Curriculum vita


Full Name: Naglaa Mohamed Nazif.


Nationality:  Egyptian.

Birth Day: 8/8/1951

Marital status: Married, Prof. Dr. Sherif El-Basil.


Address: Phytochemistry  Department,  National Research Centre, El-Bohooth Street, Dokki, Cairo Egypt.12311.

Phone: +202-5858564 (home), 012-2473031(Mob.), +202-3366845( NRC).

E-mail address : naglaanazif@, and [email protected]




Affiliation: Professor,  Phytochemistry, Department,  National Research Centre, El-Bohoos Street, Dokki, Cairo Egypt.12311 since 1st of Mach, 2008.


1-B.Pharm.Sci., Pharmacognosy department, Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt (1974).


2-MS. Pharm.Sci., Pharmacognosy department, Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt (1981).


3-Ph D., Pharm.Sci., ., Pharmacognosy department, Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt (1994).

4- Assistant Professor of Phytochemistry Department,  National Research Centre, at 1st of Mach, (2003).


5- Professor of Phytochemistry Department,  National Research Centre, since 1st of Mach, (2008).


Participant in  the following projects:

<!--NARP (1992-1995)

<!--Sinai since (1995-1998)

<!--Production of Biologically Active constituents of some Egyptian plants By using Tissue culture Technique (1995 -1998).

<!--Production of tropane Alkaloids from some Solanaceaus plants growing in Egypt By using Tissue culture Technique (1993 -1996) between NRC and Academy of Science and Technology.

<!--Economic production of anti-tumor alkaloids from Catharanthus roseus By using Tissue culture Technique (1999 -2001).

6-Evaluation of the Biological activities of some Egyptian Medicinal Plants, 1998-2001.

7-Anti-tumour, Antiviral, and cardiovascular protecting agents from Egyptian plants (2001-2004).

8 Evaluation and Characterisation of Enzymes from some Eg-Biological yptian plants (2002-2005).

9- Application of Plant Biotechnology for Production of the hepatoprotective Pharmaceutical Product (silymarin) from Silybum marianum  (2004-2009).

10- National Surveys of Wild Egyptian Medicinal Plants Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wild Medicinal Plants of 3 The Western Desert and Oases under the Supervision of (UNDP, GEF, EEAA)  Consultant of Phytochemistry Group (2005).

<!--11- Development of a Natural Product for the treatment or/and control of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection" between Industrial modernization center, National Research Centre and Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (2008-2010).


<!--12-Economically and Environmentally Friendly Innovative Techniques for Extraction and Isolation of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAP) of Egypt: A Technology Transfer Proposal (Phase I)" between STDF and National Research Centre (present).



13-Development of Natural Products as Potential Sources of Lead Compounds for Fatty Liver (31/3/2009-20011).


<!--14-Production of Bioflavonoids as Phytopharmaceutical Raw Material Used for Treatment of Chronic Venus Insufficiency(2013-2015).

15-Evaluation of some biological active materials isolated from natural sources, 2008 to 8041132 project of dr.sanaa el sayed



Training Courses:

1-Training on science writing, which held in Agricultural Research Centre, and (NARP), from 17-21 April, 1994.

2- Training on Chiral Chromatography held in NRC, 3-12-1995.

3- Courses on Nuclear  Magnetic Resonance (NMR), National Research Centre, 12-15/6/1996.

4- Courses on Nuclear  Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Faculty of Science, Cairo University, 7-10/12/1996.

5- Courses on Gaurantee of Accuracy in Analyses as required by Isoo, from 4-8/6/2005.


Participant in the following conferences:


1-2000 years of Natural Products Research –Past, Present and Future- Joint Meeting of The ASP, AFERP, GA and PSE ,Amstrdam, July 26-30, 1999.


2- 4th Scientific Conference of Drug Assurance , National Organisation for Drug Control And Research, (NODCAR), 17-19 March, (1998), Dar El Modaraat,Cairo Egypt.


<!--6th Scientific Conference of Drug Assurance for Drugs and Natural Products, National Organisation for Drug Control and Research, (NODCAR), 23-25 March (2002), Meredian Cairo, Egypt.


<!--1 st International Conference Of The Arab Society for Medical Research  under the theme of Endemic Diseases in the Arab World “ Collaboration and combating Measures “ held in November 7-9th ,2006 at NRC, Cairo –Egypt.


<!--The Third International Conference of Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Division , National Research Centre, (NRC), Cairo, Egypt , March 6-8 , 2007.


<!--2nd International Conference Of The Arab Society for Medical Research  under the theme of Endemic Diseases in the Arab World “ Collaboration and combating Measures “ held in November 11-13th ,2008 at NRC, Cairo –Egypt.



<!--Isolation and Identification of secondary metabolites from plants and tissue cultures.

<!--Isolation and Identification of coloring substances from plants to be used as coloring additives in Foods and Pharmaceuticals.

Contracts with Industry

The following two contracts were signed between the National Research Center and Pharco-Pharmaceutical Company :-

<!--Transfer of Technology and Technical Knowledge for the Production of Food   and Drug Starting Materials from Silybum marianum .

<!--Transfer of Technology and Technical knowledge for the Production of Natural Colour Additives in Food, Drug and Cosmetic Industries .

<!--Transfer of technology and technical knowledge for the production of Bioactive flavonoids (Diosmin and Hieperidin )fron citrus limonium peel.

Admitted Six Patent rights for the Academy of Scientific research & technology

<!--Medicinal plants with biological activity as antivirals.

<!--Medicinal plants with biological activity as antibacterials.

<!--Medicinal plants with biological activity as antioxidarts

<!--Medicinal plants with biological activity as anticancers.

<!--Medicinal Plants with biological activity as anticompliments.

<!--Medicinal Plants with biological activity in protecting liver cells from toxicity .


Thesis and list of publications :

- Naglaa M. Nazif (1994).

-Title of Ph. D. Thesis :

    “Development of Production and Application of Pigments of Certain Local Plants for Food and Pharmaceutical Industries”.

-Title of M. Sc. Thesis (1980).

“Phytochemical Investigation of certain Medicinal plants Grown in Egypt. (Hemerocallis sp.).

Published Papers from Thesis:

<!--M.M. Seif-El-Nasr, F.M. Soliman and N.M. Nazif “Anthraquinones of Hemerocallis aurantiaca”, Fitoterapia Vol. LII-N-3 (1981).

<!--M.M. Seif-El-Nasr, F.M. Soliman and N.M. Nazif “Anthraquinones of Hemerocallis aurantiaca”, Planta Medica, 45 (3), pp. k43 (1982).

<!-- N.M. Nazif, F.M. Hammouda, S.I.Ismail and M.S. Karawya, “Carotenoids of Local Egyptian Plants” International Congress and Symposium on Natural Colorants, A capulco, (GRO.MEXICO) 23-27 January (1996).

<!--N.M Nazif, F.M. Hammouda, S.I. Ismail, A.K. Zaki and M.S. Karawya, “HPLC and MS analysis of Lutein-esters from Tagetes Patula Lin”., Qatar Univ. Sci. J., 16 (2),251-255, (1996).

Published Papers after Ph D. Degree:


<!--M.R. Rady and N.M. Nazif, “Response of Explant Type to Proliferation and Anthraquinones Accumulation in Cassia Acutifolia”, Fitoterapia, LXVIII-N-4 (1997).

<!-- Iman, A.S.; Naglaa, M.N.; Nermine, E.I. and Mostafa M. El-Missiry, “Essential Fatty acid and Acne Vulgaris: An Implication for Pathogenesis”. Pan-Arab League of Dermatlogists, Vol. 9 (No. 2), 37-49 (1998).

<!--H.M. Radwan, N.M. Nazif and A. Hamdy”, The lipid and Flavonoidal constituents of Aerva Javanica (var. bovi) webb. In hook F. and their antimicrobial activity. Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci. 40, No. 2, pp. 169 – 180 (1999).

<!--N.M. Nazif, M.R. Rady and M.M. Seif-El-Nasr, “Stimulation of anthraquinone production in suspension cultures of Cassia acutifolia by salt stress”.  Fitoterapia Vol. 71(1) : 34-40 (2000).

<!--H.M. Radwan, N.M. Nazif, I.A. Ismail, “The lipids and Mucilage constituents of both Suaeda vermiculata (Forssk), Chrozophera Plicata (Vahl.) and their insecticidal Activities”,Bulliten of Faculty of pharmacy Cairo Univ.Vol. 38, No. 1, 73-78 (2000).

<!--A.A. El-Kazzaz and Naglaa M. Nazif, “Flavonoid content of in vitro Micropropagation of Mulberry (Morus alba L.)”., Bull. of National Research Centre, Egypt. 25, No. 1, pp. 13-22 (2000).

<!--N.M. Nazif, H.M. Radwan and A.M. Soliman, “Bioassay guided Fractionation of Molluscicides From Certain Medicinal Plants”, Egypt. J. of Applied Sciences, Vol. 15, No. 12, 438 – 448 (2000).


<!--Abdelaaty, A. Shahat, Luc, SndraApers, Naglaa M. Nazif, Nahla S. Abdel-Azim, dirk Vanden Berghe and Arnold J. Vlietinck”, Chemical and Biological Investigations on Zizyphus spina-christi”, Phytotherapy Research, 15, 1-5 (2001).

<!--Naglaa M. Nazif, “Phytoconotituents of Zizyphus spina-christi L. Fruits and their Antimicrobial Activity”, Food Chemistry,76;77-81 (2002).

<!--Shahat,A.A.,Rasmeia A. Hassan, Naglaa M. Nazif, Sabine,Van Meirt Luc Pieters , Faiza M. Hammouda,”Isolation Of Mangiferin from Bombax malabricum and structure Revision of Shamaimin”,Planta Med. Letters, ,69: 1066-1068,2003.

11. Gawish, F., Naglaa M.Nazif, Sharaf –El Deen, A.T. and Shadia M.Eldefrawy, ”Molluscicidal Activity of Some  Plants Against Biompharia Alexandrina Snails And Their Susceptability to Schistosoma Mansoni Miracidia “, Egypt.J.Appl.Sci;19 (2) 2004.


12.Naglaa M.Nazif, M,.R.Rady,”Rosmarinic acid content and RAPD analysis of in vitro regenerated basil (Ocimum americanum) plants”, Fitoterapia , 76, 525-533, 2005.


13..Rady M.R., Nazif N.M., Hanafy M.S., Khalil  M.Y., and Abou Setta ,L.M. ”Stimulation    of rosmarinic acid , essential oil and Anthocyanin biosynthesis of in vitro cultures of Lemonbasil (Ocimum americanumL.)in response to different cultural conditions”; Egypt.Pharm.J.4 No.1 pp .91-107,2005.


14- Ibrahim,N.A., Nazif,N.M., Mohamed,S.M., Radwan, H.M.,and Bashandi, S. ”Phytochemical and Biological Investigation of Tecoma stans juss Leaves Growing in Egypt”,Egyptian Pharm. J.,4 (No.2)  2005.


15- Seham A.E.,Omar ,M.A. ,Khaled, A.E., Naglaa,M.N., Shams,I.I., and Faiza, MM “Phytochemical and pharmacological Investigations On Moringa peregrina (Forssk ) Fiori,” Natural Product Sciences ,11 (4):199-206,2005.


16..Shahat,A.A, Naglaa M. Nazif,,Lobna M. Abou Setta, Nabaweya Ibrahim, And A.J.Vlitinck, ”Phytochemical Investigation and Antioxidant Activity Of Duranta repens “, Phytotherapy reseach ,19:1071-1073 2005.


17- Abdelaaty A. Shahat,, Naglaa M. Nazif, Nahla S. Abdel-Azim, Luc Pieters and Arnold J. Vlietinck “Flavonoids from Cressa cretica “Qatar Univ. Sci. J.,25, 72-77 (2005).

18.H.H.Radwan, N.M. Nazif, and L. M. Abou- Setta, “The Lipid and Flavonoidal Constituents Of Herniaria nemistemon and their Biological Activity “ Egypt. J of  Pharm. Sci., 47, 29-41 (2006).



19-Nabweya A. Ibrahim, Souad El Gengaihi , Naglaa M. Nazif Chemical 

Composition and Biological Activity of Taxodium distichum L. Rich Leaves Growing in Egypt, JASMR, vol.1, No.1, (2006).


20-Naglaa M. Nazif, Phytochemical and antioxidant activity of Spathodea campanulata P. Beauvois.  growing in Egypt, Natural Product Sciences,13(1):11-16 (2007).

21-Naglaa M. Nazif, The Anthocyanin Components and Cytotoxic Activity of Syzygium cuminii L. Fruits Growing in Egypt, Natural Product Sciences,13(2):135-139 (2007).


22-.H.H.Radwan, N.M. Nazif, and L. M. Abou- Setta, Phytochemical Investigation of Salicornia Fruiticosa and their Biological activity, Accepted in  Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences , 2 (2),72-78 (2007).


23 - Lobna M.Abousetta, Naglaa M. Nazif, AA. Shahat, Phytochemical Investigation and Antiviral Activity of Duranta repens ) variety vareigata), Journal of Applied  Sciences Research , 3(11),1426-1433,(2007).


24-Naglaa M. Nazif, Sanaa T. El-Sayed,  New Anti-hypertensives peptides derived from protein by digestion, Advances in food science, vol.30 (3),185-191,(2008).


25-Hussien S. Taha, Salah E. M.Abo-Aba, Ola I.M.Hamshary, Nahla S. Abdel –Azim, Naglaa M. Nazif, Mohamed K. El-Bahr, Medhat M.Seif El- Nasr, In Vitro Studies on Egyptian Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don: III. Effects of Extra Tryptophan Decarboxylase and Strictosidine Synthase Genes Copies in Indole Alkaloid Production, Research J. of cell and Molecular Biology, 2 (2), 18-23, (2008).


26- Sherien K.Hassan, Nermin M. El-Sammad, Mamdouh M. Ali, Azza S. A. Hegazy, Naglaa M. Nazif, Anti-Diabetic Activity of Syzygium cumini (L.) fruits Extract on Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats, Egyp. J. Biomed. Sci., 29, 271-285, (2009).


27-Khaled A.Shams, Naglaa M. Nazif, Nahla S. Abdel Azim, KHaled A. Abdel Shafeek, Mostafa M. El-Missiry, Shams I. Ismail, Medhat M. Seif El Nasr. ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ANTINEOPLASTIC ALKALOIDS FROM



28-F. M. Hammoda, E. H. Aboutabl, S. I. Imbaby, H. N. Nazif, W. A. Abdallah, M. A. Matter, H. A. Ghareeb, M. M. Saker and M. R. Rady.Molecular and Phytochemical Characterization of Some Silybum Landraces ,Grown in Egypt, JGEB Vol. 7, No. 1, (2009).


29-Mona Anwar, Wafaa Ghoneim, Naglaa Nazif, Soad Nady Ibrahim,Mona  A. EL-Bana, Comparison Between the Activities of Flxseed Oil and Tangerine Lyophilized Juice (containing β-Cryptoxanthin) as Prophylaxis for Osteoporotic Changes in Diabetic Rat, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 5(12): 2298-2314, 2009


30- Naglaa M. Nazif, Amira A.E.Habib, Wafaa, M.Tawfik, Rasmeya, A. Hassan, Chemical Composition and Cytotoxic Activity of Eruca sativa seeds cultivated in Egypt, Asian journal of Chemistry, vol.22, no. 4,  2407-2416(2010).


31-Khaled A. Abdel- Shafeek, Lobna M. Abousetta, Naglaa M. Nazif, Study of some Chemical Constituents and Antioxidant Activity of Beaumontia grandiflora Wall. Growing in Egypt, Asturalian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences,4 (6):1063-1069 (2010).

32- Heba M. D. E. Hassanein, Naglaa M. Nazif, , Nermin A. Ehsan, Elsayed A. H. Aboutabl, Faiza M. Hammouda” Lipid Composition and Evaluation of Hepatoprotective Activity of Cyperus esculentus L.and Cyperus papyrus tubers grown in Egypt”, Advances in food sciences,33,no.2, 65-72,(2011).


33-2] Heba D. Hassanein, Naglaa. M. Nazif, Abdelaaty A. Shahat, Nermin A. Ehsan, Elsayed A.H. Aboutabl, Mahmoud A. Saleh and Faiza M. Hammouda. “In-vitro hepatoprotection Study, Cytotoxicity Assay and Chromatographic Investigation of Phospholipids Fraction Isolated from Cyperus esculentus Tubers Growing in Egypt”. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2011 ,5(10): 335-341.       



34- Wail,A.Abdalah ; Elsayed A. H. Aboutable ; Shams, I. Ismail; Naglaa, M. Nazif; Lobna M. Abou-Setta; Nermine A. Ehsan;  Faiza, M. Hamouda. Phytochemical and Biological Investigation of Silybum marianum wildly growing in different ecosystems of Egypt, J. of  Pharm.sci, N.RC, Vol.10 (2),187-200 (2011).



35-Khaled A. Shams, Lobna M. Abousetta, Hany M. Radwan, Naglaa  M. Nazif, Rasmya A. Hassan, Abddel- Mohsen M. Soliman, “ Molluscicidal Activity and Screening of Forty Egyptian Medicinal Plants and Determination of The Active Fractions”Asian Journal of Chemistry, vol. 24, No. 8 3548-3552.,( 2012)



36-ُElsayed SM, Nazif NM, HassanRA, Hassanein HD, ElkholyYM, Gomaa NS, ShahatAA” Chemical and Biological Constituents From The Leaf Extract of the Wild Artichoke (Cynara cornigera)”, International  Journal  of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol.4, suupl5, 396-400.,(2012)



37-I.Selit, M. Basha, A. Maraee, S. H. El-Naby, N. Nazif, R. El-Mehrath and T. Mostafa Sperm DNA and RNA abnormalities in fertile and oligoastheno teratozoo spermic smokers Andrologia, vol 45, pages 35–39)Article first published online: 8 MAY (2012) | DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0272(2012)01305.x



38-Mona Anwar, Wafaa Ghoneim Shoushab, Hatem A. El-mezayenb, Raafat A wadallaha, Maha El-Wassef a, Naglaa M. Nazif c and Mona A. El-baanaa  Antiatherogenic Effect of Almond Oil in Streptozotocin Induced Diabetic Rats  Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science Vol. 3 (10), pp. 059-065, October,( 2013)


39-Mogahed MI, NMNazif, KHA Abdel Shafeek, and MM El Missiry, Relationship of the quatitative and qualitative volatile oil contents of citrus leaves with infestation of citrus varieties with citrus leaf miner Phyllocnistis citrella stainton (Lepidoptera phyllocnistidae), International Journal of Development, vol. 2 No. (1) :105-112 (2013).


40-Taha HS, Shams KA, Nazif NM, and Seif-El-Nasr MM.. In Vitro Studies on Egyptian Catharanthus roseus (L.) G.Don V: Impact of Stirred Reactor Physical Factors on Achievement of Cells Proliferation and Vincristine and Vinblastine Accumulation. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological  and Chemical Sciences Vol.5 (2),330-340, (2014)


41-MLAbou setta, NMNazif,HDHassanein, FM Hammouda, Biological activity of phytocostituents of citrus peel extracted by recent extraction techniquesMicrowave assisted  Extraction (MAE) and ultra sonic extraction USE).,world J.Phar.and Pharmaceutical sci., vol.3,(1),92-103 (2014).


42-AbdelMohsen MM, NazifNM, Seif el NasrMM, “Microwave- assisted Extraction of Bio-Active Compounds(Phenolics and Alkamides}from Echinaceae purpurea, International Journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6,no.9,265-268 (2014)



43-Mona Anwar, Wafaa Ghoneim Shousha, Hatem A. El-mezayen, Raafat Awadallah, Maha El-Wassef, Naglaa M. Nazif and Mona A. El-bana, Almond oil and extracted diosmin as prophylaxis for the endothelial dysfunction in diabetic rats , JOCPR, vol.6 no(11), 184-194.(2014).


44-Rady MR, Matter MA, GhareebHA, Hanafy MS, Sakr MM, Eid SA, Hammouda FM, Imbaby SI,and NazifNM, In-vtro Cultures of Silybum marianum and Silymarin Accumulation  journal of Genetic Engneering and Biotechnology 12 , 75-79, (2014).

45-Hassan RA, HassanEM, Ibrahim NA, And NazifNM Triterpenes and Cytotoxicity of Acokanthera oblongifolia Hochst Growing in Egypt.RJPBCS, vol.6(1), 1677-1686 (2015).

46-F.M. Hammouda, S.S. El-Hawary., N.A.Kassem, W.A.Tawfik, A.A.Abdel Motaal, N.M. Nazif, and S,S,El-Shamy,Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant activities of phenolic Compounds Isolated from Alpinia zerumbet(pers.) B.L. grown In Egypt.RJPBCS, vol. 6(2), 448-456, (2015).

47-J.Hussein, E. Refaat, D. Medhat, M.El-Bana, Y. Abdel Latif, A.R. Farrag, N.M. Nazif,M. Moify.Panax Ginseng attenuates experimental brain injury by increasing brain- derived neurotropic factor and inhibition of neuroinflammation , JCPR, 8(1):186-195 (2016).

48-W.Abdullah, W. M. El-Sayed, KH.A. Abdelshafeek, N.M.Nazif, A.B. Singab, (2016). Chemical Constituents and Biological Activities of Cleome Genus :A Breif Review IJPPR, 8(5):777-787

49- W.Abdullah, W. M. El-Sayed, KH.A. Abdelshafeek, N.M.Nazif,  S.Nada,  A.B. Singab The Flavonoids and Biological activity of Cleome Africana growing in Egypt, RJPBCS,vol.7 (3):1092-1105(2016).


50-Mona M. Abdelmohsen, Heba D. Hassanein, Rasmia A. Hassan, Ana C. Abreu, Manuel SimmOes, Naglaa M. Nazif, Lobna M. Abousetta.Phytochemical analysis, in vitro evaluation of antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of phenolic extracts from Posidonia oceanic (L.) Delile leaves, J.of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (JCPR), 8, (6):449-457 (2016).


Awards:The award of Prof. Dr. Faiza Hammouda for (2010).

Thesis Supervision:


Three masters theses, and two PhD theses.



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