Why are there so many clashes

You’ll turn the country into ashes

Why our country they want to ruin

And leave everything to rack and ruin

Why isn’t there any tolerance

All the time there is defiance


Everything is a stumbling block

That makes us lose all luck

Everybody is opinionated

Nothing at all is tolerated

Life is not for those who are selfish

Or even for those who are devilish


We are not in a wrestling ring

To see who has the bitterest sting

We are not in a feverish race

To see who will take the ace

We are not in a show of muscles

This will surely destroy our castles


We aren’t at all foes

We are siblings like toes

Isn’t there anybody discreet

To know what to leave and what to beat


Stop that for God’s sake

We are in no way dividing a cake

It’s our country that we cherish

Lest, by God, it should perish

المصدر: طه السرجانى


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نشرت فى 1 يونيو 2012 بواسطة taha2011

ساحة النقاش

طه السرجانى



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