مجموعة مشاتل المهندس السيد عسكر للتنمية الزراعية 01004950946 يشتمل علي كل اصناف المانجو - الموالح - العنب - الحلويات - الرمان الونرفل - الزيتون - ال

مــــانــــجـــو - مــوالــح - عـــنب مــطعوم - شتلات فاكهة جهزة لتصدير


Mango Nam Dok Mai, Thailand, the country of origin


Description vegetation

1- strong tree growing list of up 5: 15 o'clock and you need to trim unjust to maintain the structure of the tree annually

2- trunk does not contain any cracking and a few meandering medium length paper

3 - The tree is highly resistant to cold and frost and little precipitation for the flowers from 3000 to 4000 during the flower season

4- are not affected fruits Blvhp sun and had no phenomenon of relatively Alamaaomh

5-  along Achammrakh syphilis of 30-40 cm and width of 20:30 cm and the color tends to Achammrakh Alon pink


1-  high yield and the average yield of 170 trees during the production season, the fruit of the tree of the fruit to 250

2 - fruits ripen in the second half of August until the end of September

3 -  fruit suitable for export and for conservation 18 days of the combination

Description fruit

1-  shaped oval compressed inside Mtiol

2 - The average size and length up from 15:22 cm width and 9 cm and 9 cm fish other than Mango Owais specifications

3 -The average weight of 300 gm to 500 gm and sometimes up to 700 gm

4 - Color Green takes yellow color with a sun tends to Alon red in some fruits

5 -crust soft and thick and difficult to breakthrough for fruit flies

6 - inner core is bright yellow color tends to Orange

7 - seed medium does not contain fibers thin small seed size and seed mango resembling Owais.

8 - many embryos seeds

9 -  Bashayer produced after two years of agriculture and production optimization in the fifth year


        1. excellent and very flesh of up to 75% of the weight of the fruit

المصدر: مشاتل المهندس للتنمية الزراعية

التحميلات المرفقة


م السيد عسكر 01004950946 - 01141225537 - 01282691075 نحن معك حتي الاثمار

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0 تصويتات / 485 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 8 سبتمبر 2016 بواسطة mango3344

الدكتور / السيد صلاح عسكر 01004950946-01141225537 - 01282691075

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