موقع الدكتور عباس علام

للبحوث والدراسات التربوية

المجلة التربوية . مجلة علمية محكمة تصدر عن كلية التربية بسوهاج – جامعة جنوب الوادى – العدد السابع عشر – يناير 2002 م . The current study aimed at investigating the effects of an integrated process-product approach to writing instruction on developing the creative writing skills of first-year EFL majors at Sohag faculty of Education More specifically, the study aimed at assessing the effects of the process-product approach to writing instruction on first-year EFL majors: (a) knowledge of the writing processes and product. (b) creative narrative writing skills. And (c) attitudes toward writing in English as a foreign language. For that purpose the researcher constructed and validated a training program based on the proposed approach, an achievement test, a test of creative writing skills, and an attitude scale. The sample of the study involved seventy-four students from amongst first-year EFL majors at Sohag Faculty of Education. They were randomly chosen from the population of the first-year EFL majors. Then chosen were randomly assigned to a control group and an experimental group. The experimental group students were taught writing using the integrated process-product approach while the control students did not receive such instructional treament. The training program was introduced by the researcher to the experimental group students in the second semester of the academic year 2000-2001 for about two months beginning on march & 2001 and ending on May 2. 2001. This was preceded by a pilot study of the suggested training program to decide on its applicability, timing, and suitability for first-year EFL majors levels. By the end of training both study groups were post tested using the achievement test, the test of creating writing, and the attitude scale. Findings of the study indicated that the process-product approach to writing instruction had significant effects on improving the experimental group EFL majors knowledge of the writing processes and products: upgrading their creative writing skills: and fostering more positive attitudes toward writing in English as a foreign language as compared to the control group students. Based on these resulls, it was recommended that: (a) EFL teachers at various educational levels be trained in the implementation of the integrated process-product approsch to writing instruction: (b) writing syllabi along EFL majors four-year study program be designed taking into account the utilization of integrated process-product approach and the development of student creativity in different modes of writing and: (c) preservice as well as in service EFL teachers be systematically trained in fostering and evaluating creativity in the language arts especially writing.

المصدر: http://www.khayma.com
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14 تصويتات / 522 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 20 ديسمبر 2010 بواسطة abbasallam

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