Ayman falls down, his suit is torn,

He is bitten, is he forlorn?

The seven-legged spider is not found,

The Echinacea negra must be found,

Wafaa Sultan is in Sinai confined,

Beyond the storm, no way is to be found,

She gets the plants in such a hurry,

Ayman is safe ,no need to worry,

The seven-legged spider is caught in hospital,

Ayman's new injury is not fatal,

He is a young man with a new future,

There is a chance for work and study further,

The glory he attains is not haphazard,

It is athing attained for work that is hard.








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The spiders is a story,

 Of a man who attains glory,

How much he gets worried,

About work when study's finished,

The six archaeologists sleep soundly,

The four foreign robbers creep stealthily,

They come armed with the latest technology,

To steal things that marked our history,

However, the spiders took revenge,

The poor archaeologists weren't beyond range,

Unluckily, they were also dead,

For nothing wrong they did,

Ayman Hassan suddenly stops,

While going to the shops,

He sees a black and yellow spider,

So big that he begins to wonder,

He consults a student of zoology,

Then he resorts to technology,

He gets in touch with Dr. Fakhry,

Who doubts it as a source of fatality,

Suzan Bennett completely at ease,

Tells her it is not on the database,

The medical text negates every doubt,

It's high time they started the fight,

Dr. Jones cancels his trip,

To South America, to take a step,

To find a new species,

On sheer scientific bases,

As soon as he is there,

Ayman has nothing but to stare,

The professor is such a great help,

They follow the spider step by step,

With the help of police officers,

They catch a few deadly spiders,

To an anti-venom lab ,they send their sacs,

To make an anti-venom, and then to relax,

They search the empty house near Ayman's,

They find a rough sea of small spiders,














المصدر: طه السرجانى


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نشرت فى 23 سبتمبر 2011 بواسطة taha2011

ساحة النقاش

طه السرجانى



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