bricks and mortar
bricks and clicks
An established trading company (office/shop) is referred to as a 'brick-and-mortar' business.
'Click companies' refer to internet-based operations.
Companies which do both are called 'bricks and clicks'.
Click businesses are usually more flexible than brick-and-mortar operations.
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed A person who is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed is very enthusiastic and full of energty.
Gary was fantastic. He arrived bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 7am
and worked with us all day.
bring the house down If you bring the house down, you give a very successful performance.
If he sings like that on Saturday, he'll bring the house down.
bring nothing to the table If you participate in negotiations and bring nothing to the table, you have nothing of interest to offer the other side.
We'll never reach an agreement if we don't all bring something to the table.
bring someone to heel If you force someone to behave in a disciplined manner, you bring them to heel.
The boy had always behaved badly, but the new headmaster managed to bring him to heel.
bring up the rear Someone who brings up the rear is the last person in a group of people who are walking or running.
The pupils walked calmly down the corridor, with the teacher bringing up the rear.
broad daylight If something happens in broad daylight, it takes place in the clear light of day when everyone can see what's going on.
His car was stolen in front of the bank, in broad daylight, and apparently there was not one witness!
broad as it's long This expression means that there is no real difference which alternative is chosen.
Take the high-speed train, or fly and take a taxi? It's as broad as it's long.
broad strokes If something is described or defined with/in broad strokes, it is outlined in a very general way, without any details.
In a few broad strokes he summed up the situation.
brown as a berry To say that someone is as brown as a berry means that they are very tanned.
Judy came back from her holiday as brown as a berry.
browned off If you are browned off, you are bored, fed up or disheartened.
Tom is browned off with his job.
have a brush with When you have a brush with something, such as the law, you encounter or experience it briefly.
Had a brush with the law for speeding a few years ago, but he has had a clean record ever since.
the bubble has burst To say that the bubble has burst means that the success of an idea, a product or a situation has suddenly stopped.
The video game was a phenomenal success but the bubble has burst.
pass the buck If you say that someone is passing the buck, you are accusing them of not taking responsibility for a problem and expecting someone else to handle it.
Sam  takes the easy way out. Whenever a problem arises, he immediately passes the buck!

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نشرت فى 3 مارس 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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