WorldFish in Egypt
About WorldFish
WorldFish is an international, nonprofit research organization that harnesses the potential of fisheries and aquaculture to reduce hunger and poverty. Utilizing its scientific expertise, networks and partnerships, and an innovative 'research in development' approach, WorldFish increases the productivity and sustainability of fisheries and aquaculture and improves the lives of people who rely on them in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
Headquartered in Penang, Malaysia, WorldFish has worked extensively in aquaculture and fisheries management in Egypt since 1998 when it established a research and training center in Abbasa, Sharkia.
Recognized as a global expert on fisheries and aquaculture. WorldFish has been a strategic partner with the Egyptian Government in its effort to develop the aquaculture sector. Today, the aquaculture sector employs more than 140.000 people in Egypt and production has risen to more than 1 million tonnes per year, almost all of which is consumed in-country, providing the equivalent of one fish per person per week.
By 2025, WorldFish aims to help improve the lives of more than 7 million Egyptians through increased production and employment and improved nutrition in line with the Egyptian aquaculture strategy which aims to increase aquaculture production to 1.5 million tonnes and create 70.000 new jobs.
World Fish is a member of CGIAR, a global agriculture research partnership for a food secure future.
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