د.علاء الدين محمد مدين والشهرة (د. علاء مدين)


د. علاء الدين محمد مدين            كلية الزراعة – جامعة المنيا – مصر.

د.  محمود محمدرفاعي        المعمل المركزي للزراعة العضوية – الجيزة – مصر.




تم دراسة التأثير الفردي والمشترك لاستخدام فيتامينات B (ب1 + ب2 + ب6 + ب12) ب وكذلك الحامض الأميني التربتوفان والميثيونين بتركيز 50 جزء في المليون علي الإثمار في العنب الطومسون سيدلس خلال موسمي 2010، 2011.


أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلي أن الاستخدام الفردي والمشترك لفيتامينات B والحامض الأميني التربتوفان والميثيونين كان فعالا جدا في تحسين مساحة الورقة والنسب المئوية لعناصر النيتروجين والفوسفور والبوتاسيوم والماغنيسيوم في الأوراق وكمية المحصول وجودة الحبات وذلك بالمقارنة بعدم الاستخدام وكان استخدام الاحماض الأمينية مفضلا عن استخدام فيتامينات  B في هذا الصدد وكان استخدام فيتامينات B جنبا الي جنب مع الأحماض الأمينية مفضلا عن استخدام كل منهما بمفرده في هذا الصدد.


كان استخدام ثلاثة رشات من مخلوط يحتوي علي فيتامينات B (ب1 + ب2 + ب6 + ب12) جنبا الي جنب مع الحامض الأميني التربتوفان والميثيونين بتركيز 50 جزء في المليون فعالا في تحسين كمية المحصول كما ونوعا في العنب الطومسون سيدلس.










Alaa M. Madian* and Mahmoud M. Refaai**




* Fac. of Agric. Minia Univ. Egypt.




** Organic Agric. Center Laboratory, Giza, Egypt.












The effect of single and combined applications of B vitamins (B1+ B2+ B6+ B12) at 50 ppm as well as the two amino acids tryptophane and methionene each at 50 ppm on fruiting of Thompson seedless grapevines were investigated during 2010 and 2011 seasons.


Results showed that single and combined applications of vitamins B and such two vitamins was very effective in improving the leaf area, percentages of N, P, K and Mg in the leaves, yield and quality of the grapes comparing with non- application. Application of amino acids was superior than the application of B vitamins in this respect. Application of B vitamins enriched with amino acids was preferable than using each alone in this connection.


Three sprays of a mixture containing B vitamins (B1+ B2+ B6+ B12) at 50 ppm as well as the two amino acids tryptophane and methionene each at 50 ppm proved to be very effective in improving yield quantitively and qualitatively of Thompson seedless grapevines.








Recently, it was suggested that vitamins and amino acids participate in plant growth and development indirectly by enhancing the endogenous levels of various growth factors such as cytokinins and gibberellins. They are synthesized in the leaves and translocated in the phloem. For more than two decades, study of the role of these antioxidants in plants has attracted sporadic attention. These studies have indicated that various physiological processes such as nutrient uptake, respiration, photosynthesis as well as chlorophyll and protein synthesis depend more or less on the availability of these antioxidants (Samiullah et al., 1988 and Tzeng and Devay, 1989).


Several workers confirmed the promotive effect of B vitamins (Ahmed and Seleem- Basma, 2008; Abd El- Kariem, 2009; Abada and Abd El- Hameed, 2009; Ahmed et al., 2010; El- Hanafy, 2011 and Wassel et al., 2011) and amino acids (Ahmed and Abd El- Hameed, 2003; Ahmed et al., 2007; Amin, 2007 and Seleem- Basma and Abd El- Hameed, 2008) on fruiting of different grapevine cvs.


The target of this study was testing the impact of B vitamins as well as the two amino acids tryptophane and methionene either applied solitary or applied in various combinations on fruiting of Thompson seedless grapevines.




This study was conducted during 2010 and 2011 seasons on 48 uniform in vigour 16- years old head trained Thompson seedless grapevines grown in a private vineyard located at Samalout district, Minia Governorate. The texture of soil is silty clay. Vine load for all the selected vines was adjusted to 72 eyes (10 fruiting spurs × six eyes plus six replacement spurs × two eyes). The vines are planted at 2 × 2 meters apart. Surface irrigation system was followed. All the selected vines received the common horticultural practices that are already applied in the vineyard except those dealing with application of B vitamins and amino acids.


This experiment included the following eight treatments:


1-    Control (untreated vines).


2-    Spraying B vitamins (B1+ B2+ B6+ B12) at 50 ppm.


3-    Spraying tryptophane at 50 ppm.


4-    Spraying methionene at 50 ppm.


5-    Spraying tryptophane + Methionene each at 50 ppm.


6-    Spraying tryptophane + B vitamins each at 50 ppm.


7-    Spraying methionene + B vitamins each at 50 ppm.


8-    Spraying tryptophane + Methionene + B vitamins each at 50 ppm.


Each treatment was replicated three times, two vines per each. B- vitamins and the two amino acids were sprayed three times during each season at growth start (mid. of Mar.), just after berry setting (last week April) and at one month later (last week of May). Triton B as a wetting agent was added at 0.05 % to all the treatments including the check treatment. Spraying was done till runoff. Complete randomized block design was followed.


Leaf area (cm2) (according to Ahmed and Morsy, 1999) and percentages of N, P, K and Mg in the leaves (according to Chapman and Pratt, 1965 and Balo et al., 1988) were determined. At harvesting date (mid. July), number of clusters/ vine as well as yield expressed in weight (kg.) per vine were recorded. Five cluster/ vine were taken for measuring cluster weight (g.), berry weight (g.), total soluble solids %, total sugars % and total acidity % expressed as g tartaric acid/ 100 ml juice (A.O.A.C, 1995).


The proper statistical analysis was done using new L.S.D at 5 % for doing all possible differences among the different treatments (according to Mead et al., 1993).    




1-    Leaf area and its content of N, P, K  and Mg:-


It is clear from the data in Table (1) that varying B vitamins and amino acid treatments had significant differences on the leaf area and percentages of N, P, K and Mg in the leaves rather than non- application. Application of tryptophane and methionene was superior than the application of B vitamins in stimulating the leaf area and its content of these nutrients. The promotion on these characters was associated with using such two amino acids along with B vitamins comparing with using each singly. The maximum values were recorded with using B vitamins and the two amino acids (tryptophane and methionene) each at 50 ppm together. Untreated vines had the minimum values. These results were true during 2010 and 2011 seasons.


The promoting effect of B vitamins and amino acids as antioxidants on enhancing cell division, root development and uptake of different nutrients (Samiullah et al., 1988 and Tzeng and Devay, 1989) explained the present results.


These results are in harmony with those obtained by Abd El- Kariem (2009); Abada and Abd El- Hameed (2009) and Wassel et al., (2011) on B vitamins and Ahmed et al., (2007); Amin (2007) and Seleem- Basma and Abd El- Hameed (2008) on amino acids.






2-    Yield/ vine :-


Data in Tables (1& 2) clearly show that single and combined applications of B- vitamins and the two amino acids namely tryptophane and methionene each at 50 ppm was significantly very effective in improving the yield expressed in number of clusters/ vine and weight (kg.) comparing with the check treatment. In the first season of study, number of clusters per vine did not alter significantly with the present treatments. Using the two amino acids was significantly preferable than using B- vitamins in improving the yield. Combined application of B- vitamins with the two amino acids surpassed the application of each alone in this respect. The highest yields (8.2 and 11.6 kg per vine) during both seasons were recorded with using B vitamins and the two amino acids together. Untreated vines produced the minimum values (6.2 and 6.5 kg during both seasons, respectively). These results were true during both seasons.


The positive action of these antioxidants on growth and vine nutritional status surely reflected on enhancing vine production.


These results are in harmony with those obtained by Abd El- Kariem (2009); Abada and Abd El- Hameed (2009) and Wassel et al., (2011) on B vitamins and Ahmed et al., (2007); Amin (2007) and Seleem- Basma and Abd El- Hameed (2008) on amino acids.


3-     Some physical and chemical characteristics of the berries:


It is evident from the data in Table (2) that single and combined applications of B- vitamins as well as the two amino acids significantly were responsible for improving both physical and chemical characteristics of the grapes in terms of increasing berry weight, total soluble solids % and total sugars % and reducing total acidity % comparing with the check treatment. Combined applications of these antioxidants had significant effect on quality of the grapes. Using amino acids was superior than using B vitamins in this connection. The best results with regard to quality were obtained due to using B- vitamins along with the two amino acids each at 50 ppm. Unfavourable effects on quality parameters were recorded on untreated vines. Similar trend was noticed during both seasons.


The beneficial effect of these antioxidants on the biosynthesis and translocation of sugars (Samiullah et al., 1988) could result in enhancing quality of the grapes.


These results are in harmony with those obtained by Abd El- Kariem (2009); Abada and Abd El- Hameed (2009) and Wassel et al., (2011) on B vitamins and Ahmed et al., (2007); Amin (2007) and Seleem- Basma and Abd El- Hameed (2008) on amino acids.


As a conclusion, it is advisable to use B vitamins and the two amino acids together three times each at 50 ppm to promote yield quantitively and qualitatively.





Abada, M. A. M. and Abd El- Hameed, H. M. (2009): Response of Thompson seedless grapevines to spraying some vitamins. Minia J. of Agric. Res.& Develop. Vol. (29) No. 3 pp 371-389.


Abd El- Kariem, A.M. (2009): Relation of fruiting in Crimson seedless grapevines to spraying antioxidants. M. Sc. Thesis Fac. of Agric. Minia Univ. Egypt.


Ahmed, A. H. and Abd El- Hameed, H. M (2003): Growth, uptake of some nutrients and productivity of Red Roomy vines as affected by spraying of some amino acids, magnesium and boron. Minia J. of Agric. Res. & Develop. 23 (4): 649 – 666.


Ahmed, F. F and Morsy, M. H. (1999): A new method for measuring leaf area in different fruit species. Minia. J. of Agric .Rec. & Dev.19: 97-105.


Ahmed, F. F. and Seleem- Basma, M. (2008): Trials for improving yield and quality of Thompson seedless grapes by using some antioxidants. Minia J. of Agric. Res. & Develop Vol. (28) No. 1 pp. 1-11.


Ahmed, F.F.; Abd El- Aziz, F. H. and Abd El- Kariem A. M. (2010): Relation of fruiting in Crimson seedless grapevines to spraying some antioxidants. Proceeding of Minia 2nd Conference of Agric. & Environ. Sci. Agric.& Develop. Scopes. March 2 – 24 pp. 103 – 112.


Ahmed, F. F.; Mohamed, M. A.; Abd El- Aal, A. M. K. and Amin, M. M. (2007): Response of Red Roomy grapevines. to application of amino acids and some micronutrients. The third Conf. of Sustain Agric. and develop. Fac. of Agric. Fayoum Univ.12–14 Nov. 2007. pp. 247 – 258.


Amin, M. M. A. (2007): Response of Red Roomy grapevines to application of amino acids and some micronutrients. M. Sc. Thesis Fac. of Agric. Minia Univ. Egypt.


Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (1995): Official Methods of Analysis (A.O.A.C), 12th Ed. Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington D.C. U.S.A. pp. 490 – 510.


Balo, E.; Prilesszky, G.; Happ, I.; Kaholami, M. and Vega. L. (1988): Soil improvement and the use of leaf analysis for forecasting nutrient requirements of grapes. Potash Review (Subject 9, 2nd suite, No. 61: 1-5).


Chapman, H. D. and Pratt, P. P. (1965): Methods of Analysis for Soils Plants and Water. Univ. of California. Division of Agric., Sci. 172 – 173.


El- Hanafy, W. M. F. (2011): The role of some antioxidants on improving vines productivity in Red Roomy grapevine vineyard. M. Sc. Thesis Fac. of Agric. Minia Univ. Egypt.


Mead, R.; Currow, R. N. and Harted, A. M. (1993): Statistical Methods in Agricultural and Experimental Biology. Second Ed. Chapman & Hall London. pp 10 - 44.


Samiullah, S. A.; Ansari, M. M. and Afridi, R. K. (1988): B- vitamins in relation to crop productivity. Ind. Re. Life, Sci. 8: 51- 74.


Seleem – Basma, M and Abd El- Hmeed, H. M. (2008): Effect of the stimulant aminoquelant- Ca on yield and berries quality of Thompson seedless grapevines. Minia. J. of Agric. Res. & Develop. Vol. (28) No. 1 pp 13 – 21.


Tzeng, D. D. and Devay, J. E. (1989): Biocidal activity of mixtures of methionine and riboflavin against plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria and possible modes of action. Mycologia, 81: 404 – 412.


Wassel, A. M. M.; Ahmed, F. F.; El- Mamlouk, E. A. H. and Fekry, W. M. E. (2011): Reliefing clusters looseness and shot berries in Red Roomy grapevine cultivar by using some antioxidants. Minia J. of Agric. Res.& Develop. Vol. (31): No. 2 pp 17 – 29.








المصدر: REFERENCES Abada, M. A. M. and Abd El- Hameed, H. M. (2009): Response of Thompson seedless grapevines to spraying some vitamins. Minia J. of Agric. Res.& Develop. Vol. (29) No. 3 pp 371-389. Abd El- Kariem, A.M. (2009): Relation of fruiting in Crimson seedless grapevines to spraying antioxidants. M. Sc. Thesis Fac. of Agric. Minia Univ. Egypt. Ahmed, A. H. and Abd El- Hameed, H. M (2003): Growth, uptake of some nutrients and productivity of Red Roomy vines as affected by spraying of some amino acids, magnesium and boron. Minia J. of Agric. Res. & Develop. 23 (4): 649 – 666. Ahmed, F. F and Morsy, M. H. (1999): A new method for measuring leaf area in different fruit species. Minia. J. of Agric .Rec. & Dev.19: 97-105. Ahmed, F. F. and Seleem- Basma, M. (2008): Trials for improving yield and quality of Thompson seedless grapes by using some antioxidants. Minia J. of Agric. Res. & Develop Vol. (28) No. 1 pp. 1-11. Ahmed, F.F.; Abd El- Aziz, F. H. and Abd El- Kariem A. M. (2010): Relation of fruiting in Crimson seedless grapevines to spraying some antioxidants. Proceeding of Minia 2nd Conference of Agric. & Environ. Sci. Agric.& Develop. Scopes. March 2 – 24 pp. 103 – 112. Ahmed, F. F.; Mohamed, M. A.; Abd El- Aal, A. M. K. and Amin, M. M. (2007): Response of Red Roomy grapevines. to application of amino acids and some micronutrients. The third Conf. of Sustain Agric. and develop. Fac. of Agric. Fayoum Univ.12–14 Nov. 2007. pp. 247 – 258. Amin, M. M. A. (2007): Response of Red Roomy grapevines to application of amino acids and some micronutrients. M. Sc. Thesis Fac. of Agric. Minia Univ. Egypt. Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (1995): Official Methods of Analysis (A.O.A.C), 12th Ed. Benjamin Franklin Station, Washington D.C. U.S.A. pp. 490 – 510. Balo, E.; Prilesszky, G.; Happ, I.; Kaholami, M. and Vega. L. (1988): Soil improvement and the use of leaf analysis for forecasting nutrient requirements of grapes. Potash Review (Subject 9, 2nd suite, No. 61: 1-5). Chapman, H. D. and Pratt, P. P. (1965): Methods of Analysis for Soils Plants and Water. Univ. of California. Division of Agric., Sci. 172 – 173. El- Hanafy, W. M. F. (2011): The role of some antioxidants on improving vines productivity in Red Roomy grapevine vineyard. M. Sc. Thesis Fac. of Agric. Minia Univ. Egypt. Mead, R.; Currow, R. N. and Harted, A. M. (1993): Statistical Methods in Agricultural and Experimental Biology. Second Ed. Chapman & Hall London. pp 10 - 44. Samiullah, S. A.; Ansari, M. M. and Afridi, R. K. (1988): B- vitamins in relation to crop productivity. Ind. Re. Life, Sci. 8: 51- 74. Seleem – Basma, M and Abd El- Hmeed, H. M. (2008): Effect of the stimulant aminoquelant- Ca on yield and berries quality of Thompson seedless grapevines. Minia. J. of Agric. Res. & Develop. Vol. (28) No. 1 pp 13 – 21. Tzeng, D. D. and Devay, J. E. (1989): Biocidal activity of mixtures of methionine and riboflavin against plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria and possible modes of action. Mycologia, 81: 404 – 412. Wassel, A. M. M.; Ahmed, F. F.; El- Mamlouk, E. A. H. and Fekry, W. M. E. (2011): Reliefing clusters looseness and shot berries in Red Roomy grapevine cultivar by using some antioxidants. Minia J. of Agric. Res.& Develop. Vol. (31): No. 2 pp 17 – 29.
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نشرت فى 23 ديسمبر 2013 بواسطة alaamadian

د.علاء الدين محمد مدين محمود

هدف الموقع هو نشر ثقافة العلوم الزراعية والتنمية وادارة الاعمال المزرعية وزيادة انتاجية المحاصيل الزراعية وتنمية الموارد الذاتية وحلول المشكلات المتعلقة بالزراعة حلولا جوهرية وواقعية وايضا صناعة الزراعة او الزراعة المصنعة والزراعة النظيفة والآمنة »


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