محمد شهاب- المزارع السمكية Mohamed Shihab -Aquacultures

يعرض الموقع الأحدث من ومقالات و صور و مواقع تخص الاستزراع السمكى

Live fish air freight system coming to Europe

Editor/Mohamed Shihab

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FloatPac, owners of FishPac live seafood oxygen transport systems, has announced the signing of an exclusive agency arrangement with LipFish, based in Tromso, Norway.

The world’s only approved air freight oxygen delivery system for transportation of live seafood, FishPac will be introduced to the UK via a newly appointed European agent, the pair said. The product was designed and is manufactured in Australia.

Giving Lipfish European agency for FishPac’s road and air freight systems, the deal will "revolutionize live seafood transportation throughout continental Europe and the UK", they claimed.

Lipfish currently has its first 42 units on the water for delivery to Norway, with two units shipped immediately for trials and demonstration purposes. A further 300-500 FishPac bins are expected to be sold into Europe within the next two years.

“We have worked closely with FishPac to develop sensoring technology for our bins, which will allow us to see what’s happening inside every bin in real time," said Robert Robertson, owner of Lipfish. "The sensors collect data and send this back to the cloud in three minute increments. This data can then be accessed by all parties in the supply chain for a very clear understanding of what has happened during transport and -- in the unlikely event of something going wrong -- we will be able to pinpoint this problem quickly and fix it."

Gavin Hodgins, FloatPac CEO, said he saw a "very significant opportunity" to develop a strong business relationship. "The level of detail that Robert and his team had gone into with respect to business and marketing plans for FishPac in Europe culminated in the signing of an agreement."

The patented FishPac system has already carried more than 250,000 bins/totes between Australia, Indonesia, Maldives, Japan, Canada, the US, Asia, Iceland and Belgium, with each tote containing up to 500 kilograms of live fish and marine life, the firm said.


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