if push comes to shove The expression 'if push comes to shove' refers to what you will do if the situation becomes critical and you have to take action.
There should be enough room for everyone, but if push comes to shove we can go to the hotel.
pushing up the daisies To say that someone is pushing up the daisies means that they are dead.
Old Johnny Barnes? He's been pushing up the daisies for over 10 years!
put/lay one's cards on the table If you put your cards on the table, you speak honestly and openly about your feelings and intentions.
Let's clean the air and put our cards on the table.
put a damper on If someone or something puts a damper on a situation or event, they do something to make it less successful or enjoyable.
The party was going great until the neighbours' complaints put a damper on it.
put a spanner in the works To put a spanner in the works (or throw a (monkey) wrench) means to cause problems and prevent something from happening as planned.
A new motorway was planned but a group of ecologists managed to put a spanner in the works.
put it mildly If you put it mildly, you express your opinion or reaction in a controlled way, without exaggeration.
She's 3 years old and already able to read.  That's promising, to put it mildly!
put on a brave face When confronted with difficulties, if you put on a brave face, you try to look cheerful and pretend that the situation is not as bad as it is.
Even in the worst of times she put on a brave face.
put on ice If a project or plan is put on ice, all further action has been suspended or postponed for an indefinite period of time.
Plans for the nuclear power station have been put on ice.
put best foot forward If someone puts their best foot forward, they do something as fast as they can.
It's a long way to the station, but if I put my best foot forward I should catch the next train.
put one's feet up When you put your feet up, you sit down and relax.
You must be tired. Come in and put your feet up.
put one's foot down To put one's foot down means to exert authority to prevent something from happening.
The child wanted to sleep on the sofa but his father put his foot down and sent him to bed.
put foot in one's mouth If you put your foot in your mouth, you say something that offends, upsets or embarrasses someone.
She really put her foot in her mouth when she mentioned the housewarming party - Andy hadn't been invited.
put head on the block If you put yourself in a dangerous situation where you risk losing your job or your reputation if things go wrong, you put your head on the block.
Jenny asked me to recommend her son for the job, but I'm not putting my head on the block for someone I hardly know.
put your heart into If you put your heart (and soul) into something, you are very enthusiastic and invest a lot of energy and hard work in it.
Paul was determined to make a success of the project.  He put his heart and soul into it.
put house in order If you tell someone to put their house in order, you are saying that they should organize their own affairs or take care of their own problems before giving advice to other people.
You should put your house in order before telling me what to do!

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