الموقع الرسمى الخاص بالاستاذ الدكتور محمد جابر خلف الله

موقع: بحثى - تربوى - تعليمى

inimum Indicators to Assure Quality of LMS-supported Blended Learning

Robert A. Ellis

Institute of Teaching and Learning, Carslaw F07, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia, [email protected] // Fax: +61 2 9351 4331


Rafael A. Calvo

Dept of Electrical and Information Engineering, J13, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia, [email protected]


ABSTRACT: This study describes a set of institutional indicators that suggest minimum standards for the quality assurance of learning supported by learning management systems in blended contexts. The indicators are evaluated by comparing seven universities that use a common learning management system to support student learning experiences. The responses to a qualitative questionnaire provide evidence of how the participating universities approach leadership, policy making, development, and evaluation as they relate to the quality assurance of learning management systems. A comparison among the universities reveals that they tend to have a better understanding of technical rather than educational issues related to quality assurance. A case is made for the need for universities to address key areas in order to reliably assure the quality of learning supported by learning management systems.

المصدر: د محمد جابر خلف الله (نقلا عن مجلة ducational Technology & Society

أ. د/ مـحمـد جـابـر خـلف الله

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5 تصويتات / 371 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 21 مارس 2011 بواسطة azhar-gaper

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دمحمد جابر خلف الله

دمحمد جابر خلف الله- أستاذ تكنولوجيا التعليم بكلية التربية جامعة الأزهر »

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