all thumbs If you are all (finger and) thumbs, you are awkward and clumsy and do things incorrectly.
Would you mind wrapping this for me? I'm all (fingers and) thumbs.
tick the right boxes If something ticks all the right boxes, it is perfect for you because it meets all your criteria.
We're in luck!  We visited an apartment today that ticks all the right boxes!
tickle the ivories This is a humorous way of talking about playing the piano.
My grandfather loves playing the piano; he tickles the ivories whenever he can.
tickled pink If you are tickled pink, you are very pleased about something.
My dad was tickled pink when he was asked to announce the winner.
tide has turned When a trend has changed from one thing to another, the tide has turned.
Before, people wanted to live in residential suburbs; now the tide has turned and warehouses are being converted into fashionable loft apartments.
tide over If you tide someone over, you support them through a difficult period for a certain length of time.
With this weather it's impossible to get to the shops, but we have enough food to tide us over until next week.
tie the knot When two people tie the knot, they get married.
Guess what!  Tom and Sarah are finally going to tie the knot!
tie yourself up in knots If you tie yourself up in knots, you become totally confused or confuse others when trying to explain something.
Sandy tied herself up in knots trying to explain the rules of the game.
tied to apron strings If one person is tied to another's apron strings, they remain dependent at an age when they should be independent.
All his decisions are influenced by his mother.  He's still tied to her apron strings.
tight squeeze If you are in a tight squeeze, you are in a cramped or crowded situation.
We managed to get on the bus but it was a tight squeeze.
tight spot Someone who is in a tight spot is in a very difficult situation.
The recent strike has put the airline company in a tight spot.
tighten your belt If you need to tighten your belt, you must spend your money carefully because there is less available.
Another bill?  I'll have to tighten my belt this month!
walk a tightrope If a person is walking a tightrope, they are in a difficult situation where they must act carefully.
The management is walking a tightrope in their efforts both to keep the costs down and satisfy the trade unions.
till the cows come home If you say 'till the cows come home' you mean for a long time or forever.
You can ask till the cows come home but I'm not buying you a scooter!
time after time If you do something time after time, you do it repeatedly or on many occasions.
The was surprised when the teacher punished him although he had been warned time after time.

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نشرت فى 13 مارس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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