Charles R. GOLDMAN
Division of environmental studies
University of california, davis
Alexander J.horne
department of sanitary and environmenal engineering
university of california, berkeley
- Limnology: past, present, future.
- The structure of aquatic ecosystems.
- Water And light.
- Heat.
- Water movement.
- Chemicals And growth factors.
- Oxygen And carbon Water Movement.
- Nitrogen.
- Phosphorus.
- Other nutrients.
- Organisms in lakes, streams, and estuaries.
- Phytoplankton.
- Zooplankton And zoobenthos.
- Fish And fisheries.
- Food-chain dynamics.
- Streams And rivers.
- Estuaries.
- Origin of lakes And estuaries, eutrophication, And paleolimnology.
- Comparative And regional limnology.
- Applied limnology.
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