Environmental pollution Analysis

Second Edition


S.M. Khopkar

Preface to the Second Edition:

Since last two decades, there has been spectacular progress in the analysis of environmental pollution. Newer methods have come to the forefront and classical methods have become outdated. In order to maintain parity for comparison of data in interlaboratory performance, standerd methods were developed. Of late, more stress was led on the instrumental methods of analysis as such methods are simple, rapid and give reproducible results. In earlier edition of this book greater stress was given to principles of analysis. In view of this the outline of each method was provided without further experimental details. However, in the course of time several readers felt the need to have detailed experimental procedure for the environmental pollution analysis. Therefore in this revised version of the book, a detailed experimental process is included in several chapters to facilitate carrying out such experiments in the laboratory. Further new chapters have been added to give up-to-date knowledge of pollution analysis in one single volume.

There are new chapters on several topics like sampling methods for air pollution analysis, from ambient and stationary sources. Modern methods like atomic absorption and plasma spectroscopy, anodic stripping voltammetry and capillary electrophoresis are extensively used. Therefore, detailed procedure for such analysis involving instrumental techniques for analysis of suspended particular matter, halogens, ozone and hydrocarbons have been included. The stepwise description for easy analysis of hydrological parameters as DO, BOD, COD have been also included. Anions constitute an important source of water pollution and its characterization attains special importance in the area of the environmental speciation, hence analysis of many anions is also presented.

With growing industrialization, the level of organic pollutants is rising; therefore, methods for the analysis of phenols, poly aromatic hydrocarbons, trihalidemethane and several toxic pollutants encountered in air and the water are discussed. The quality of especially potable water depends upon the presence of microorganisms present in it. Therefore, pertinent description of the microbiological examination of water is thoroughly discussed. It includes analysis of califorma, streptococci, planktons and fungi. The characterization and determination of these microogranism is provided with all minor details in the text.

All the important features of the previous edition have been retained and modified with up-to-date information on the environmental pollution analysis. With the inclusion of new topics, now it is felt that new version will be very useful to the students of environmental science both at undergraduate and postgraduate classes. It should serves as an ideal laboratory manual for performing all kinds of experiments related to air and water pollution analysis after comprehending basic principles in methodology employed.



  • Introduction to Environmental Pollution.
  • Modern Methods of Pollution Analysis.
  • Toxic Pollutants and their Analysis.
  • Sampling and Analysis of Air Pollutants.
  • Introduction to Air Pollution.
  • Analysis of Major Air Pollutants.
  • Analysis of minor Air Pollutants.
  • Air Pollutants Monitoring.
  • Introduction to Water Pollution.
  • Water Pollution Analysis.
  • Water treatment.
  • Metal Pollutants Analysis – Specific Methods.
  • Metal Pollutants Analysis by Instrumental Methods.
  • Analysis of Anions in Water.
  • Analysis of Organic Compounds in Water from its Bulk Properties.
  • Analysis of Specific Organic Compounds in Water.
  • Microbiological Examination of the Water.
  • Analysis of Industrial Effluents.
  • Domestic Effluents and their Analysis.
  • Land Pollution, Pesticides and their Analysis.
  • Noise Pollution and its Measurement.
  • Odour and their Measurement.



 Prep/ Asmaa Ahmed
REV & Manage/ Zeinab Osman


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