المدونة الخاصة ب د/ رشــا محمد بهنســى عمر

أستاذ التغذيه وعلوم الأطعمة المساعد



1. Journal Of Materials and Engineering Structures

2. Journal Of New Technology and Materials



1. Bahrain Medical Bulletin



1. African Journal of Urology

2. Ain Shams Journal of Anesthesiology

3. Alexandria Journal of Medicine

4. Annals Of Pediatric Surgery

5. Applied And Environmental Soil Science

6. Arab Journal of Urology

7. Beni-Suef University Journal Of Basic and Applied Sciences

8. Cardiothoracic Surgeon

9. Catrina-The International Journal of Environmental Sciences

10. Egyptian Heart Journal

11. Egyptian Journal of Agronomy

12. Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia

13. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research

14. Egyptian Journal of Archaeological and Restoration Studies

15. Egyptian Journal of Botany

16. Egyptian Journal of Bronchology

17. Egyptian Journal of Chemistry

18. Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis

19. Egyptian Journal of Critical Care Medicine

20. Egyptian Journal of Dermatology and Venereology

21. Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences

22. Egyptian Journal of Haematology

23. Egyptian Journal of Neurology Psychiatry and Neurosurgery

24. Egyptian Journal of Neurosurgery

25. Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology

26. Egyptian Journal of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology

27. Egyptian Journal of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine

28. Egyptian Journal of Soil Science

29. Egyptian Journal of Surgery

30. Egyptian Journal of Veterinary Science

31. Egyptian Liver Journal

32. Egyptian Pediatric Association Gazette

33. Egyptian Rheumatologist

34. Egyptian Rheumatology and Rehabilitation

35. Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics

36. Future Business Journal

37. Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

38. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine

39. Journal Of Egyptian Archaeology

40. Journal of the Egyptian National Cancer Institute

41. Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology

42. Middle East Current Psychiatry-Mecpsych

43. Middle East Fertility Society Journal

44. Parasitologists United Journal

45. Review Of Economics and Political Science



1. Aro-The Scientific Journal of Koya University

2. Baghdad Science Journal

3. Iraqi Journal of Agricultural Sciences

4. Iraqi Journal of Hematology

5. Journal Of Contemporary Medical Sciences

6. Journal Of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports



1. Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

2. Journal of Law and Political Sciences

3. Jordan Journal of Modern Languages & Literature

4. Jordan Journal of Chemistry

5. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering

6. Jordanian Journal of Computers and Information Technology

7. Jordan Journal of Electrical Engineering

8. Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

9. Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

10. Jordan Journal of Physics



1. International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science



1. Hesperis-Tamuda



1. Open Veterinary Journal



1. Avicenna

2. Emergent Materials

3. Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies


Saudi Arabia

1. International Journal of Health Sciences-Ijhs

2. Journal of Architecture and Planning -King Saud University

3. Journal of Family and Community Medicine

4. Journal of the Saudi Heart Association

5. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences

6. Saudi Dental Journal

7. Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia

8. Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation

9. Saudi Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences

10. Urology Annals



1. Chemistry Africa-A Journal of the Tunisian Chemical Society

2. Dirasat Hispanicas-Revista Tunecina De Estudios Hispanicos

3. Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration


United Arab Emirates

1. Current Cancer Therapy Reviews

2. Current Diabetes Reviews

3. Current Psychiatry Research and Reviews

4. Current Respiratory Medicine Reviews

5. Current Reviews in Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology

6. Current Rheumatology Reviews

7. Current Traditional Medicine

8. Current Womens Health Reviews

9. Dubai Medical Journal

10. Journal of Ophthalmic & Vision Research

11. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education-Gulf Perspectives

12. Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal

13. Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

14. Recent Advances in Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery

15. Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery

16. Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences

المصدر: د. علي ابراهيم الموسوي

"إذا بلغت القمة فوجه نظرك إلى السفح لترى من عاونك فى الصعود إليها وانظر إلى السماء ليثبت الله أقدامك عليها".

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نشرت فى 27 يوليو 2023 بواسطة rashaomar

د/ رشا محمد بهنسى عمر

أستاذ التغذيه وعلوم الأطعمه المساعد - كلية اقتصاد منزلى - جامعة الأزهر »


تسجيل الدخول

عدد زيارات الموقع


حياتى كلها لله

قال عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه :

أيها الناس احتسبوا أعمالكم .. فإن من احتسب عمله .. كُتب له أجر عمله وأجر حسبته

سُئل الإمام أحمد :

متى يجد العبد طعم الراحة ؟

فقال : عند أول قدم يضعها في الجنة !!

قال مالك إبن دينار :

اتخذ طاعة الله تجارة تأتيك الارباح من غير بضاعة ..

قال وهيب بن الورد:

إن استطعـــت ألا يسبقـــك الى الله أحـــد فافعــــــل

قال عمر بن عبد العزيز :

إن الليل والنهار يعملان فيك

فاعمل أنت فيهما .

قال الزهري رحمه الله :

مــا عُـــبـِد الله بشيء أفضل من العلم