عدد 468 مقال تحت قسم الكتب المتخصصة
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الترتيب حسب
Economics for Fisheries Management
this book is concerned with the comparitive physiology of marine animals,and aknowledge of comparitive morphology of animal behaviour
an introduction to some basic aspects of biological oceanography and limonology Contents Productivity as biomass and energy / Feeding the world / Productivity and evolutionary change Organic cycles / Trophic
1 – Fish, Animals, and Man 2 – The Major Groups of Fishes 3 – Basic Fish Anatomy 4 – Skin 5 – Foods, Digestion, Nutrition and Growth
Descriptive Physical Oceanography
Men and Fish- What is a Fish? Body Covering - Framework The Senses and Nervous System The Air – Bladder - Internal Workings Reproduction and Growth Trout and Salmon -
2 – Importance of Marine Plants 3 – Introduction to
627.7/T.U. The Call of the Underwater What's in the Sea Just Looking How to Exist and Swim Underwater Preparation for the Plunge Basic Equipment for the Diver The
مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية
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