seal of approval If a project or contract receives a seal of approval, it receives formal support or approval from higher authorities.
We can't conclude the deal without the director's seal of approval.
come apart at the seams To say that someone is coming apart at the seams means that they are extremely upset or under severe mental stress.
Bob has had so many problems lately, he's coming apart at the seams.
seamy side of life This expression refers to the most unpleasant, disreputable or sordid aspects of life that we normally do not see (just as the stitched seams of clothes are generally not seen).
Social workers really see the seamy side of life.
play second fiddle If you play second fiddle to another person, you accept to be second in importance to that person, or have a lower position.
John resented having to play second fiddle to the sales manager when the company was restructured.
second a motion During a meeting, if you second a motion, you formally agree with a proposal.
She seconded the motion to introduce flexible working hours.
second nature If something you do is second nature to you, it is something that you do easily or automatically because you have done it so often or for so long.
Skiing is second nature to Harry. He grew up in a ski resort.
second to none Something that is second to none is excellent or much better than any other.
The service was perfect and the food was second to none.
on second thoughts 'On second thoughts' means that after giving the matter more thought, you have changed your mind.
My idea was to move to an apartment, but on second thoughts, I'd rather have a garden.
see the colour of money If you want to see the colour of somebody's money, you want to be sure that the person in question has enough money to pay you before you accept to do something.
I want to see the colour of his money before shipping the goods.
see the error of ways When someone sees the error of their ways, they understand that what they are doing is wrong and accept to change their behaviour.
He talked to a counsellor who tried to make him see the error of his ways.
see eye to eye If you see eye to eye with somebody, you agree with them.
I'm glad we see eye to eye on the choice of colour scheme.
see light at end of tunnel If you see light at the end of the tunnel, you see signs of hope for the future after a long period of difficulty.
Sales dropped heavily last year but we're beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.
see in a new light If you see something in a new light, you view it in a way that makes you change the opinion you had before.
After listening to my colleague, I began to see things in a new light.
see red If someone sees red, they suddenly become very angry or annoyed.
Discrimination of any kind makes me see red.
seeing is believing This expression means that when you see something you can be sure it exists, or that what you have been told is really true.
Mark says bananas grow in his garden, but seeing is believing!
seen better days If something has seen better days, it has aged visibly in comparison with when it was new.
My much-travelled suitcase has seen better days!

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