عدد 6 مقال تحت تصنيف biodiversity
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الترتيب حسب
The first marine fish extinction as a result of human activity -Editor/Mohamed Shihab
A global biodiversity tipping point as first marine fish extinction declared
Revolutionising fish nutrition for the sake of biodiversity -Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Since before WW2, the Polish Anglers’ Association (Polski Związek Wędkarski) has been concerned with the environmental status of inland waters, and river restocking is done under their auspicesTheir
How aquatic biodiversity will be key to a food secure world -Editor/Mohamed shihab
The way that aquatic genetic resources (AqGR) are managed, developed and applied in aquaculture, is critical for productivity and sustainability as the sector grows
A holistic approach to sustainable aquaculture- Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Aquatic foods are contributing more than ever before to global food security and nutrition. According to the latest SOFIA report, total fisheries and aquaculture production reached a record 214 million
Sustainable Aquaculture -Editor/Mohamed Shihab
Sustainable aquaculture is a dynamic concept and the sustainability of an aquaculture system will vary with species, location, societal norms and the state of knowledge and technology.
أسماك سامة تغزو سواحل البحر المتوسط إعداد/محمد شهاب
يذكر أن هذه الأسماك شوهدت للمرة الأولى في البحر المتوسط قبالة فلسطين عام 1991، وشوهدت مؤخرا في المياه اللبنانية والتونسية وفقا لمنظمة UICN، ويعتقد أن هذه الأسماك دخلت عبر قناة
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