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Idioms about Money


dough, moolah- money (non-countable.) I won a lot of dough at the casino. Look at all of this moolah!
greenback, buck- American dollar (countable.) Look at how many greenbacks you have in your wallet! Could you loan me a buck for the subway?
megabucks- a lot of money. I would love to be like Bill Gates. He has megabucks.
(work for) peanuts- almost no money, very little money. John should quit his job because he is working for peanuts and he can't afford his rent.
max out (a credit card)- spend up to the limit of a credit card. Susie bought so many clothes she maxed out her credit card.
stretch money- be careful to make money one has last longer. Tony and Teri had to really stretch their money in order to pay all of their bills. They ate a lot of cheap food last month.
flip a coin- make a decision by tossing a coin in the air and calling heads or tails. (heads = side of coin with picture of a person's face, tails = opposite side of coin.) Let's decide who will start the game by flipping a coin.

Check Your Understanding

Choose the best answer.

Sally's job doesn't pay well. She works .


Should we go out for American food or Japanese food? Let's .


This is more than I have ever seen.


The store clerk wouldn't accept Tia's credit card because it had been .


He can buy a really expensive car and house because he has .


Beth has 20 with her.


We're going to have to our money on this trip because we didn't bring a lot with us.



ESL Lessons

Daily Word



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نشرت فى 28 فبراير 2013 بواسطة hany2012

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