محمد شهاب- المزارع السمكية Mohamed Shihab -Aquacultures

يعرض الموقع الأحدث من ومقالات و صور و مواقع تخص الاستزراع السمكى




 معالجة المياه بواسطة المغناطيسية

Magnetized Water

إعداد محمد شهاب


The effects of magnetic fields on running water have been observed for years. Patents on treating water with magnets appeared as early as the 1950's. It was discovered that less scale deposit was produced after long use. The effects were described as making the water appear to "behave" as if the mineral content was lowered. This technology was used mainly in countries which have very little chemical industry, like Russia, China, Poland and Bulgaria, who all reported the successful use of magnets in treating water for irrigation, industry and home use. They cited improvements in taste and faster drying time, but no one knew why! Magnetic water treatment developed more slowly in the West. To Western minds, measuring the magnetic effect of flowing water was somewhat

suspect. (Kronenberg said, "People in the West insist on understanding what they say or do!")

Also, chemicals were in general use in North America and the chemical industry did its best to discourage the use of magnets – for obvious reasons! Even to Westerners, however, the genuine and practical effects of magnetic water treatment after prolonged use were undeniable. And Kronenberg states that there is no mystique in how magnets treat water problems. The positive effects have been confirmed through systematic research. When treatment devices with permanent magnets were developed, they were immediately successful! The build up of scale on new pipes was totally eliminated and the removal of scale deposits in old water pipes was soon evident. It was while he was at California State Polytechnic that Kronenberg contributed to the pioneering work in agriculture that re-used re-energized irrigation water with magnetic treatment. He says magnets actually change the nucleus of water.

And that is the source of its seemingly magical properties. A diet of magnetized water makes cows give more milk, chickens grow fatter and lay more eggs. And antaloupes and other crops grow larger and have better yields with less fertilizer.

"The magnetized water increases the solubility of minerals and therefore improves the transfer of nutrients to all parts of the body, making the organisms work more


A wide range of biological effects have been induced by applying magnetic fields in both laboratory and clinical experiments. Back in 1982 researchers discovered the effects of magnetic fields on ion flux through cell membranes. For example, the increased flow or movement of calcium ions within a magnetic field led doctors to place magnets above and below bone fractures in order to speed up calcium accumulation at the break thus causing the bone to heal faster. Experiments in 1985 confirmed that other bodily elements such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, etc., were also effected by this process also effected by this process.



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