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Fish Endocrinology


Manfred Reinecke

Giacomo Zaccone


Volume 1

Section 1: Insulin And Insulin-Like Growth Factors

<!--A Survey On The Insulin and Insulin-Like Growth Factor System

<!--Insulin Metabolic Effects In Fish Tissues

<!--Non-Radioisotopic Immunoassay For Fish Insulin

<!--Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 And 2 In Fish

<!--Insulin and IGF Receptors In Fish

<!--Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protins(IGFBPS) In Fish: Beacons For( Disrupted) Growth Endocrine Physiology

Section 2: Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic (GEP) System

<!--The Endocrine Pancreas Of African Lungfish: Light and Electron Microscopic Immunocytochemistry and Morphology

<!--Glucagon and Friends

<!--The Development Of The Gastro-Entero-Pancreatic (Gep) Endocrine System Of Teleosts

Section 3: Pituitary: Development, Hormones And Functions

<!--Teleost Adenohypophysis: Morphofunctional and Developmental Aspects

<!--Diverse Structures and Functions Of Melanocortin, Endorphin and Melanin-Concentrating Hormone In Fish

<!--Osmoregulatory Action Of Hypophyseal Hormones In Teleosts

<!--Osmoreception: A Fish Model For afundamental Sensory Modality

Volume 2

Section 4: Natriuretic Peptides

<!--The Natriuretic Peptide System Of Fishes: Structure, Evolution and Function

Section 5: Cardiac No Signaling

<!--Nitric Oxide Modulation Of Mechanical Performance In The Teleost Heart

Section 6: Myotropic Hormones

<!--Myotrohrmonal Neurohormonal Peptides In Fish

Section7: Pineal Organ: Structure And Function

<!--The Pineal Organ

Section 8: Stress Response, Reproduction And Endocrine Disruptors

<!--Morphofunctional Aspects Of Reproduction From Synchronous To Asynchronous Fishes-An Overview

<!--Current Perspectives On 17β-Estradiol (E2) Action and Nuclear Estrogen Receptors (Er) In Teleost Fish

<!--Stress Biomarkers and Reproduction In Fish

<!--Neuroendocrine Mechanisms Regulating Stress Response In Cultured Teleost Species

<!--The HPA Axis and Functions Of Corticosteroids In Fishes

<!--Modes Of Action and Physiological Effects Of Thyroid Hormones In Fish

<!--The Impact Of Environmental Hormonally Active Substances On The Endocrine and Immune Systems Of Fish

*** For more please visit the library ***

Prep./ Khaled Shrief

Manage./ Huda Hosny

ساحة النقاش


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fadi alzeer فى 17 ديسمبر 2011 شارك بالرد 0 ردود

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