عدد 468 مقال تحت قسم الكتب المتخصصة
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الترتيب حسب
The Atlantic Ocean- North and South Natural Bases of Fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean: Their Past and Present Characteristics and Possibilities for Future Expansion Fishery Conservation in the Atlantic Ocean
Bacterial Fish Pathogens Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish
639/A.B The Structure of Fish The meaning of disease in relation to fish Anaerobic Pathogens Gram-Positive bacteria: the ‘Lactic acid bacteria’ Aerobic Gram-positive rods and cocci (Excluding the lactobacilli) Aeromonadaceae
Chapter 1- The history of aquaculture Chapter 2- Water Quality Chapter 3- Culture systems Chapter 4- Pumps and
1 – Definitions of Growth 2 – The Biochemical and Genetical Determinants of Selection for Growth 3 – The Hormonal Control of Growth at Puberty 4 – Growth and the
Men and Fish- What is a Fish? Body Covering - Framework The Senses and Nervous System The Air – Bladder - Internal Workings Reproduction and Growth Trout and Salmon -
Aquaculture - (Forms of aquaculture – The status of the aquaculture industry – Organisms cultured – Finfish culture) Energetics - (Definition of energetic – Factors affecting energy partitioning
Chapter 1: Trophic Levels and Optimal Foraging Theory Chapter 2: Mouth and Sense Organs Chapter 3: Feeding Variability Chapter 4: Plant-Eating Fish Chapter 5: Detritus Feeders Chapter 6: Particulate Feeding
Chemical Technicians’ Ready Reference Handbook
Disease in Farmed and Wild Fish
The Structure of Fish The meaning of disease in relation to fish Anaerobic Pathogens Gram-Positive bacteria: the ‘Lactic acid bacteria’ Aerobic Gram-positive rods and cocci (Excluding the lactobacilli) Aeromonadaceae representatives
639/L.C In the Beginning - The Captain and the Carp The Fish Nobody Wants - The Shad and Seth Green The Catfish of Contentment On Another Willow Twig
Principles of Warmwater Aquaculture
Calculations for Fishing Gear Designs
This Book is a Complete Revision of My1981 an Atlas of Distribution of the Freshwater Fish Families of the World. It was written without Reference to the First
Biology and Management of the World Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries
Chapter 19: Tagging of Bonefish in South Florida to Study Population Movements and Stock Dynamics
مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية
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