run down A person who is run down is in poor physical condition.
She's completely run down from lack of proper food..
run the gamut of If you run the gamut of something, you cover the entire range of what is possible.
He enjoys reading. His taste runs the gamut from popular novels to poetry.
run with the hare and hunt with the hounds If you run with the hare and hunt with the hounds, you want to stay on friendly terms with both sides in a quarrel.
Bob always wants to keep everyone happy, but he can't run with the hare and  hunt with the hounds this time - the issue is too important.
run riot If people run riot, the behave in a frenzied, uncontrolled manner, running around in all directions.
I dread the arrival of my sister with her kids - she always allows them to run riot.
run rings/circles around If you show much more skill or ability than your opponent, you run rings (or circles) around them.
In a quiz show on TV yesterday, a teenage girl ran rings around the other contestants.
run round in circles People who run round in circles have difficulty in achieving something because of lack of organization.
Running round in circles will get us nowhere - we need to set up a plan.
runs in the family This refers to a physical or moral characteristic that is common to many members of a family.
Black hair and blue eyes - the combination runs in the family.
run a taut ship When a group or organization is run in a well-ordered and disciplined manner, the person in charge runs a taut (or tight) ship.
The director of the scout camp runs a taut ship.
run a mile Someone who is anxious to avoid something runs a mile.
She said she'd run a mile if she saw reporters in the area.
run-of-the-mill If something is described as run-of-the-mill, there is nothing special or outstanding about it;  it is just ordinary or average.
The story wasn't very interesting - just a run-of-the-mill romance with a happy ending.
run out of steam If you say that a person, a process or an organized event is running out of steam, you mean that there is a loss if impetus, energy or enthusiasm.
The anti-immigrant movement seems to be running out of steam.
running battle If two people or groups have a running battle with each other, they argue or disagree about something over a long period of time.
There's been a running battle between the local authorities and the population over the school bus route.
in a rut If you are in a rut, you have a monotonous and boring way of life.
If you feel you're in a rut, why don't you look for a new job?

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نشرت فى 13 مارس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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