jump for joy When people jump for joy, they express their happiness through excited movements and gestures.
The player jumped for joy when he scored the winning goal.
jump the lights If you continue driving when the traffic lights turn red, you jump the lights.
It's very dangerous to jump the lights.  No wonder he was stopped by the police.
jump out of skin If you jump out of your skin, you are extremely surprised or shocked.
Jane nearly jumped out of her skin when the horse put its head through the kitchen window!
jump down throat If someone jumps down another person's throat, they suddenly start shouting at them in a very angry manner.
When I said the instructions were not very clear, she jumped down my throat!
stay one jump ahead If you stay one jump ahead, you keep an advantage over others by making sure you are better informed, or taking action before they do.
He is a successful journalist because he always stays one jump ahead of the others.
jury is still out To say that the jury is still out means that something is under consideration but no decision has been reached yet.
The jury is still out as concerns the location of the new station.
just around the corner If something is just around the corner, it will happen very soon.
With spring just around the corner, the new collection should begin to sell.
just desserts When someone gets their just desserts, they are rewarded or punished according to what they deserve.
Liz got her just desserts when she was excluded from the committee. She is totally unreliable.
just off the boat A person who is just off the boat is naive and lacks experience.
How do you expect me to work with a trainee who's just off the boat!
just what the doctor ordered If something is just what the doctor ordered, it is exactly what is needed and will make you feel better.
A week-end in the sun - just what the doctor ordered!
just the ticket If something is just the ticket, it is exactly right, or just what you need.
I'm not hungry enough for a meal.  A bowl of soup would be just the ticket.

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