, and behavior antithetical to the stimuli, threats and is accompanied by physiological changes to prepare the individual to the behavior fits the situation threatened, and anger may be a sign of strength may be a sign of weakness, it is a sign of weakness when they do not fit with the situation, and when not directed towards the source of the threat and raising a Mtaab more, and cause anger to conflict with two aspects: First, conflict with others who are on anger deprives the individual of kindness and love and affection and make him lose control on the psyche, this may be that anger in the form of aggression towards others may be that about the self, may appear in the form of bouts of anger, anger has hurt the scapegoat (a person or another position) when the individual is incapable of directing his anger to the person or position that the effects of anger, the individual may withdraw from the situation, or may be turned away my child's behavior is less in the mature form has suppressed his anger and his anger Akzm show behavioral symptoms such as evidenced by the intransigence and sabotage and infantile tantrums.
* Jealousy: a compound of the emotions of anger, hatred, sadness, fear, anxiety and aggression, and occurs when the child feels threatened, and when it loses the love and kindness and compassion.
* Depression: the patient feels melancholy and chagrin and sorrow and great sadness and bouts of crying and self-refraction without proper reason or because of trivial uncle was up to the suicide attempt.
* Stress: a sense of self and uncomfortable and the turmoil and restlessness, and dissatisfaction and quivering movements and speed, and headaches.
* Panic: a long-term tension and fear sudden and sharp Balkhtruadm sense of security.
* Physical symptoms, such as loss of appetite, and intestinal disorders, disorders of bladder function, and sensory disorders, and disorders of motor function, and fatigue, instability, and the necessary personnel mobility, sucking fingers and biting nails.
* Other symptoms, such as apathy and indifference, and the contrast emotional, and unsteadiness emotional, and deviation of emotion, and asceticism, or fun, and daydreaming, and Alasgrac in the imagination, and feelings of guilt and anomalies, and excitatory and anti-social behavior, and psychopathology and sexual, such as impotence and frigidity and the disorder of menstruation and sexual behavior, abnormal and poor marital harmony, and the delay of study, and poor compliance professional, and addiction in some cases, may be accompanied by emotional disorders weakness and loss of self-confidence and disorder of speech and behavior, and defense and ease of arousal and emotional and psychological sensitivity in general.
Treatment of emotional disorders:
* Collaboration: between the psychologist and the teacher and parents in the treatment of symptoms (according to each case) so that the client can resolve some of their own problems under the supervision and guidance, and appropriate assistance in a timely manner, however, and the introduction of the individual towards emotional maturity.
* Psychotherapy: individual and collective, and psychoanalysis, and the search for the true causes of the disorder emotional removed as appropriate, and to encourage and highlight the strengths and positive in the individual and the development of self-confidence and self-reliance and encourage success and a sense of success and responsibility, and help solve problems emotional and especially what is going on, including about a sense of guilt and anxiety, through empathy is critical and self-assertion, and the pressure through the emotional and facilitate the process of unloading emotional, and useful behavioral therapy linking emotion things unpleasant grainy and reduce the factors that promote fear and anger, jealousy, even extinguished, and to encourage individual behavior in the context of exciting experiences and attitudes gradually with an emotional and Othabth Tmonnh where stimuli overcome the unpleasant stimuli might turn unpleasant emotion such as fear.
* Counseling: for parents, especially if they were worried Asabeyen and urged them to set an example and role model in emotional behavior, and the manner defined in the proper upbringing of children.
* Treatment of the environment: the treatment of the environment to correct errors in the environment, especially for parents, and treatment of air home that must be dominated by love and kindness and affection and calm and stability, balance and freedom (may need to change the care of the child), and the proper treatment (for security) and help achieve a clear understanding of the motives and emotional feelings that lead.
* Medical treatment: the use of sedatives if necessary


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