common knowledge When information is well-known to everyone (particularly in a community or group), it is called common knowledge.
You didn't know the intern was Jack's son? It thought it was common knowledge.
cook the books A person who cooks the books is one who changes the facts or figures in the financial accounts, often in order to steal money.
The actor discovered after a while that his agent was cooking the books.
cook somebody's goose To cook somebody's goose means to spoil that person's chances of success.
When the burglar saw the police car arriving, he realized his goose was cooked!
that's the way the cookie crumbles To say 'that's the way the cookie crumbles' means that is the way things are and nothing can be done about it - that's life!
cool as a cucumber A person who is as cool as a cucumber is not anxious, but relaxed and non-emotional.
The bride's mother stayed as cool as a cucumber all through the ceremony.
cool one's heels If you are left to cool your heels, someone keeps you waiting.
After rushing to be on time for my appointment, I was left to cool my heels in the waiting room for an hour.
copper-bottomed To describe something such as a plan, a contract or a financial arrangement as copper-bottomed means that it is completely safe or reliable.
He signed a coper-bottomed agreement with a distributor.
cork something up If you cork up your feelings or emotions, you fail to show or express them.
It would be better if she showed her grief and didn't cork up her feelings.
corner the market If a company dominates an area of business, and leaves no room for competition, it is said to have cornered the market.
By importing large quantities and selling at low prices, they have cornered the market.
corridors of power This term refers to the higher levels of government or administration where important decisions are made.
The matter is the subject of much discussion in the corridors of power at the present time.
cost an arm and a leg If something costs an arm and a leg, it is very expensive.
The house cost us an arm and a leg, but we have no regrets.
cost the earth If something costs the earth, it is very expensive indeed.
She wears designer clothes that must cost the earth!
at all costs If you are determined to obtain or achieve something at all costs, you want it regardless of the expense, effort or sacrifice involved.
The journalist was determined at all costs to get a report from the war zone.
couch potato If you refer to someone as a couch potato, you criticize them for spending a lot of time sitting and watching television.
Don't be such a couch potato. There are better ways of spending your time than in front of the TV.

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