How to Run a Workshop

Edited by Chris, Maniac, Pumped(._.)bass, Jeffrey

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Running a workshop may seem at first as easy as getting a group of people together to discuss a certain topic and brainstorm ideas, but if not led by someone who knows how to facilitate a workshop, it can quickly get out of control. If you have been chosen to run a workshop and are uneasy about your leadership role, follow these steps to ensure a successful event that all participants will enjoy.

Edit Steps

  1. 1Ascertain workshop goals. Before moving forward with your plan, determine the workshop's objective. Whether the workshop is to be a learning tool, a day of problem-solving or building morale will have an impact on how you run a workshop and keep you focused.
  2. 2Refrain from lecturing. It is important to remember that a workshop is an interactive tool designed to get the participants involved, and that to facilitate a workshop means you are in charge of reaching your goals and objective with their help. A lecture is a completely different type of event format, and that is not why everyone has signed up.
  3. 3Divide participants into small groups. The workshop participants will feel much more comfortable developing ideas and solutions or sharing experiences if they are placed in small groups. Fewer people at each table also aids in more effective results with group exercises.
  4. 4Combine people from various groups. If you are working with company departments or participants are coming from different groups, workshop goals will be met if they are seated with others they don't know. They will be able try out their ideas on fresh ears as well as see the subject matter from a new perspective.
  5. 5Provide materials at each table. When you facilitate a workshop, remember that information will be exchanged between participants in a discussion format, and they may not be prepared to take notes or write down questions. Make it easy for them by having pads and pens places at every table.
  6. 6Share ideas and themes with the whole group. As you near the end your allotted time, ask each table to appoint 1 person to read their conclusions. This will give all the participants a broader perspective on what was discussed and offer everyone more information.


  • Put the group at ease by opening with some icebreakers.
  • Avoid distractions by asking participants to turn off all cell phones before you begin.
  • Introduce yourself at the start and explain what qualifies you to be the facilitator of a workshop.
  • Consider the time of day when scheduling the workshop. The workshop goals will be met more easily if you meet in the morning when everyone is fresh.
  • Offer your group light refreshments such as water, tea and coffee to keep workshop participants alert.

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نشرت فى 5 أغسطس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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