twist someone's arm If you twist someone's arm, you make them do something, without using physical force.
He didn't have to twist my arm when he invited me out for dinner -
I was happy to accept!
twist in the wind If someone is left to twist in the wind, they are left to face a difficult situation without any assistance or support.
He walked out of the press conference and left his agent twisting in the wind.
two of a kind People who are two of a kind are similar in character, attitude or tastes.
Pete and Ben are two of a kind; they enjoy sports and are very competitive.
two can play at that game You say this to tell someone that you can behave towards them in the same unpleasant way that they have behaved towards you.
He refuses to take my call?  Tell him two can play at that game!
two-faced Someone who is two-faced is deceitful or insincere;  they will say one thing to your face and something else when you are not there.
I don't trust Billy.  I find him two-faced.
two left feet If you have two left feet, you are clumsy or awkward in your movements.
I'm afraid I'm a bad dancer.  I've got two left feet!
in two minds If you are in two minds about something, you have difficulty deciding what to do.
I'm in two minds about whether or not to accept the offer.
takes two to tango You say this when you think that a difficult situation cannot be the fault of one person alone.
We've heard Fred's side of the story - but it takes two to tango!
two peas in a pod Two people who are like two peas in a pod are very similar in appearance.
The two brothers are very alike - they're like two peas in a pod!
in two shakes of a lamb's tail To do something in two shakes of a lamb's tail means to do it very quickly.
Wait for me.  I'll be ready in two shakes (of a lamb's tail).
two-time someone If one person two-times another, they cheat on their partner by having a romantic relationship with another person at the same time.
Sally left Harry when she discovered he was two-timing her.
two's company, three's a crowd This is said of two people, particularly lovers, who would prefer to be alone together rather than to have someone else with them.
I'd rather not come to the cinema with you, thanks.  Two's company ...!
put two and two together To put two and two together means to reach the right conclusion based on the information you have.
When she saw Jill and Ben holding hands, it wasn't hard to put two and two together!

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نشرت فى 13 مارس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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