محمد شهاب- المزارع السمكية Mohamed Shihab -Aquacultures

يعرض الموقع الأحدث من ومقالات و صور و مواقع تخص الاستزراع السمكى

Drive to cut emissions in aquaculture

Editor/Mohamed shihab

Grieg Seafood is joining forces with several leading industry and research institutions in a push to develop low emission offshore aquaculture. The 17- strong consortium says it aims to reduce the environmental impact of farming, and improve fish welfare, through innovations within offshore and closed technologies, biology, fish feed, electrification, digitalisation and logistics. To help it lift off, the project is receiving NOK 96m (£8.2m) from the Norwegian Research Council.

Specifically, the project aims to deliver innovations in the following areas:

-Sustainable feed for underwater feeding offshore;

-Robust post-smolt in closed-containment facilities at sea;

-Electrification of offshore farming;

-Control systems for semi-autonomous offshore fish farms;

-Better fish welfare and increased survival;

-Improved logistics at sea; and

-Improved competence, knowledge and technology to develop environmentally, economically and socially sustainable value chains for offshore aquaculture.

المصدر: fishfarmermagazine
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0 تصويتات / 125 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 11 نوفمبر 2021 بواسطة hatmheet

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