Revolutionary Palestinian radio (1968 - 1982)

Experience of broadcasting during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982

Posted on Saturday, 1 September (September 2007)


Radio Palestinian revolution, not Kimaap like the rest of radio stations accepted, it is broadcast with special color and have a character with a meaning is clear Iranian radio Palestinian Radio, Palestinian resistance with its own history, they are not broadcast to the decrees as well as not making imaginary victories or to broadcast data that reflect the coup as well as not Radio messages of support. It is spoken on behalf of the voices of the martyrs who have gone to their own people and their cause, they are the mouthpiece of the voice of the people and continue through the resonance of migration and displacement Newsletters Palestinian Arab people and the armed revolution.

She has a special character in perform both in the Bulletin news in their distinct and derived from the people and she reached the Palestinians in difficult times was seen as a president, pillars of the Palestinian revolution, the movement of a news revolution and learn how to act in respect of any serious incident plagued him as a voice of the Palestinian revolution, the Voice of Palestine .

Since the early days of the Israeli invasion decides on the radio that is away listeners from sliding regular accounts, which leads to despair has been initiated to mobilize the masses and combatants towards realistic goals, to prolong the battle and cause maximum casualties on the enemy and the objectives and realistic as possible, and has been achieved and where visited Yasser Arafat, for the first time the radio during the siege of Beirut, the Israelis and met most of the staff of the radio for three hours, engaged in a dialogue rich in the light of candles on one idea in "What is the horizon of the battle, and was of the view Arafat in this matter very simple and the rear .. I have decided steadfastness and confrontation and rejected offers to get out safely under the banner of the Red Cross for two main reasons: First, political reality of our understanding of a war in Lebanon should not be the last day in the march of the revolution, but must be transformed into a way station, so you must be longer this battle until he gives the enemy a price price reactions and understandings between this war seriously within Israeli society, this would be a good atmosphere for the resumption of the conflict and to continue it.

The second reason, which is moral, in love this revolution to the people who succumb under the weight of conspiracy and complicity and failure. Increased significantly from the tournament unique feed upon generations, from which incentives to continue to solve our understanding as a result of this cruel war has visited upon us, what it would be great to withstand. (1)

Radio was tantamount to a declaration on the fact that the Palestinian revolution, continuous struggle is intense and has tried to Israel, Even desperately phenomenon of the destruction of Radio succeeded the first time when it was broadcasting the main direction sent from the High syrup, near Sidon, but were unable to radio for the duration of the broadcast on the radio standby mobile and after leaving the from Beirut, according to Nabil Amr, that he has read in one of the Arab press statements by Israeli military leaders stating that the Voice of Palestine Radio was the top priority of goals scored on your tasks Israeli aircraft, and complements saying when I read the news refreshed in memory and facts of that terrible day he fell on the radio and at the gates of dozens of missiles destroyed .. We were then in a cellar located behind the Jordanian embassy in Beirut, the focus was clearly on that point, despite the absence of any military target there.

I've moved the radio five times for three months has been decided to transfer the radio to exploit the period of suspension at noon, but based on the willingness of engineers, workers decided to transfer night and was at the beginning of the Israeli invasion was the work of young engineers Jihad, Thaer, Riad, Ahmed Hassan Abu Hussein, Khalid Al-Safadi , who were unloading the installation of broadcast equipment in a new location until all deployed in Beirut when the shelling was continuing to Beirut did not see the others on the roofs of buildings supply the antenna up or exploring appropriate to set up their equipment.

Radio was working a one-room mobilize all workers on the radio for sixteen hours of them came from the heart of the Fatah movement and some of them belong to leftist political party and some of them embrace the national idea but they are all in the siege of Beirut, and they found themselves members of the new party is a party of common destiny . Voice of Palestine .. Voice of the Palestinian revolution, the fourth of June 1982, appeared shortly after two o'clock, the radio room and papers in the district Alvakeani filled with workers, and was traveling "Voice of Palestine"

<!--<!-- Radio programs:

In the second minute Aserbioni write a loop to the program "Good Morning" a setback the fifth of June and was working hope (*) reviewed by The Yes was in the corner down the newspapers, some of the guests open their journals available on the tables of editors, Yusuf Hassan, moving in the corridors of the building and suddenly burst Everything bombardment was hundreds of meters away and everyone felt as if the building has been transformed into rubble according to Yusuf Hassan, a working radio (2).

The sixth day of June 1982 and at about one o'clock pm stopped Voice of Palestine at that time was intended for the news bulletin a rich view of the political situation and the military where the war was started two days ago and everyone was watching the invasion destruction of Lebanon.

Nabil Amr, was the appreciation that the cause of downtime is the Israeli bombardment, however, humanism for optimism portrayed me even slightly likely to be caused by just a technical malfunction, such as those which we apologize about from time to time, I have initiated since the first moment to contact the Engineering Section to know the truth of the situation and address the technical error was the preparation of alternative station which is a car carrying two large full-fledged broadcasting twenty kilos and with a strong desire to be what happened to the main station .. With fifty kilos just a technical error but it began dealing with the new situation on the basis of that radio key has stopped working altogether which it is necessary to prepare the ground for the work of a radio in extremely difficult conditions (3) Here we must mention the uncomfortable fact is that the Israeli aircraft, which able to bomb the main station, can do the same thing with alternative station after a major broadcasting hours were ambiguity and confusion because it had not identified the cause to stop and the radio had been completely destroyed by the massive air raids.

However, the revolution she had a seat of an emergency broadcast on behalf of the site 95 and when there were two ready for work, one strong kilos and one is enough to cover the Beirut area and some of the mountain and the other strongly twenty kilos did not know how far up, but I think as has been said that it was up to the occupied territories in Israel It was much better than nothing.

Nabil Amr, in his book the days of love and siege "Yasser Arafat asked me to be a concise report under the title (we have the radio now) with the presentation of proposals provide disaster hangs over the main station and ordered to provide the necessary facilities to provide a safe place to broadcast mobile.

Complete Nabil Amr, "during the debate at the highest levels to put us radio suggested that one of the brothers to go to Arab capitals in order to obtain plant alternative if poor Arab States Broadcasting powerful audio .. and apologized for accepting this proposal, and submitted an alternative proposal that it be brothers Leaders Who outside Lebanon contacts with whomever they want from the Arabs for the opening of a station or a new program has taken my suggestion and I learned later that no one had responded, of course, the Arab brothers "(4). Work has already started plants alternatives after ten hours of downtime, where the main relay station is located high above the name "Cyprob" near the city of Sidon. This was the most important leg of the relay stations for at least it was known to the public. The public here does not differentiate between the relay station and the studio any station transmitter.

Attended work in radio alternative in the new situation and massed cadres in the shelter of "95" where he began working daily to send a radio message addressed to the fighters a voice Yasser Arafat and walked the radio airwaves, stating that war, the fiercest of all that preceded them burn now on Lebanese territory. And popular armed resistance is the guarantor of continuity and in radio first comment was "that the prospect of battle is the continuation of confrontation and cause the greatest number of casualties among the aggressors" (5).

The day following the opening of the plant alternative, joined to a working radio, a number of new cadres, "said Nabil Amr," We have faced a real crisis in securing a proper place for all, we did not find a way to be solved only by proliferation in several locations and to coordinate communication between these sites and centers on the basis that existing means of communication at that moment, the telephone and the car vulnerable to destruction at any moment, and agreed to alternate the collection of materials and provide the Centre with them even if it takes to walk five kilometers to move one (6). and here this afternoon a new position and its components were as follows:

<!--<!--  Disorder and the normal means of communication and the possibility of interruption at any moment. 
<!--<!--  Israeli warplanes continued threat and the need to address the situation the least amount of emotion and confusion. 
<!--<!--  Last large crowd of mostly cadres did not participate in the radio before the war, and every one of these has a political diligence which may not correspond with the line of radio and method of handling of the events and I've been dealing with these new elements as follows:

• Solving the problem of the connection as mentioned earlier. • For aviation, it is indispensable to strengthen the spirit of the challenge and get a feel for the risk and benefit from the illusion that the shelter enough even relatively prevention of death, but the strike building of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Beirut and Arab fortification very ruin removed this illusion once and from the hearts of all workers remained working the will and the nobility of the revolutionary engine deep strongest for these workers. • As for the political line of the radio was agreed as follows:

First: In the meeting fast workers agreed to define the volume of the ongoing battle is a battle unusual is expected to drag on towards an unprecedented and that of the fiercest fighting encountered by the Palestinian revolution in its history and on this basis must pay the level of mobilization over the radio to the limits .

Second: that the intensity of the Israeli invasion and use of all weapons, including all the taboos and the possibility to reach the battle to the heart of Beirut, arranged on the workers a different pattern of treatment, there is the possibility of loss every day to a new location so it must be clear to all commentators and broadcasters how to advertise for the fall of any site thereby avoiding the dangers of the public in the rhythm of the cycle of confusion, frustration and psychological breakdown. And ensure that workers create an atmosphere of trust radio and deal with the facts consistently. Each should broadcasters have to absorb the facts and be passed on to the public an intelligent manner and have agreed on a broad framework to address the focus on evidence of living which embodies the importance of this type of confrontation, taking care to not be a theory of evidence .. But are based on confessions of the enemy, or of the neutral parties, the subject could not joint forces are fighting the Israeli army armed with the latest products, machinery of death of America, but it should decide the form of confrontation in cold blood as much as possible, remove the halo frightening face of the invaders, the Zionists and their war machine frightening and make all employees, fighters and the people that make the decision heroic realistic.

Thirdly: crowd of radio anti-Arabic-speaking world since the first day, most notably the Voice of Israel was broadcast at the beginning of the war without stopping, and the Voice of Lebanon Phalanges which served as a source of news and intelligence to the Israeli Radio was broadcasting implement a plan of psychological concentrated, and thus was on Palestinian radio address this war, and to respond to the details and time ambushes a manner effective without being drawn to the circle of immediate self-defense, but the adoption of offensive defenses, for example, when promoted by the Voice of Lebanon's Phalange the news of artificial effect, the collapse of the joint command and the martyrdom of a number of them dealt with the Palestinian Broadcasting position to broadcast an official statement shortly denies this News has been strengthened this statement to suspend the radio was explaining the reasons for asylum enemy to such news, the main reason is the bankruptcy of the invasion in the events of collapse, which makes the leaders of the invasion to resort to lies, and to finish off this kind of psychological warfare, conducted a representative of radio interviews with leaders who had allegedly killed, and in this way in the confrontation recorded radio a valuable point in the range of radio stations, creating an atmosphere hostile public positive news for the radio and the revolution and completely negative on most news was broadcast on the radio hostile.

Fourth: The nature of the battle must be reflected clearly on the general line of the radio and not to expect the public in a dilemma that what is happening is a battle of destiny though the loss of the revolution is over and crushed the Palestinian cause. Was inevitably for the radio show the importance of the battle with a focus on broad policy directions that reflect the sustainability of the revolution, and the case was to be In extreme circumstances, to speak calmly and confidently principles of the revolution, and the depth of the Palestinian cause the hearts of the Arab world and has been careful already gather all the statements and instructions of the Zionist side or the American or Western understood clearly that the revolution continues, supported by the facts of living, such as Antkadp the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel and the political interactions that occur at the international level and to confirm conclusively that the movement of Palestinian people continues, and that the leaders of the Palestine Liberation Organization will remain at the heart of events and the Palestinian issue will become more entrenched at all levels, and it was evident to be talking about a clear vision of just peace and not caving in to the war and the blockade and the lack of parity, but we must plant the seeds of the future from the revolution continues, both won the battle or retracted to positions new.

It was all working in radio Mistoobein just those facts which make up the general line of the radio during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, so employees do not need a radio to control the written material, and they were able to express this battle with minimal errors.

Yusuf Hassan, is the announcer on duty for the morning, which begins at seven o'clock and continue until the eleventh While Joseph was armed with the experience of eight years of the radio continued and most of his experience in the times of war, except that he needed to be reminded of the importance of reading quiet even in the severe shelling, Reading thoughts or Alojdaniet which was written by Aserbioni and Amjad Nasser Qsaidahma can not read the same way that you read the comments of pure aggression and Michelle Nimri, we have Joseph was quick to respond has resulted in its role efficiently. Here, it must be mentioned, which said Nabil Amr, Director of Broadcasting for Yusuf Hassan Yusuf was talking about the impression if the Zionist tanks reached the door of the radio responded immediately we go out, "Bklashenatna" and meet until the last drop of blood. The reason for the length of the broadcast was necessary to create daily problems emerging. Here is the unique capacity to deal with problems and surprises. It has happened one day that was attended by Yusuf Hassan, one of the presenters new trainees called for the implementation of the morning did not attend the engineer on duty because he is busy in the transfer of his family of his victim to a safer place, and had acted Joseph about this situation as well as cost engineer, transmission, operation of studio and mobility between him and the transmitter, the appeal on the radio calling for all engineers to come to the site has heard Taher al-Adwan deputy chief of the radio, Vaantaph serious concern, proceed immediately to the site to find the majority of engineers was held a meeting quickly deployed when the tasks are more accurate than the previous cost broadcasters ways to take precautions training in operation and since that meeting has not happened to the radio only one big problem will be mentioned later.

Causing heavy shelling and all the places in Beirut and the Israeli air because of the concern for the radio and search for them. It was necessary to find an answer to this fear of bombing away the specter of fear and confusion and ensures the maintenance of the radio. The focus was on the radio alternative concern of officials and radio that stems from the sense that finds broadcasters themselves without the radio due to damage to the radio, which had been expected at any moment, I have been processing alternative is relatively safe and I think that I may not at this stage at least, going through our people and our Revolution j Lebanon to delineate more details, but in the general framework could be argued that the most important radio station of the Palestinian uprising, which power twenty kilos and put in place is difficult to detect was a working system to ensure the continuation of the radio even if I stood Site 95, which has been a safe chance to middle of the war. And site 95 which is a haven narrow used as a store of wood is under the building of six floors were completely free of the population saw the pictures of profound human dimensions, and has included his room wet and narrow more like a plow a small community arose among its members relationship special in which a deep love and pain of joint and wait for the collective to an unknown fate him to collapse the building, everyone Yes to all without exception.

Nabil Amr mentioned in his memoirs that "intense political debate between Amjad Nasser al-Shaer Jordanian fighter and James Shaheen, who was in radio since the war began before he left to his post in the Palestinian Broadcasting, from Algeria .. The debate has raged up to the edge of the clash, violent have exchanged Alkadran "statements critical of harsh, I watched the fight violent political, and I hear, despite our being in the shelter sounds large explosions around us but the other Michelle Nimri - well-known journalist - surprised Brod nerve and Mifleh harsh tone glaring at me, man - Are you a radio officer or a mere bystander to what is happening? I replied coolly provocative, now I spectators and there was silence about a minute and then I called Amjad and Jacob to sit down, and noted that everyone is watching the process of resolving the problem with great interest, I do not remember what I said in those moments, but I am absolutely certain that the two felt there the magnitude of error was defined when the stick Amjad and Jacob in the arms of long and each went to work.

Was - yes - is the only girl working radio before joining for work in radio - Salwa mayors - and yes Faris, Girl Lebanese southern village Ahor was moving between the studio and editing room and the goal was a broadcaster Trainee retreat article many times and eagerly before the lodge However, during The battle was facing the audience on the air and has performed great, yes, the proponent introducing new patterns in broadcasting on the radio, it was suggested that there is a series of daily reality of war, and also suggested to be half work outside the studio that is producing the New Songs have already been changing the plan drawn up by, yes, and the program is a series of daily prepared under the title "Wesley fasting," where was broadcast about thirty episodes of the program in the war as well, yes, were had over a hundred recorded in the outposts was the bands visual outbursts bombs and attack the rebel aircraft, and new songs which top the success of Yes has recorded the location of combatants during her visit them, accompanied by Egyptian Artists, Adly Fakhry and Zine El Abidine Fouad, the most prominent of these songs from "patient to the lighthouse" "the gates of Beirut", "SA arms Lima with me" And why afraid of the embargo, "which took place at all Kaltaoivp tabs, including:

Lima SA arms with me

And why I am afraid of the siege

My heart is divorced Bmdfie

The bone and blood fire war

Rvqati seven ambush

Cry-rattling Mount

If true, Lima Ghazoa Win

Your voice hero meets Meh

It was a yes, a member of the Fatah movement, and taught in more than one device and the Foundation, before settling in radio, trained to arms and lived among the masses, in love with the national, "said Abrahams Shiah," the dream of Palestine paid for harm to Lebanon has been martyred, "Yes" in Beirut as it moves between sites combatants under the bombardment of the aircraft. Site Radio Index Radio is the number of "thousand and one hundred" have noted the audience that a technical fault behaved radio and impact negatively on the degree and clarity of sound drive, try hard to redress the imbalance during the broadcast, but to no avail and it was the opinion of engineers, Ahmed, Jihad combined to stop broadcasting by the time defined in order to exploit the evening of the tenth until the morning and started the process of testing a live broadcast from the transmitter has overlapped a period of experimentation with time to start posting daily, a six in the morning. At that moment, the shelling was intense and was surprised to working on the radio that even the previous hour, am not heard from the radio only songs and music, while the other broadcasters expect in this day storming Beirut, has been instructed fighter Ahmed Abdel Karim, known as the Ben Bella Palestine proceed to station transmission for the opening of the radio and reading some of the Quick Reports are available in the central operations room was instruct broadcasters to the studio where it was estimated that the announcer on duty was delayed for some reason and however long the radio to make songs until the eighth, where it was surprise, then wrote an impromptu stems from the throat strong was his discourse is Salah Khalaf "Abu Iyad" one of the leaders of the Revolution and a member of the central leadership of the sanctity of the Palestinian Fatah Then I heard provided the musical program of the morning "Good morning" and then heard Rashad Abu Shawar submit a new episode of his daily program, "Our words are my own", and then after waiting a long, organized, work in radio. Why is limited broadcasting from the fourth morning until the eighth to provide Almarchat military and songs, they are shown to be the link between the studio and the transmitter station the rocket malfunctioned suddenly at six in the morning any time start the morning as usual, and has curbed engineer call capture audio emanating from the studio . In the hours in which he was tearing the listeners perplexed and worried engineers had been exerting tremendous efforts to reform of the link has been successful in that at eight in the morning. Not easy to clarify the situation and although the engineering justification enough to explain the position of working in radio but everyone on the radio About a big mistake arrived extent impeachment. Nabil Amr, in his memoirs, "We heard scathing criticism filled my heart in grief - when he said one of the brothers leading to Beirut was burning and youth radio covering a deep sleep - and I realized in that position, dimension of the tragedy of our work in radio, it is not allowed for this candle that burns and melts the extinguished before hurricanes (7).

The new radio studio was located in a small place of architecture called the population between the two meters offer the stairs four meters long it takes the stairs and to the space by the staircase is a furniture store three times the area of the old staircase approx. Was the place where special security features that overlooking from the western side of the sea through three large windows in this party was present on the radio, telephone, the military and listening devices.

Hassan Asfour alternate news attends this place, they often get banter between the broadcasters and sound engineers, where he was moving from studio to anchor the news desk that separated them and Mtsadf a small door with a fierce bombardment, the engineer Ibadroh laugh:

How the situation on the LoC - the front line - after all Praise be to God for safety this time?? Vczaya bombs entered the terrifying attack more than once to the editing room.

There are a lot of caresses that the owners want from it leaving the atmosphere fun to work in radio, for example, there Haj Khaled nail is Deputy Director of Broadcasting is now the official political direction in one of the sectors of the Palestinian military, known for his voice radio beautiful and intelligent, especially in reading Alojdaniet. Haj Khaled, firing all its weight "modest" wood on the door that separates the studio for the news section and an administrator password when the radio said he wished for Haj Khaled liquid. "What invites you to stand so you trying to prevent your body shells (8)?

Smiled Khaled cool known as "To shake the door by the sounds of the explosions up to the microphone, for this I try to prevent vibration, and tells Nabil Amr, in his memoirs that the days of love and the embargo, saying: Jacob Shaheen mired up to his ears in a crisis particular has been a guest at Nsepth static in one the most dangerous areas and when included destruction of house Nsepth surprised by two women sit at a distance of Ochaabar of the microphone has given birth Oidan on their ears not to hear shelling between the host and Israeli artillery to look at Jacob, apologizing and I felt that the result on a new task for today is to find housing for the newcomers (9).

Was often penetrating psychological situation is difficult, creating jokes and antics and have been used for the broadcast recorded material to be taking the comfort of workers j clowning and laughing out loud and was Rashad Abu Shawar is often the star of this moment, "said Nabil Amr, I remember I told Rashad Do you know" O son of Canaan, "what I was thinking this morning, he replied dialect of provocation, I'll give you the permission of the engineer one minute I said I thought we had're integrating from the window to see an Israeli tank directed nozzle machinegun at us suppose that such a thing happened and I was you standing on the window, what do you do? Rashad answered:

I'll put the top of the window and say to him: 
<!--<!-- What is your name, boy? 
<!--<!-- Suppose that, Cohen said? 
<!--<!-- I will tell him later: boy (stop and think of the corner of) and for each of these phrases related to the war story .. Stop and think, is the forefront of the calls failed were guided by the Israeli radio in Arabic for Palestinian militants to persuade them to lay down their arms, has turned this phrase with the continued battle to joke circulating fighters have been developed this joke when he Khalil Saadi, a translator of Hebrew and Ghassan recorded at the forefront of the appeal in Hebrew, addressed to the microphone at the contact lines of the Israeli soldiers besieging Beirut took place on the lines of dialogue do not forget to seek through these tapes and microphones between the Palestinian militants and Israeli soldiers.

The words of the siege of, has received in one of the statements Begin Israeli Prime Minister, at the time and messages of the American envoy, Philip Habib. When it was said that Irfan acting with the besieged and not besieged. What is the status of war?

This question has often been a serious brain from working in radio and in particular its Director and was Intzaahm moments of clowning noisy .. Especially when you do not receive radio any communication military determines course of the battle and the initial results and the communication to the morning is no longer sufficient nor appropriate because its noon bulletin, especially as the shelling did not stop and Israeli sources, the process says that the Israelis have made significant progress no matter how the contact lines, the lack of regularity News daily problem compounded when broken means of internal communication, so it was on the staff deploy more than a tendency to collect news and facts of the situation and have been careful always to be a communications centralized operations are the foundation main news in the coverage of the military side of the battle, while the debate rages between the alternate news and the duty officer in the room operations around the delayed communications, the alternate news drawn the officer on duty in a provocative way like saying: that the Israeli radio claiming that Israeli forces have made significant progress on the demarcation lines Do you have what it denies, despite the seriousness of this bring out provocative and consequent temptations, but the officer was answering firmly, nothing to do with me what they are saying, wait for the official communiqué, was murmuring a permanent lack of communications and military might imagine for those working in radio as a few by virtue of their need to provide a new story in each issue, but when she was studying the communications military there had been the accuracy of the determining the position and the broadcasters, by virtue of factors purely humanitarian interact with communications from the inside, they see them very happy and they Mstqublon communications military begins with the words, enabling our fighters to abort the landing, or trying to break into this axis or that they were racing to read this kind of communications, "said Nabil Amr (10) spoiled on that story one example, "recall that on trying major and failed to break into Beirut, we received the communication military official behind some of the time, and contain a declaration of guardian and confident, that the invasion forces of Zionism failed to progress on any of the areas sought and it suffered heavy losses of life and equipment and that many Israeli tanks more than twenty seen burning on more than one site, and have Osaftna Lebanon Radio Phalanges - when he announced that the volley of missiles, "Grad" landed on dozens of Israeli soldiers and officers on the runway east of the airport and hit a crowd of mechanisms and individuals a direct hit and here means that killed dozens, boosted to say the failure of Israeli attempt entering Israeli air force and intensity. We have a sigh of relief when he announced the Israelis that they were able to progress a distance of ten meters towards the museum, then commented broadcaster Voice of Palestine radio Taher al-Adwan, saying: (Sobhan changed conditions, the Israelis in their wars past aggressive advancing as quickly as the tank and cut miles per hour and now they have pride in their progress to a distance ten meters - they most probably are not correct?) on this day the face of Yasser Arafat's speech famous for his most famous phrase which was one of my glory kneel in front of heroes of Beirut, where the record speech under the bombardment of Israeli artillery and air at the same time, which was announced by the Israeli radio said Arafat for the bombing.

Headquarters was located near the old radio from the Palestinian news agency "Wafa" and the Political Department of the Palestine Liberation Organization. This was the headquarters had to leave because it has become well known for its non-protected from missiles, the studio and archive it safe, despite the storytelling. And this headquarters is a floor of the building to the second floor in three rooms,; one worked Kostodio and the others a room editing there was this studio recorders luxury courtesy of one of the Arab States Broadcasting in the heart of the studio hanging map of Palestine was a message to all visitors say "we live and die for Palestine "This was the building exposed to periodic shelling and severe. But it was the seat of the Community of personnel information and despite the seriousness of its position and the rally cadres press on the radio cause for concern because the likelihood of the destruction of the place of the radio was found in every moment, but this is only a meeting was held in order to study and prevent the radio and transfer was agreed that the distribution of cadre to four places as far apart and that the connection is through specific points.

<!--<!--  Hanna is coming, and Rashad Abu Shawar and Michelle Nimri in place. 
<!--<!--  Aserbioni and impartial and Ghaleb Abu Nidal Hlsp and Salwa mayors elsewhere. 
<!--<!--  Nabil Amr and pure aggression in the central headquarters. 
<!--<!--  Broadcasters and engineers in different places tens of meters away from the studio.

I have been to adhere to this new distribution for the days are few. To find out later that everyone meet every evening at least where the dialogues and meetings will continue until the early morning hours and then meetings were brought together in the new headquarters of Radio. Most workers in the radio any more night in its new headquarters, where he was the studio not only tens of meters away from the place before it, was not easy to discover new headquarters staff, which created a real problem for radio, is the lack of written materials.

Had been agreed and the difficulty of supply of material to bring all staff with materials prepared for the day without forgetting to write the reserve would not be necessary blood, the Faisal Hourani writes his daily program "Lights on the front of the enemy" fair and Abu Nidal "word reportedly covered", Rashad Abu Shower "Our words are my own," and Mahmoud Alsrbone "Good Morning" and Hanna future "Group Analysis and Comments. a listener of Radio and the observer have heard crystal clear despite the heavy shelling and the Pacific at the radio and was heard with the sound of explosions nearby and as an influential voice has been prepared with great professionalism. Where is reached the war now, and the location of the radio?

Is it a real war or is it just a collection of crimes carried out by successive ring had the potential of killing and destruction over the human imagination. The people in Beirut like inter nervous united subside in the same time .. The tense in the same time .. The Palestinian Broadcasting more than this situation feels distinct and rare, is not broadcasting, he finds himself obliged to address the people at all times and circumstances.

It happened one day when the siege was completed around Beirut that the city has witnessed an entirely new situation when rained thousands of leaflets calling deterrent forces the Arab to withdraw along the lines specified on the map attached to the publication and these publications carry a general invitation to the residents of Beirut demanding mass migration because the city will destroy the entire It was the radio first arrived to the leaflets and had to have to deal with the situation immediately and an extremely dangerous situation for this, it may not deal with spontaneity and improvisation and release the emotional appeals Pure was not possible for workers in the radio overlooked a key fact: that those who shot down these publications have the sea legislator endlessly on Beirut and the sky have not completely free from the sun disk and murder of American aircraft and they are ready to implement it until the end.

The question was on the radio what to do? Can we say, people do not believe the killers publications .. Can we say to the people who fought with your own hands? Can we say, they avoid the evil of death .. Driven out of Beirut, to public speaking in such a case you need the highest degree of accuracy, sensitivity and responsibility, contact was driving, then he was invited staff radio was a study of publications accurately, was eventually agreed that the public address troubled way talk is far from orientation Direct, which will take most of the time code form, orders and guidelines of the address as follows:

First: The purpose of these publications is to hit and disturbance of the psychological construction of combatants and the public until the city being torn apart from within and become an easy prey to the invaders.

II: A, urged people to flee the city involves a goal is far from ensuring the safety of citizens as a, what is required is a dump of the city and the transfer of hundreds of thousands into refugees in their homeland and seize (11) of their property and their lives, especially as the areas that undermine the publication it is safe under control Israeli Brigades, which is converted to the new refugees hostage in Dp enemies, especially as thousands of detainees in South Lebanon are civilians who were deceived with promises of security concentration camps waiting for them.

Third: that the joint forces will not be subject to this kind of blackmail the Israeli dirty and fight the invaders at each site and in the light of these facts and perspectives, we trust in the good conduct of our people from the reality of our trust on behalf of national infuses all over all citizens in Beirut (12) In order not to remain Salutation to the public limited to the comments and appeals was directed to the delegates of the radio to spread in all parts of Beirut and conduct dialogues and recordings with a number of citizens to develop positive interaction and expand its base to the greatest extent possible.

Response was fairly good, although some families with private homes in other areas of Beirut went to the houses for safety and there is no coincidence to discover who left the truth of what they were told by representatives of radio and over the air and a few days after returning return convoys to Beirut, ended on air at five pm that day charged by bombing and heard the people in those moments to Israeli recognition of a serious that the number of bombs that hit it on Beirut during the eleven hours from the bombing amounted to two hundred and thirty thousand bombs and air raids, which involved where all the Israeli Air Force on the occasion of the anniversary of its foundation more than two hundred and fifty raid and this record had not been seen in any war in human history over the city one.

He wrote to this effect a lot, wrote Rashad Abu Shawar his day workshops "Our words are my country." Had to be broadcast, that address the extent discharge the war on the economic level and social, however, reliance was on the radio the other "Voice of Arab Lebanon," which was adept at addressing these critical issues has made radio economize on this issue and dealt with less focus and this recorded a negative point is not in favor of broadcasting. It was a miracle the steadfastness of Beirut, made up of multiple elements and integrated so that behind the lines Enduring Kaliqlaa established at the contact lines there was a struggle to secure the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people trapped in the city, when cut off the power it was possible to replace the vital necessity of lamps, gas, candles and generators the small but when it cut off the water issue was the challenge seriously confronted, digging parents new in many parts of the city and an increase in make it easier for citizens have been deployed a number of generators, portable electric cars to pump water from the parents are under the plants to the tanks higher and become able citizens most parts of Beirut, access to water is almost normal.

The most important conditions that must be available on the staff of radio and, in particular, the leadership cadre which, knowing a great deal of information about the political situation through official channels, which originate predominantly in the highest national leadership in the revolutionary work that the expression of the political situation of the revolution must be based on awareness deep components of this position and the network of alliances and the prospects for each coalition hosted by the Revolution with the various forces that are parties to the political game to their constituents, the Arab world, has been the radio draws its information in the normal or exceptional circumstances of the source leadership of the official who is the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Palestine Liberation Organization and rarely receive guidance in terms of method of science daily, this aspect in the work is within the purview of workers to staff the radio and the staff and experience shows few political mistakes as duly informed of the sufficient information to form the basis for the daily processing of events. Nabil Amr, "we feel that we are partners in the political process and political decision, and this is what make our comments and our analysis of considerable influence and credibility did not feel one day we just staff receiving orders, but we qualified really to say, the view of revolution as it must be said, even if interrupted Itisaluna direct leadership for a few days or months, although this is rare in the foundation (13).

Everyone was living in Beirut tight circle due to the siege but that the expansion of direct contacts with the leadership was not possible as it was in normal circumstances, however, was broadcasting a successful beyond the border in harmony with the overall political direction and find quick answers to all issues it has been felt at the level of hardware address or neutral media for what it offers on the radio from the analysis or comments, has been taken in many cases as an indicator of the position of the revolution.

Because the special situation of the Palestinian people are not allowed to own broadcasting organizations an integrated, but the radio is still just radio field, stems from aspects near or far, this made it necessary to be prepared staff in the center and exceptional politically, culturally and professionally so as to allow him ample opportunities for the initiative and reliance on Psychology and the performance of missions at one time, and this explains the equation Radio "Voice of Palestine" exceptional based on the limited number of staff with a wealth of production, has entered the radio in normal circumstances to a situation that is broadcast by one of the ten hours a day, in three languages and the number of workers for the production of these long hours not to exceed thirty-cadre between broadcaster and editor, technical and administrative "While such a number on the radio the other is for less than a third of these hours, even if it is taken into account the volume of news material, political and programmatic variety, we find that eleven hours, which was broadcast by radio Under normal circumstances, equivalent to particular intensity for what is broadcast over eight hours in the other broadcasters can make concerts and entertainment programs, music, long stretches of hours, while this type of work radio is not recognized in the Palestinian Radio that do not exceed the rate of anthem or song three minutes.

The jurisdiction in the radio is good and has many benefits to provide opportunities for innovation and development at the professional level and aesthetic, but such an approach in broadcasting can not be practical for the Palestinian radio, which is essentially as indicated Balsabak radio field and unstable as well as by virtue of being a radio a political and revolutionary is unable to fill the time period material entertainment than those Tillh by broadcasters other. mostly buy from the market without making the effort a creative little but that does not mean that remain radio revolution rigid and develop themselves within the framework of political and committed without losing their distinctive character . The flavor of their own, and through the experience of radio long and through what we have heard from the staff and we follow them closely I discovered great potential for the development begins bulletin news that could be a window rights to the events of the Revolution and the events of the whole world through the rule of political should not be in the form of statement determines the facts and ordering the public to adhere to it, but you must take the nature of dialogue and persuasion away from formulas theory for granted, and in this particular point was a political commentary and in order to be effective and contains elements of persuasion full must be starting on the event wager including an offer intelligent point of view of other matter to be commenting on and show the negative aspects of views expressed by the other party and face the realities of concrete is clearly without the political commentary is defensive in nature and this means that even discuss the issues that seem Tonha taboos are often used to begin comment the political with the words "listen to the last comments of Ariel Sharon who said today .. that the Palestinian revolution ended, never to return. "In order to be delivered to the listener deeply convinced .. The lists of facts that converge at one goal is the lack of health and logical statement referred to .. It was notable away from the words theory and the construction of treatment and focus on timely information would have preferred to be derived from sources hostile or independent or are supported by substantiated and realistic in the face of alleged Sharon for example, was cited a statement from one of the Vice Zionist Knesset in which he stated explicitly possible to eliminate the Palestinian revolution even if out of Lebanon, and supported by citing the opinion of another U.S. source or neutral and out of that situation in the occupied Palestinian territories or at the global level to reach and illegal construction and through the context of a logical sequence to a decisive conclusion, which is impossible to destroy the revolution, has been referred to this model because it the question of strategy that was facing the radio every day, especially in a time of great wars the tactical issues related to a specific course of the battle was with another method of treatment depends mainly on the hunt for discount errors, and the most when considering all the great and small, coming from him .. For example, when he presented Chief of Staff of the Israeli army report on the military situation of the joint forces in Beirut under siege when he said he no longer has them with more than one gun, and that their ability to withstand fade quickly, the response of broadcasting this information is based on the communication Israeli military and the news from the Phalange Party isolationist it was said that the artillery "terrorists" (14) in West Beirut bombed Israeli positions, including nearly eighteen thousand rounds in one day and ended comment question "Is there a gun, and one can take eighteen thousand shells per day?

That the Israeli chief of staff to be more careful next time, unless of course having the radio to say that the combined forces as well as the cannon in the event of work. But what happened is that artillery is the joint forces that have proved false allegations Eitan Israeli army chief of staff was on the radio only a, the movement of photo-realism of what happened.

Besides, have not been broadcasting to the attempts of intrigues that were trying to challenge the Mount Lebanon and the population in the patriotism, and even defended them in the spirit of a sense of national responsibility and high-Coalition certainly long against the Zionists, and fought radio, with fighters of the mountain through the concepts, comments and analysis against the militia of the Lebanese front isolationism Christian Maronite, which crept into the mountain behind Israeli tanks and is worth mentioning that most of the inhabitants of the mountain are the Druze, and without introductions or comments were broadcasting known role exerted by immediately portrayed through Palestine.Then came the comments of the command to confirm the position of the radio is correct. Had to be mentioned those models that reflect on the issue of development within the framework of the commitment or offer here some of the development opportunities that you see on the music scene, singing with the radio started broadcasting in the voice of the storm in 1968 a group of songs and songs of new features texts committed to performance and collectively, and fast paced match with the meanings and the general situation surrounding the Palestinian revolution, and some have turned to Logos rise in demonstrations and uprisings in the occupied homeland and despite the stunning success of the songs and songs sound storm, however, limited to or on the pattern of CAD displays the radio to the inertia and monotony as well as giving a clear picture of the richness of art Palestinian and Palestinian culture. And therefore created a new chapter was specifically, folklore and folk art forms of music that paints pictures of aesthetic influence of Palestinian life and culture of the Palestinian National Given that the singing and folk music have to do magic in the soul had to be the adoption of this art as a means of tactical master this in mind the program for "indispensable atheist" who excelled through the artist Palestinian popular and the masterpiece "Youssef Hassoun," and one hundred episodes of this successful program heard the public a new style of art in which the spirit of heritage and denying reality, it was not the "essential atheist" just a quarter of an hour Mooel Franchise and Alataba and Almijana be said for entertainment and to recall the smell of the country only, but was addressing political and consciously committed to the threads are on the Palestinian people and the revolution began the inevitability of upholding the country and to refute the Palestinians on reproduction to meet the requirements of work and long end subtracting and analysis of errors caused by many phenomena such as projects of Zionism and America and the methods of total war practiced by the the enemy against the Palestinian people and its cause and its future in this framework and also generated songs by artist "Popular Abu Arab," which boasts that he has not spoken with his song, and one in praise of a person or position of authority, but indispensable for the Palestinian people and its revolution and ambitious victory inevitable only.

It was not art Alvolklori is the only one who was in the attempts to development, there are pictures lyrics of the various elements, such as image process of the beach, which carried out the martyr Dalal Mughrabi and her colleagues in the sweat of Palestinians in 1978, and the image of sailors that it meets several elements of Palestinian life and Tsarah over the lifetime of Wave case time of the Revolution, as well as Scotch - Sarhan and pipe - poem by the great Palestinian poet Tawfiq Ziad and other images of modern musical character. The development of radio, it must be fast paced and deliberate in the world is evolving rapidly.

Experience of development in the Palestinian radio during the war and the blockade:

First, it must be noted that this experience was born from the bowels of urgency and characterized the nature of war and siege in every detail. Under normal circumstances, the choice of staff radio is subject to specific considerations with particular at the political level and it was evident that that choice is with a political commitment to the official position of the Palestine Liberation Organization released from its political and selected decisions of the Executive Committee and the guidelines, and the general framework, the majority of Palestinian personnel comply with this do not come out her allegiance to the national framework morphological - but this is not everything, but it is not sufficient qualification gives its owner the right to work in radio and recognizes the responsibilities of leadership which, it must be the availability of other elements especially absorption of all the steps of political tactics that provide the leadership in their work and the ability to interpretation of these steps and convince the public by In the Palestinian arena there is a particular understanding of the work Aljbhoe in the context of democratic traditions cherished by everyone, there is a sector Sthen by intellectuals, journalists and writers understand the work Aljbhoe in the window Democrat as granting the right of the individual to exercise his objection in the manner it deems appropriate and uses all available platforms for expressing this objection without restriction of institutions and regulatory frameworks in which they conduct the internal political life of Palestine, gaining opinion legitimacy of the institutions, not outside, and I've had several of these cadres are reluctant to cooperate with the radio just because he is not allowed to show their own opinion freely Even if this view is inconsistent with the general line observed by the radio, as indicated above the line of the Palestine Liberation Organization, I have been attempts to find solutions to this dilemma is to open the door the cultural front of everyone as an experiment taken advantage of and opens the door of direct political and has been successful experience in the cultural field through a special program called the "culture - forever - the art of" was a successful incentive to open the door political through a program called "open program able to" the spokesman that the displays and point of view of political particular event within the doses that they do not affect the core of the idea does not lead to the rhythm of public confusion and chaos, especially and that the broadcast comes from an official body has a specific obligation, came the war Beirut in 1982 and experience in trading power, "said Nabil Amr," We saw the conditions are conducive to the development of participation and attract a greater number of writers, journalists and artists to the Palestinians and Lebanese Arabs, not only for the Advancement of workloads radio great and intensive are in exceptional circumstances, but also to plant the seeds of a new type of work reap dividends in the future to becoming lodged broadcasting organizations and large national enriched by the enormous creative energies accumulated by tens or even hundreds of intellectuals, journalists and Arab writers and the Palestinians. (15)

There has been a meeting can be considered an emergency meeting of the cadres stationed in Beirut during the war were called on behalf of the workers in the Voice of Palestine radio and through their director, Nabil Amr, for the participation of everyone to contribute to the radio. And decided to develop a daily newspaper to support the "Velsinip revolution" speaking on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the bulletin under the name of "the battle" and so was the radio quit crew, a new addition to the crew statute and this was a key development has been the success it with staff and contributed greatly to the modest successes achieved by the radio during the war. And radio is not just written material read by anchor well from behind the microphone, but the river a large meet in its course numerous other tributaries to reach out to audiences a powerful rich stream tender, or in other words is a painting multiple colors and dimensions of integrating aesthetic elements without the cacophony of a source of alienation, without the monotony of a source of frustration and depression, so it was not necessary to devise a space creativity in front of the huge crowd of new cadres and to find ways of active interaction between them and who will lead them in the experiment in order to paint a painting as it should and goes on the river in its course, the correct and about its mouth natural "did not cease few days to get along with everyone in the an integrated part of all its potential in th

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نشرت فى 20 أكتوبر 2011 بواسطة MOMNASSER

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د .محمد ناصر.



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