Physical and Chemical Methods in Soil Analysis

(Fundamental Concepts of Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Techniques)

Second Edition


Dipak Sarkar and Abhijit Haldar

Preface to the second Edition:

This text is primarily meant to cater the need of undergraduate and postgraduate students of Agricultural Universities/ Institutes in India and is expected to be of help to teachers and researches as well. An endeavour has been made to provide sufficient theoretical background on the subject matter to ensure that the procedures are not followed merely to obtain a numerical answer.

The text comprises of four major areas viz. Soil physics, Soil Chemistry, fundamental concepts of instrumental techniques and fundamental concepts of Analytical Chemistry. Each topic is presented in lucid and concise manner furnishing details of reagent preparation and stepwise procedure, outlining

precautions and additional notes wherever necessary. The principles have been discussed briefly and theories explained well with mathematical derivations and chemical equations as and when required. The analytical methods described in this text are either being widely used or have been accepted throughout as standard. Various methods have been explained in a simple and easily understandable language comprising of principle with equipments and apparatus, procedure, observations and calculations.

The second edition is improved with some important additions in the section of soil Chemistry particularly in relation to environment. Ground water and soil contamination with arsenic, selenium, fluoride and other heavy metals viz. lead, cadmium, chromium, Nickel, has reached alarming levels in many parts of our country endangering human health and environment. A comprehensive account of estimation of such soil pollutants is dealt in details along with required theoretical back up to the subject.

Inspite of best efforts by the authors, the text may still have some discrepancies. Suggestions for improvement from the readers will be highly appreciated.


  •  Instrumental Techniques: Fundamental Concepts.
  • Soil Physics.
  • Soil Chemistry.
  • Fundamental Concepts of Analytical Chemistry.


Prep/ Asmaa Ahmed
REV/ Mahmud Maher
Manage/ Zeinab Osman

المصدر: New Age international (p) Limited, Publishers

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مكتبة جهاز وتنمية البحيرات والثروة السمكية

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