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  Take me for time

 And let's produce a rhyme

About tenses, the vehicles of time.


In the name of Allah , let's start

And show you some of our art

Let's question some buddies for a start.


Let's see who's gone behind

Speak; tell us what's in your mind


The Past:

 I'm no longer there, I'm bygone

I refer to an action formerly was done

Use me with last, ago and one day or none

Examples: Yesterday I baked a bun.

Last night I didn't have fun.

Did you run or draw a gun?


Time: You're the past simple, right, guy?


The Past: Surely, you're smart so high.


Time: And you, that look so cute,

 To what do you denote?


The Present Continuous:

 I'm a tense you've been taught

To actions at the moment I denote

With "now, at the moment" I'm said and wrote

With future arrangement, I'm often wrought

Examples: Look! They are sailing a boat.

It's hot! I'm not wearing a coat.

It's the feast, is he sacrificing a goat?


Time: Then you're the Present Continuous.


The Present Continuous: Right you are, don't be dubious.


Time: Hallo, hallo! Who's also there?



The present Simple:

I'm a tense that is not rare

You hear me spoken everywhere

To the past, present and future I refer

Facts, habits and repeated actions I rear

Always, sometimes and the like to me may refer

Examples: I go to the beach every year.

He doesn't usually come near.

Where do they spend the mid- year?

I hope now, it's clear.


Time: You're the present simple, right, dear?


 The present Simple: Right, dear.


Time: And you that is standing so faraway

So shining, so bright like a sun ray.


The Future Simple:

 I'm before you in the days to come

I'm not there, one day I will become

Use me with tomorrow and dates to come

Examples: I promise, I'll help you, mum.

If you pay attention, you won't chew gum.

When you sit for long, will you feel numb?


Time: You're the future simple, do not hum.


The Future Simple: Surely, you're not scum.


Time: I hope it's understood, if not all, but some

Sooner or later, you'll need the whole sum.








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0 تصويتات / 119 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 15 أغسطس 2017 بواسطة taha2011

ساحة النقاش

طه السرجانى



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