عدد 6 مقال تحت تصنيف Seaweed
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الترتيب حسب
Six ways the ocean could (potentially) mop up CO2 emissions- Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Several proposals exist for enhancing the ocean’s carbon-capturing capacity. But they are nascent, untested and may cause more problems than they solve
Researchers look at locally-grown algae as protein source to replace imported soy and fishmeal
Alginate used to make heat storage material -Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Researchers from Swansea University and the University of Bath have developed a new innovative heat storage material using alginate – a non-toxic seaweed derivative – for enhanced energy efficiency.
The rediscovered potential of seaweed dietary additives Editor/Mohamed Shihab
The cellular structure of seaweeds comprises indigestible fibres or complex polysaccharides,
Scotland shouldn’t waste emerging aquaculture opportunity
Technology is offering more uses for fish farming by-products, but regulations must be simplified if we are to take full advantage of such advances,
السعودية و هولندا لإنتاج وتصنيع الأعشاب البحرية Seaweed
أتفق الجانبان خلال الاجتماع على أن يقوم الجانب الهولندي بتقديم مقترح لنطاق عمل يركز على جانبين، الأول تطوير القاعدة البحثية وذلك بالتعاون مع مركز أبحاث الثروة السمكية بجدة التابع
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