- . Knowldege, skills,and attitudes By: Ivan Aguilar
- 2. AttitudeSkills Knowledge
- 3. 1 As a cognitive process Approach to teacher learning and As a skill development As a personal construction
- 4. As a cognitive processThis approach views teaching as a complex cognitive activity andfocuses on the nature of teachers belief and thinking and howthis influences their teaching and learning.
- 5. As skill learningIn this approach teaching can be broken down into discrete skillsthat can be mastered one at a time. The skills targeted with thisapproach are those identified with a model of effective teaching.
- 6. As a personal construction andreflective practiceIn this approach, self awareness and teacher’s personalinterpretation is used. Reflection is viewed as the process ofcritical examination of experiences, a process that can lead tobetter understanding of one’s teaching practices and routines.
- 7. Levels of cognitive learning Evaluation Analysis Application Comprehension You can still hate your new invention!Knowledge
- 8. Levels of skill learning Automatic use Application Acquisition If you don’t use it frequently, it’ll get rusty. You might do things automatically without Exposure understanding its componentes
- 9. Levels of affective learning Internalizing Organizing Valuing You can truly love your job, and still Responding not have concepts and skills to perform it wellReceiving
- 10. Concepts • Receiving • Responding • Valuing • Organizing • InternalizingAttitudes are not observable except in its highest level. It shouldbe consistent and automatic*
- 11. Example of the development of anattitude to a new teachingtechniqueof a new teaching technique1. Presentation2. Responding (internally) to the new teaching technique.3. Valuing (internally) attaches some value to the new teaching technique.4. Organization compares (internally/externally??)the valued attached to the new teaching technique to other valuable teaching techniques. Prioritizes the new teaching technique over others.5. Internalizes, integrates the value attached to the new teaching technique to his/her own system of values. Uses the technique (shows behavior) in a consistent and predictable manner.
- 12. Task• How does the development of a positive attitude to eating healthier happens?• How would you evaluate it?
نشرت فى 26 فبراير 2013
بواسطة hany2012
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