الهوكي هي واحدة من مجموعات الرياضات التي يتنافس فيها فريقين محاولين تسجيل الكرة أو القرص في مرمى الفريق المنافس باستخدام عصا الهوكي. وفي العديد من المناطق، هناك رياضة (دائمًا ما يطلق عليها هوكي الحقل أو هوكي الجليد[1]) يشار إليها باسم الهوكي فقط.

هوكي الحقل[عدل]

يلعب هوكي الحقل على الحصى والعشب الطبيعي والعشب الصناعي على الرمال أو الترتان أو المياه، بكرة صغيرة صلبة. هذه اللعبة مشهورة بين الرجال والنساء في أرجاء عديدة من العالم، خصوصًا في أوروبا وآسيا وأستراليا ونيوزيلاندا وجنوب أفريقيا. وفي معظم البلاد، تلعب اللعبة بين فريقين من نفس الجنس، رغم وجود حالات لمباريات بين الجنسين.

هوكي الجليد[عدل]

فريق باري كولتس (Barrie Colts) وفريق برامبتون باتاليون (Brampton Battalion) في مباراةهوكي جليد.

تُلعب مباراة هوكي الجليد على مساحة منبسطة فسيحة من الجليد باستخدام قرص قطره ثلاث بوصات (76,2 مم) من مطاط مفلكنيسمى القرص المطاطي. وغالبًا ما يُجمد هذا القرص المطاطي قبل المباريات الرفيعة المستوى لتقليل كمية الارتداد والاحتكاك على الجليد. ويتنافس في هذه المباراة فريقان من المتزلجين. وتنتشر هذه اللعبة في جميع أرجاء أمريكا الشمالية وأوروبا وغيرها الكثير من البلاد حول العالم بمقدار متفاوت. وهي الرياضة الأشهر على الإطلاق في كندا وفنلندا ولاتفيا وجمهورية التشيك وسلوفاكيا.

أشكال أخرى للهوكي[عدل]

مابوتشيون محليون يلعبون بالين (palín) في كتاب Histórica Relación del Reino de Chile لمؤلفه ألونسو دي أوفال (Alonso de Ovalle). روما سنة 1646.

الألعاب الأخرى المشتقة من الهوكي أو المنشقة عنها تشمل ما يلي:

هوكي الصندوق يُلعب في ميامي، فلوريدا 1935
  • الهوكي الهوائي
  • هوكي الشاطئ
  • هوكي الكرة
  • الباندي
  • هوكي الصندوق
  • برومبول
  • هوكي السفن
  • الهوكي الأرضي
  • هوكي على العشب
  • هوكي كرة القدم
  • هوكي الجمنازيوم
  • هيرلنج وكاموجي
  • هوكي الحقل في الأماكن المغلقة
  • الهوكي المصغر
  • هوكي نوك
  • هوكي العجلات المتحركة
  • الرينجيت
  • هوكي رينك
  • هوكي روسال
  • هوكي الطاولة
  • الهوكي التحتمائي
  • هوكي الدراجة الأحادية
  • Hockey is a sport in which two teams play against each other by trying to manoeuvre a ball or a puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick. There are many types of hockey such as bandyfield hockey, and ice hockey.
  • Other forms of hockey

    Native Mapuches playing palín, shown in Histórica Relación del Reino de Chile by Alonso de Ovalle, Rome, 1646

    Other games derived from hockey or its predecessors include the following:

    Box Hockey being played in Miami, Florida, 1935
    • Air hockey is played indoors with a puck on an air-cushion table.
    • Beach hockey, a variation of street hockey, is a common sight on Southern California beaches.
    • Ball hockey is played in a gym using sticks and a ball, often a tennis ball with the felt removed.
    • Box hockey is a schoolyard game played by two people. The object of the game is to move a hockey puck from the center of the box out through a hole placed at the end of the box (known as the goal). The players kneel facing one another on either side of the box, and each attempts to move the puck to the hole on their left.
    • Broomball is played on an ice hockey rink, but with a ball instead of a puck and a "broom" (actually a stick with a small plastic implement on the end) in place of the ice hockey stick. Instead of skates, special shoes are used that have very soft rubbery soles to maximize grip while running around.
    • Deck hockey is traditionally played by the Royal Navyon ships' decks, using short wooden L-shaped sticks.
    • Floor hockey is a form of hockey played on foot, on a flat, smooth floor surface, usually indoors in gymnasiums or similar spaces.
    • Floorball is a form of hockey played in a gymnasium or in a sports hall. A whiffle ball is used instead of a plastic ball, and the sticks are only one meter long and made from composite materials.
    • Foot hockey or sock hockey is played using a bald tennis ball or rolled-up pair of socks and using only the feet. It is popular in elementary schools in the winter.
    • Genna[25] is a field hockey sport played in Ethiopia, with which the Ethiopian Christmas festival shares its name. The equipment consists of a strong stick curved at one end, and a ball of two kinds: either called srur (made out of a rounded piece of hard-wood) or tsng (made by weaving a long strip of leather into a rounded shape).
    • Gym hockey is a form of ice hockey played in a gymnasium. It uses sticks with foam ends and a foam ball or a plastic puck.
    • Hurling and Camogie are Irish games bearing some resemblance to – and notable differences from – hockey.
    • Indoor hockey is an indoor variation of field hockey.
    • Mini hockey (or knee-hockey), also known as "mini-sticks" is a form of hockey played in the United States in the basements of houses. Players kneel and use a miniature plastic stick, usually about 15 inches (38 cm) long, to manoeuvre a small ball or a soft, fabric-covered mini puck into miniature goals. In England 'mini hockey' refers to a seven-a-side version of field hockey for younger players, played on an area equivalent to half a normal pitch.
    • Nok Hockey is a table-top version of hockey played with no defence and a small block in front of the goal.
    • Pond hockey is a simplified form of ice hockey played on naturally frozen ice.
    • Power hockey is a form of hockey for persons requiring the use of an electric (power) wheelchair in daily life.
    • Ringette is an ice hockey variant that was designed for female players; it uses a straight stick and a rubber ring in place of a puck. The rules differ from those of hockey and resemble a mix of lacrosse and basketball.
    • Rink bandy and rinkball are team sports of Scandinavian origin that are played like bandy but on an ice hockey rink and with fewer players on each team.
    • Rossall hockey is a variation played at Rossall School on the sea shore in the winter months. Its rules are a mix of field hockey, rugby and the Eton wall game.
    • Shinny is an informal version of ice hockey.
    • Shinty is a Scottish game now played primarily in the Highlands
    • Skater hockey is a variant of inline hockey, played with a ball.
    • Spongee is a cross between ice hockey and broomball and is most popular in Manitoba, Canada. A stick and puck are used as in hockey (the puck is a softer version called a "sponge puck"), and the same soft-soled shoes are worn as in broomball. The rules are basically the same as for ice hockey, but one variation has an extra player on the ice called a "rover".
    • Table hockey is played indoors on a table.
    • Underwater hockey is played on the bottom of a swimming pool.
    • Unicycle hockey is played on a hard surface using unicycles as the method of player movement. There is generally no dedicated goalkeeper.
    • Roller hockey (quad)

      Main article: Roller hockey (quad)

      Roller hockey, also known as quad hockey, international-style ball hockey, and Hoquei em Patins, is an overarching name for a roller sport that has existed since long before inline skates were invented. This sport is played in over sixty countries and has a worldwide following. Roller hockey was a demonstration sport at the 1992 Barcelona Summer Olympics.

      Street hockey

      Main article: Street hockey

      Also known as road hockey, this is a dry-land variant of ice and roller hockey played year-round on a hard surface (usually asphalt). A ball is usually used instead of a puck, and protective equipment is not usually worn.



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