Rising again we are
Dedicated to the red nation


Five hundred years of survival

And still facing the evil

Rising again we are

The moment is not far

The red nation will rise again

Awareness will begin

To protect mother earth

A new life cycle birth


المصدر: Rising again we are: a poem by Nada Amine Awar
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ند ى أمين الاعور

Nada Amine Awar Mosaitbeh, Donnawi Street, Azar Bldg., 7th Floor Beirut, Lebanon Phone: +961 76715513 Email: [email protected] Name Nada Amine Awar Birth date 4- 1- 1957 Sex Female Marital status Single Nationality Lebanese EDUCATION October, 2018 Udemy, Michael Dale instructor, online course, Laughter Yoga, Completion Certificate. September, 2018 Udemy, Marco »


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