The Impact of Individual Teachers on Student Achievement
Evidence from Panel Data
Jonah E. Rockoff∗
March, 2003
Teacher quality is widely believed to be important for education, despite little evidence
that teachers’ credentials matter for student achievement. To accurately
measure variation in achievement due to teachers’ characteristics–both observable
and unobservable–it is essential to identify teacher fixed effects. Unlike
previous studies, I use panel data to estimate teacher fixed effects while controlling
for fixed student characteristics and classroom specific variables. I find large
and statistically significant differences among teachers: a one standard deviation
increase in teacher quality raises reading and math test scores by approximately
.20 and .24 standard deviations, respectively, on a nationally standardized scale.
In addition, teaching experience has statistically significant positive effects on
reading test scores, controlling for fixed teacher quality.
∗E-mail: [email protected]. I wish to thank Gary Chamberlain, David Ellwood, Caroline Hoxby,
Christopher Jencks, and Larry Katz for extensive comments, as well as Raj Chetty, Adam Looney, Sarah
Reber, Tara Watson, and seminar participants at Harvard University for many helpful suggestions and
discussions. I am most grateful to the local administrators who worked with me to make this project
possible. This work was supported by a grant from the Inequality and Social Policy Program at Harvard’s
Kennedy School of Government.
1 Introduction
School administrators, parents, and students themselves widely support the notion that
teacher quality is vital to student achievement, despite the lack of evidence linking achievement
to observable teacher characteristics. Studies that estimate the relation between
achievement and teachers’ characteristics, including their credentials, have produced little
consistent evidence that students perform better when their teachers have more ‘desirable’
characteristics. This is all the more puzzling because of the potential upward bias in such
estimates–teachers with better credentials may be more likely to teach in affluent districts
with high performing students.1
This has led many observers to conclude that, while teacher quality may be important,
variation in teacher quality is driven by characteristics that are difficult or impossible to
measure. Therefore, researchers have come to focus on using matched student-teacher data
to separate student achievement into a series of “fixed effects,” and assigning importance
to individuals, teachers, schools, and so on. Researchers who have sought to explain wage
determination have followed a similar empirical path; they try to separate industry, occupation,
establishment, and individual effects using employee-employer matched data (Abowd
and Kramarz, 1999). Despite agreement that the identification of teacher fixed effects is a
productive path, this exercise has remained incomplete because of a lack of adequate data.
Credible identification of teacher fixed effects requires panel data where students and teachers
1Teachers with better credentials, such as experience or selectivity of undergraduate institution, tend to
gravitate towards districts with higher salaries (Figlio, 1997).
are observed in multiple years, and this type of data is not readily available to researchers.2
A small number of studies have found significant variation in test scores across classrooms
within particular schools, even after controlling for student characteristics.3 In other words,
dummy variables identifying students’ classrooms seem to be important explanatory variables
in regressions of student test scores. Although researchers have associated the significance of
classroom dummy variables with variation in teacher quality, other classroom specific factors
may also be driving differences among classroomachievement levels. In these studies, teacher
effects cannot be separated from other classroom effects because teachers are only observed
in one classroom.
In order to provide more accurate estimates of how much teachers affect the achievement
of their students, I obtained panel data covering over a decade of student test scores and
teacher assignment in two contiguous school districts. The observation of teachers with
multiple classrooms allows me to measure teacher fixed effects while including direct controls
for a number of classroom specific factors that may systematically influence student test
score performance, such as peer achievement and class size. Observation of students’ test
scores in multiple years allows for the inclusion of student fixed effects, so that variation in
student fixed characteristics, such as cognitive ability, does not drive estimated differences
in student performance across teachers. In addition, because teachers’ experience levels
change naturally, the effect of experience on student performance is identified from variation
within teachers. This is, to my knowledge, the first study of teacher quality that employs
2However, this data is widely collected by both local and state education agencies, and could be used
by these institutions for purposes of evaluation. Though this has seldom been done in practice, one prominent
example is the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System, where districts, schools, and teachers are
compared based on test score gains averaged over a number of years.
3Hanushek (1971), Murnane (1975), and Armor et al. (1976).
these methods.
Estimates of teacher fixed effects from linear regressions of test scores consistently indicate
that there are large differences in quality among teachers in this data. A one standard
deviation increase in teacher quality raises test scores by approximately .20 standard deviations
in reading and .24 standard deviations in math on nationally standardized distributions
of achievement. I find that teaching experience significantly raises student test scores in
reading subject areas. Reading test scores differ by approximately .20 standard deviations
on average between beginning teachers and teachers with ten or more years of experience.
Moreover, estimated returns to experience are quite different if teacher fixed effects are
omitted from my analysis. This suggests that using variation across teachers to identify
experience effects may give biased results due to correlation between teacher fixed effects
and teaching experience.
Policymakers have demonstrated their faith in the importance of teachers by greatly increasing
funding for programs that aim to improve teacher quality in low performing schools.4
However, the vast majority of these initiatives focus on rewarding teachers who possess credentials
that have not been concretely linked to student performance (e.g. certification,
schooling, teacher exam scores). My results support the idea that raising teacher quality
is an important way to improve achievement, but suggest that policies may benefit from
shifting focus from credentials to performance-based indicators of teacher quality.
This paper is organized as follows: in section two, I provide an overview of previous
4The most recent example is the ‘No Child Left Behind Act,’ which appropriated over $4 billion for
training and recruitment of teachers in 2002. This is in addition to various other federal and state initiatives
targeting teachers, such as forgiving student loans, easing qualifications for home mortgages, and waiving
tuition for teachers’ children who enroll in state universities.
literature on the importance of teachers; in section three, I describe the data I collected for
this study; in section four, I present my empirical findings; section five concludes.
2 Related Literature
The overwhelming majority of work on teacher quality has examined the relation between
teacher characteristics and objective measures of student performance (usually standardized
test scores), at the individual, school, or district level. Hanushek (1986) provides an accounting
of the results of 147 such studies. With regard to teacher education and teacher
experience, he finds, “In a majority of cases, the estimated coefficients are statistically insignificant.
Forgetting about statistical significance and just looking at estimated signs does
not make much of a case for the importance of these factors either.” The lack of any consistent
pattern in these results is striking, considering the fact that most schools pay more
for teachers with graduate degrees or more experience, suggesting a belief on their part that
these factors indicate higher teacher quality. It is even more surprising if one believes that
non-random assignment of teachers to schools and/or classrooms could lead to a positive
bias in any estimated relation between teachers’ credentials and student achievement.
However, these findings should not be taken as strong evidence that teachers do not matter;
only that teacher quality may be unrelated to these observable characteristics. A more
direct method to address whether teachers matter is to test whether there are statistically
significant differences in students’ achievement levels caused by persistent differences among
their teachers–in other words, to identify teacher fixed effects. Yet only a small number of
studies have even approached the problem in this way because the data required to do so is
rarely available to researchers.5
Hanushek (1971) was the first to use fixed effects in an analysis of student achievement.
He demonstrated that classroom dummy variables have significant explanatory power in
regressions of students’ test scores–conditional on past achievement–and took this as an
indication that teacher effects are important. Classroom dummy variables were similarly
found to be significant predictors of test scores in studies by Murnane (1975) and Armor
et al. (1976).6 In addition, both studies found that principals’ opinions of teachers had
predictive power for student achievement, providing some evidence that teacher quality was
driving a significant portion of the variation in achievement across classrooms. Teachers
were only observed with one classroom in all three studies, so teacher effects could not be
directly separated from classroom effects in their analyses.
Hanushek (1992) again found significant differences among classrooms using data on
Black children from the Gary Income Maintenance Experiment.7 More importantly, some
teachers were observed with multiple classrooms, allowing for a direct test of whether teachers,
as opposed to other classroom factors, were driving differences in achievement across
classrooms. Hanushek’s strategy was to test the restriction of equal effects across classrooms
with the same teacher. He found the restriction could be rejected, but only due to
5Rivkin et al. (2001) take a more subtle approach to estimating teacher quality and deserve mention.
Though they cannot match students with their actual teachers, they model a link between teacher turnover
and teacher quality that occurs through changes in the variance of test score gains across cohorts. They use
this model to construct a lower bound estimate of the contribution of teacher quality to student test scores
using data from the Texas Schools Project. They find a one standard deviation increase in teacher quality
raises test scores by .11 standard deviations.
6All three studies also examined a multitude of teacher characteristics, including education and experience,
but none were consistently found to have significant predictive power for student test scores. Hanushek found
that performance on a Quick-Word Test did correlate well with student achievement, which he interprets as
proxying for teacher IQ or ability. Murnane found that children performed better with experienced teachers,
with male teachers, and also with teachers of the same race.
7He again found little evidence that teacher characteristics matter. It is also worth noting that teacher
quality was not the main focus of this paper.
a small number of teachers with widely different measured effects across years. He therefore
concluded “the general stability of teacher impacts” provided “additional support for a
teacher skill interpretation of differences in classroom performance.” However, even if there
were significant differences in effects for classes with the same teacher, this may reflect the
importance of other classroom factors, and not the insignificance of teachers.
The most credible way to identify teacher effects is to regress test scores on teacher
dummy variables when teachers are observed with many classrooms (netting out idiosyncratic
variation in classroom performance) and controlling for variation in student characteristics
and other classroom specific variables. These options were not possible in previous studies
because of data limitations. The data I collected for this study links teachers with their
students for a period of up to twelve years, and contains up to five years of annual test scores
for all elementary students in a number of schools. I can thus credibly identify teacher fixed
effects, and measure the importance of teachers by the magnitude of the difference between
high and low quality teachers in my data.
3 TheData
I obtained data on elementary school students and teachers in two contiguous districts from
a single county in New Jersey. I will refer to them as districts ‘A’ and ‘B’.8 Both have
multiple elementary schools serving each grade, and, within each school, there are two to
seven teachers per grade in any particular year. Elementary school populations in these
districts grew considerably over this time period, but the racial composition of the students
8For reasons of confidentiality, I refrain from giving any information that could be used to identify these
was stable.9 The average socioeconomic status of residents in these school districts is above
the state median, but considerably below the most affluent districts.10 In the proportion of
students eligible for free/reduced price lunch, these districts fell near the 33rd percentile in
the state during the 2000-2001 school year. Spending per pupil that year was slightly above
the state average in district A, and slightly below average in district B.
I focus on elementary education for four primary reasons. First, elementary students in
these districts are tested in the spring of every year using nationally standardized exams;
older students are tested less frequently and use state-based examinations. Second, elementary
students remain with a single teacher for most of the school day and receive reading and
math instruction from this teacher. I can therefore be confident that a student’s current
teacher is the person from whom they have received almost all instruction since the last time
they were tested. Third, school administrators in these districts claim that, unlike higher
grades, elementary school students are not tracked by ability or achievement. In the appendix,
I confirm this by showing that students are not systematically grouped by previous
achievement levels or by their previous classroom.11 Fourth, it is very likely that basic skills
test scores are related to important economic outcomes, and that basic skills constitute a
large part of what elementary school students learn.12
9Enrollment in both districts grew by over 40% during the period for which I have data. Students in
these districts are predominantly White (between 70-80% during this time period), with the remainder made
up of relatively equal populations of Black, Hispanic, and Asian students.
10School districts in New Jersey are placed into District Factor Groups based on the average socio-economic
status of their residents, using a composite index of indicators from the most recent U.S. decennial census.
11That is, I demonstrate that dummy variables for students’ current classrooms do not have predictive
power for students’ previous test scores. I also show that actual classroom assignment produces similar
mixing of classmates from year to year as one would expect from random assignment.
12Concerns over ‘teaching to the test’ are important to the extent that teachers can raise elementary
students’ basic skills test scores without actually teaching them basic skills. I regard this as highly unlikely.
However, teachers who focus on basic skills may do so at the expense of other valuable skills. I have no way
of discerning whether or not this occurs in my data.
The test score data I collected spans the 1989-1990 through 2000-2001 school years.13
Test scores come from nationally standardized basic skills reading and math tests, and up to
four subject area tests were given to students in a given year: Reading Vocabulary, Reading
Comprehension, Math Computation and Math Concepts.14 Data collected from District
A comes from students in 1st through 5th grade, and in District B from 2nd through 6th
grade. Students’ scores are reported on a Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE) scale. NCE scores
range from 1 to 99 (with a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 21) and are standardized
by grade level.15 Test makers assert that each NCE point represents an equal increase in
test performance, allowing scores to be added, subtracted, or averaged in a more meaningful
way than national percentiles. Using national percentiles in my analysis does not noticeably
alter the results. Figure 1 shows the distribution of NCE scores in these districts, along
with the nationally standardized distribution.16 Students in these districts score 10-15 NCE
points higher on average than the nationwide mean in all subjects. The variance in test score
performance within these districts is considerable, though less than the national distribution,
and relatively few students score below 30 NCE points.17
13District B data does not include the 2000-2001 school year.
14Both districts administered the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills (CTBS) at the start of these time
period, but switched at some point–District A to the TerraNova CTBS (a revised version of CTBS) and
District B to the Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT). The subtest names are identical across all of these
tests, and it is therefore unlikely that the changes reflect a radical shift in the type of material tested or
taught to students.
15Using scores that are standardized at a particular grade level may be problematic if the distribution of
student achievement changes as students grow older. For example, if a change of one NCE point at the 6th
grade level represents a much smaller difference in learning than one NCE point at the 1st grade level, then
we might want to regard a given amount of variation in 1st grade student performance as representing larger
variation in teacher quality than the same variation among 6th graders. I do not attempt to reconcile this
possibility in my analysis.
16I pool the districts because their distributions of scores are quite similar. Not all 99 scores are possible
on every test, so I group NCE scores from 1-9, 10-19, and so on. I simulate the national distribution by
taking 20,000 draws from a normal distribution with mean 50 and standard deviation 21, and then grouping
them in the same manner.
17A small but non-trivial percentage (about 3-6%) of scores in each district are at the maximum possible
for the test taken, raising the possibility that censoring of ‘true’ achievement might affect the results of my
I also gathered information on students’ gender, ethnicity, special education classification
and ESL enrollment, as well as school, grade, and teacher identifiers. Teacher identifiers
are also matched with data on their highest degree earned, teaching experience, and year of
birth.18 As mentioned above, the usefulness of this dataset stems from the observation of
both pupils and teachers in multiple years. In both districts, the median student was tested
three times–almost one quarter of the students were tested once, and over one quarter were
tested five times. The median number of classrooms observed per teacher is six in district A
and three in district B. About 18% of teachers in district A and 26% of teachers in district
B are only observed with just one classroom of students, but 53% of teachers in district A
and 29% of teachers in district B are observed with more than five classrooms of students.
Analyzing the districts separately reveals no marked differences in results or conclusions,
and for simplicity I combine them in the results presented below. Because the number of
tests administered varies somewhat over grades and years, and because teacher quality may
vary by subject, I examine each subject area separately, and then consider to what extent
my results differ across them.
analysis. I checked for this by performing the main part of my analysis with censored-normal regressions,
and the results were not qualitatively different to those presented below. Also, enrolled students who are
absent on the day of the test, or change districts earlier in the year, are not observed in the testing data.
To see whether the probability of being tested was related to achievement, I use enrollment information
available in district B since the 1995-1996 school year. I find no significant relationship between students’
previous test scores and their probability of being tested in the following year, both in linear probability and
probit regressions.
18Information on teachers’ education and experience was not available for a small portion of teachers in
both districts, and for some teachers I only know their experience teaching in the district. However, for
teachers where data is not missing, the vast majority had no previous teaching experience when hired. In
any case, omitting teachers with incomplete data from my analysis does not have a noticeable effect on the
4 Empirical Results
(1) Aisgjt = αi + γXit + θj + f (Expjt) + ηCjt + πs + πg + πt + εisgjt
Consider equation 1, which provides a linear specification of the test score of student
i in school s and grade g, with teacher j in year t. The test score (Aisgjt) is a function
of the student’s fixed characteristics (αi), observable time-varying characteristics (Xit), a
teacher fixed effect (θj), teaching experience (Expjt), observable classroom characteristics
(Cjt), factors varying across schools, grades, and years (πs,πg,πt), and all other factors that
affect test scores (εisgjt), including measurement error.19 This model restricts effects to be
independent across ages, and assumes no correlation between current inputs and future test
scores–zero persistence–except for inputs that span across years, like αi.20
Two issues of collinearity create difficulties in the estimation of equation 1. Experience
and year are collinear within teachers (except for a few who leave and return) and grade and
year are collinear within students (except for a few who repeat grades).21 Because of these
issues, consistent estimation of teacher fixed effects and experience effects can be achieved
only under some identifying assumptions.
The first assumption I make is that additional experience does not affect student test
scores after a certain point (f0 = 0 if Expjt > Exp). Under this assumption, year effects
19Subscripts for subject area are not included for simplicity. Experience is defined as number of years
taught prior to the current year, so that new teachers are considered to have zero experience.
20Persistence of effects will bias my estimates of teacher fixed effects if the quality of current inputs and
past inputs are correlated, conditional on the other control variables. Because classroom assignment appears
similar to random assignment in these districts (see appendix), this source of bias is likely to be unimportant.
A simple way to incorporate persistence, used in a number of other studies, is to model test score gains, as
opposed to levels. However, this type of model restricts changes in test scores to be perfectly persistent over
time, which, if not true, would lead to the same type of bias. Also, test scores gains can be more volatile,
since the idiosyncratic factors that affect test score levels will affect gains to twice the extent (Kane and
Staiger, 2001).
21In these districts, I find 9% of teachers had discontinuous careers, and less than 1% of students repeated
can be separately identified from students whose teachers have experience above the cutoff
(Exp). This restriction is supported by previous research, which suggests that the marginal
effect of experience declines quickly, and any gains from experience are made in the first few
years of teaching (Rivkin et al., 2001). Moreover, the plausibility of this assumption can
be examined by viewing the estimated marginal experience effects at Exp.22 My second
assumption is that grade effects are zero and can therefore be omitted from the model.
This assumption is supported by the fact that test scores are normalized by grade level.23
Equation 2 incorporates these two identifying assumptions and generalizes the model by
including school-year effects (πst).24
(2) Aisjt = αi + γXit + θj + f (Expjt)DExpjt≤Exp + f
DExpjt>Exp + ηCjt + πst + εisjt
Table 1 shows results for regressions where f (Expjt) is a cubic and Exp equals ten years
of experience.25 The time-varying student controls (Xit) are dummy variables for being
retained or repeating a grade, and the classroom controls (Cjt) are class size, the average of
classmates’ test scores from the previous year, being in a split-level classroom, and being in
the lower half of a split level classroom.26 Because errors are heteroskedastic and possibly
22For example, if f (Expjt) is estimated as a quadratic, then f (Expjt) = aExpjt + bExpjt, and one can
test whether a+ 2bExp = 0.
23Technically, consistent estimation of teacher fixed effects only requires that grade effects be uncorrelated
with teacher assignment, but this is clearly not true–the majority of teachers in these districts do not switch
grade levels.
24DExpjt≤Exp is a dummy variable for having less than Exp years of experience.
25The cutoff restriction is implemented by recoding experience as follows:
Expjt =
Expjt if Expjt ≤ Exp
Exp if Expjt > Exp
Results are similar with other cutoff levels, but this specification is preferred because teachers with more
than ten years of experience teach about half of the students in the school-year cells in my data. Results
are also similar with other polynomial specifications of f (Expjt), but while the cubic term appears to be
important in at least one subject area, quartic or higher order terms do not.
26Split-level classrooms refer to classes where students of adjacent grades are placed in the same classroom.
This arrangement was used in district B, albeit infrequently, to help balance class sizes.
serially correlated within students over time, standard errors are clustered at the student
As one might expect, students perform lower than their own average in years when they
are subsequently held back–between .26 and .41 standard deviations on the nationally standardized
scales. In the following year, when repeating a grade, students perform significantly
lower than their average in the Math Computation subject area, but otherwise score similarly
to their average.28
I find that classroom specific variables are not important predictors of test scores in these
districts. Students in split-level classrooms, both above and below the split, do not perform
significantly differently than they do in regular classrooms. Class size has a statistically
insignificant effect on student test scores in all four subject areas, and the signs of the point
estimates are split evenly between positive and negative values. In other regressions (not
shown), I check for non-linear effects of class size by including its square and cube. I also
try interacting class size with a dummy for being Black or Hispanic, since Krueger (1999)
and Rivkin et al. (2001) find that minorities may be more sensitive to class size effects. I
do not find statistically significant effects of class size in any of these specifications.
The average past performance of students’ classmates also seems to have no discernible
effect on test scores. In other specifications (not shown), I find linear and non-linear transformations
of classmates’ previous achievement or classmates’ demographic characteristics
27Measurement error in test scores is heteroskedastic by construction. Since tests are geared toward
measuring achievement at a particular grade and time, e.g. spring of 3rd grade, the test is less accurate for
students who find the test very difficult or very easy.
28These estimates may reflect the influence of many factors associated with being held back or repeating
a grade. Students who are held back may have had difficulties stemming from problems at home, an illness,
etc. Likewise, when they repeat a grade, they may be getting more support from parents or may be working
harder in order not to fail again, in addition to seeing material for a second time.
are also not significant predictors of students’ own achievement.29 Though it is quite difficult
to know how peer effects operate a priori, there are many reasons to think that measures of
past achievement and observable characteristics would be good proxies for peer effects.30 Using
past achievement also helps avoid the reflection problem in estimating contemporaneous
peer influences (Manski 1993).
The insignificance of classroom characteristics in these regressions may be viewed as
somewhat surprising, given the recent literature on these issues and evidence from some
studies of teacher effects (Hanushek 1972, Summers and Wolfe 1979). However, these
estimates should not be interpreted as causal, since I am not making an effort to credibly
identify the effects of these variables from exogenous variation; I am including them as
controls so that I can be certain that differences in teacher fixed effects are not driven by
differences in these factors.
The use of past achievement as a control variable forces me to drop a substantial fraction
of observations from my analysis–an entire grade and year–and does not help to explain
test scores. I therefore remove this control variable and present results on teacher fixed
effects and experience effects from regressions of test scores that include a larger number of
students and teachers. Estimated effects for the time-varying student controls and other
classroom factors are quite similar to those cited above, and are shown in table 2.31
The joint statistical significance of teacher fixed effects in these regressions is measured
29In particular, I also tried including the variance of classmates’ test scores, and the number (or proportion)
of a students’ classmates who: 1) had previous scores one standard deviation above/below the mean, 2) were
classified students 3) were enrolled in ESL, 4) were held back or repeating a grade, 5) were female, 6) were
Black or Hispanic. I also tried various combinations and interactions of these factors.
30For instance, high achieving students may share knowledge with their classmates, low performing students
may disrupt instruction, dispersion of achievement may make teaching more difficult, etc.
31The only notable difference is that, in Reading Comprehension, the negative effect of being placed in
the lower half of a split-level classroom is now statistically significant.
by an F-test, and the F-statistics and their associated p-values are shown in Panel I of table
3. They indicate that teachers are highly significant predictors of achievement in all four
subject areas, with p-values below .001. In order to be sure that outlying observations on
transient teachers do not drive these results, I repeat these tests using only teachers observed
in at least three years. P-values for this more selective test are lower in all subject areas.32
To express the magnitude of teacher fixed effects, I calculate the difference between the
median teacher and those at various percentiles of the fixed effect distribution.33 These
calculations are shown in Panel II of table 3. Differences between the 75th and 25th
percentile teachers in reading and math scores are about 5.5 and 6.5 NCE points, respectively,
or about .26 and .31 standard deviations on the national achievement distribution.34 If
teacher effects are normally distributed, the estimates above imply that a one standard
deviation change in teacher quality would change student test scores by about .20 and .24
standard deviations in reading and math, respectively. Transient teachers do not drive these
results either; repeating these calculations using only teachers observed in at least three years
gives similar magnitudes.
The difference between high and low quality teachers is given in terms of nationally standardized
exam scores and is thus easily interpretable. However, it is difficult to know how the
distribution of teacher quality in these districts compares to the distribution of quality among
broader groups of teachers, for example, statewide or nationwide. Nevertheless, salaries,
geographic amenities, and other factors that affect districts’ abilities to attract teachers vary
32P-values for tests on teacher effects in the regressions that included classmates’ previous test scores are
all also below .001, both for all teachers and teachers observed at least three times.
33Though there are alternative ways of expressing variation in teacher quality, this method is simple and
transparent. It is quite similar to that used by Bertrand and Schoar (2001) to characterize the magnitude
of CEO fixed effects on firm outcomes.
34Comparing percentiles at different parts of the distribution gives similar results.
to a much greater degree at the state or national level. This suggests that variation in
quality within groups of teachers at broader geographical levels may be considerably larger,
and that my estimates of the importance of teachers may be conservative. The controls for
school-year effects may also lead me to underestimate the magnitude of variation in teacher
quality, since any variation in average teacher quality across school-year cells is taken up by
these controls.35
To analyze experience effects, I plot point estimates and 95% confidence intervals for the
function f (Expjt) in figures 2 and 3. These results provide substantial evidence that teaching
experience improves reading test scores. Ten years of teaching experience is expected
to raise both Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension test scores by about 4 NCE points
or .2 standard deviations (figure 2). However, the path of these gains is quite different
between the two subject areas. In line with the identifying assumption, the function for
Vocabulary scores exhibits positive and declining marginal returns, and gains approach zero
as experience approaches the cutoff point.
Marginal returns to experience exhibit much slower declines for Reading Comprehension,
and suggest that my identification assumption may be violated in this case.36 However,
if returns to experience were positive after the cutoff, as it appears they might be, the
experience function I estimate would be biased downward, because estimated school-year
effects would be biased to rise over time. Thus, these results may provide a conservative
estimate of the impact of teaching experience on Reading Comprehension test scores.
35F-tests of the joint significance of school-year effects show them to be important predictors of test scores
in all four subject areas.
36The hypothesis that gains are zero near the cutoff cannot be rejected and the cubic term is negative,
but the functional form of f (Expjt) appears fairly linear.
There is little evidence of gains from experience for the two math subjects (figure 3).
While the first few years of teaching experience appear to raise scores significantly in Math
Computation (about .1 standard deviations), subsequent years of experience appear to lower
test scores, though standard errors are too large to conclude anything definitive about these
trends. Math Concepts scores do not seem to be raised significantly by teaching experience
at any point.
Estimates of experience effects should not be affected by any correlation between teachers’
fixed effects and their propensity to remain teaching in these districts. However, if teachers
who stay were selected based on their gains from experience, this identification strategy
would lead to biased estimates of the expected experience effects for all teachers. While
the direction of this potential bias is unclear, these estimates should be interpreted as the
expected gains from experience for teachers who stay in these districts.37
I check the sensitivity of these results to the set of identifying assumptions by comparing
them with estimates under two other sets of restrictions. In the first case, I assume that
year effects are zero and include grade effects and school-grade interactions. This change in
specification does not change the results except to increase the estimated impact of teaching
experience. In the second case, I assume that student fixed characteristics are uncorrelated
with teacher assignment, so that student fixed effects can be omitted, and all interactions
between school, grade, and year can be included. This change produces larger estimated
impacts of teacher fixed effects and teaching experience than those presented above.
37Teachers who improve greatly may be more likely to remain if they have gained more firm-specific or
occupation-specific human capital, if the district administration is more likely to reappoint them, or if their
probability of eventually being offered tenure has increased. On the other hand, if teachers tend to leave
after a particularly bad year, and the cause of that poor performance is not persistent, then there may be a
negative correlation between expected gains and the probability of staying.
4.1 Naïve Estimates of Experience Effects
Previous studies have relied on variation across teachers to identify experience effects, and
are susceptible to bias from correlation between experience levels and other teacher characteristics
that affect student achievement. This type of correlation could arise for many
reasons: less effective teachers may be less likely to get reappointed, more effective teachers
may be more likely to move to higher paying occupations, teacher quality may differ by
cohort, etc.
To view these correlations, figure 4 plots averages of the estimated teacher fixed effects by
years of experience, from zero to ten years. For ease of exposition, the average fixed effect
for teachers with no experience is normalized to zero. There is a clear negative relation
between teacher fixed effects and experience in the Vocabulary subject area, suggesting that
estimates of experience effects that do not condition on teacher fixed effects would be much
smaller for this test. Trends in the other subject areas are less stark–a small negative
relation in Reading Comprehension and Math Concepts, and a small positive relation in
Math Computation.
(4) Aisjt = αi +γXit +μMj +f (Expjt)DExpjt≤Exp +f
DExpjt>Exp +ηCjt +πst +εisjt
Results for experience effects that do not control for teacher fixed effects come from
estimation of equation 4, where f (Expjt) is a cubic and Exp is ten years.38 In lieu of
teacher fixed effects is a dummy for whether or not a teacher has a masters degree (Mj).
Students’ test scores are not significantly higher on average with teachers who have masters
38In order to make these estimates comparable to those above, experience effects are estimated only for
teachers with experience at or below the cutoff. To implement this, I interact the cubic in experience with
a dummy for having ten or less years of experience, and include a dummy variable for having more than ten
years of experience.
degrees, and on Reading Comprehension tests they are significantly lower by about .02
standard deviations (see table 4).39
Figures 5 and 6 show the point estimates for experience effects from this specification.40
As predicted, estimated returns to experience are much lower for Vocabulary test scores.
They are also lower for Reading Comprehension and Math Concepts, and there is little evidence
of statistically significant returns to experience in any test subject. As mentioned
above, there are many reasons why experience and fixed teacher quality might be correlated,
and the correlations shown in figure 4 cannot be generalized to other school districts. However,
these findings provide clear evidence that using variation in student performance across
teachers to measure gains from experience is likely to give misleading results.
4.2 Correlation of Teacher Quality Across Subjects
It is quite possible that a teacher is better at teaching one subject than another, and this
variation in skill might be important for policy decisions. For example, if the quality of
teachers’ mathematics instruction was inversely related to the quality of reading instruction,
then exchanging teachers between students would have an ambiguous effect on student outcomes,
and having teachers specialize in teaching one subject might be more efficient. I
briefly examine this question by looking at the pairwise correlations between teachers’ fixed
effects across subjects, shown in table 5. There are positive correlations between all tests,
although correlations between Vocabulary and other subject areas are considerably smaller
(.16 to .32) than among the other three subject areas (.46 to .67). There is little indication
3940% of teachers in district A and 28% of teachers in district B have a masters degree.
40For ease of exposition 95% confidence intervals for these estimates, and the point estimates with controls
for fixed effects are also shown.
that teachers who are better at mathematics instruction are worse at reading instruction or
vice versa.41
Sampling error may bias measures of the correlation of teacher fixed effects across subjects,
but the direction of the bias is unclear a priori. Errors that are common across
subjects will lead to upward bias, and errors that are independent across subjects will lead
to downward bias. If the true correlation between subjects is the same for all teachers in this
sample, I can gain some insight into the direction of bias by recalculating the correlations
using only teachers observed with at least three classrooms, since sampling error is smaller
for this subsample. Pairwise correlations among this group of teachers are between .05 and
.1 higher in all subject areas, indicating that sampling error is likely to have biased down
the correlations shown in table 5.42
4.3 Variance Decomposition
To give an idea of the potential scope of teachers’ impact on the overall distribution of scores,
I estimate upper and lower bounds on the proportion of test score variance accounted for by
teacher fixed effects and experience effects. This also serves to demonstrate the potential
41It is also possible that some teachers are better at teaching certain types of students than others. If
this were true, then there might be efficiency gains through active matching of students and teachers. In
contrast, if the ‘good’ teachers are equally good for everyone, then the matching of students and teachers
probably has more to do with equity than efficiency.
To examine this issue, I estimate quantile regressions at the 25th, 50th, and 75th quantiles. These
regressions are of the same form as that used to estimate equation 3, but do not include student fixed effects.
(Including student fixed effects requires too much computational power. Even without student fixed effects,
the estimated variance-covariance matrix of the estimators must be obtained via bootstrapping, and this can
take weeks.) I find teacher fixed effects are significant predictors of test scores in all of these regressions.
They are also positively correlated: correlation coefficients between the 25th and 75th quantiles for the same
subject area range from .50 to .79.
42To truly correct for sampling error in these calculations, one would simultaneously estimate teacher effects
on all four subject areas in a multiple equation regression framework, and locate the corresponding error
variance estimates in the variance-covariance matrix. Since the direction of bias is likely to be downward,
and these findings are only an extension to the main results above, I do not pursue this strategy.
scope of policies targeted at improving teacher quality. However, my data come from only
two districts (and they are quite similar in many respects), so it would be naïve to draw
conclusions from these results about how variation in teacher quality across districts might
explain variation in achievement.
The upper bound estimate of the variance accounted for by teachers is the adjusted
R2 from a linear regression of test scores on teacher fixed effects and experience effects.
The lower bound estimate is the increase in the adjusted R2 when teacher fixed effects and
experience effects are added to a regression specification that contains dummies for students
who are retained or repeat grades, student fixed effects, and school-year effects.43 For
comparison, I also estimate lower and upper bounds in this same way for the school-year
effects and the student level effects (i.e., fixed effects and the controls for being retained and
repeating a grade). Table 6 shows these results. Across subject areas, the upper bound
estimates range from 5.0-6.4% for teacher effects, 2.7-6.1% for school-year effects, and 59-
68% for student fixed effects. The lower bound estimates range from 1.1-2.8% for teacher
effects, .4% to 2.3% for school-year effects, and 57-64% for student effects.
The lower bound estimates of test score variance accounted for by teacher effects may
seem small. However, when thinking about the role of policies, one should keep in mind
that explaining the total variance in test scores with policy-relevant factors is probably
impossible. Idiosyncratic factors and natural variation in cognitive ability among students
are surely beyond policymakers’ control. Moreover, policymakers often avoid intervention
in the home, and household factors may play a large role in determining test score outcomes.
43I omit classroom characteristics from this part of my analysis because they do not have significant
predictive power for test scores.
A better characterization may be to calculate the proportion of “policy-relevant” test
score variance accounted for by teachers. An estimate of policy-relevant variance can be
found by taking the fraction of test score variance due to measurement error—say .10—and
the lower bound estimate of the fraction of test score variance attributed to student-level
variables—.57 to .64—and subtracting their sum from 1.44 Using the estimates in table 6,
I find differences among teachers explain proportions of policy-relevant test score variance
ranging from lower bounds of 4-9% to upper bounds of 16-23%.
5 Conclusion
The empirical evidence in this paper suggests that raising teacher quality may be a key instrument
in improving student outcomes. However, in an environment where many observable
teacher characteristics are not related to teacher quality, policies that focus on recruiting and
retaining teachers with particular credentials may be less effective than policies that reward
teachers based on performance.
As measures of effective teaching, test scores are widely available, objective, and (though
they may not capture all facets of what students learn in school) they are widely recognized as
important indicators of achievement by educators, policymakers, and the public. A number
of states have begun rewarding teachers with non-trivial bonuses based on the average test
performance of students in their schools, but few areas (Cincinnati, Denver) have pursued
44A tenth of variance due to measurement error is a standard and perhaps conservative estimate. Standardized
test makers publish reliability coefficients, which estimate the correlation of test-retest scores for
the same student, and these usually are about .9 or slightly below. One minus this reliability coefficient is
equivalent to the percentage of variance due to idiosyncratic factors, or what we call measurement error for
simplicity. On the other hand, it is probably the case that some of the variance in test scores stemming
from cognitive ability and household factors can be affected by education-based policy initiatives. For example,
special education programs may increase the average test score performance of students with learning
disabilities. Measuring the degree to which this is possible is clearly an extremely difficult exercise, and
certainly beyond the scope of this paper.
programs that link individual teacher salaries to their own students’ achievement. Recent
studies of pay-for-performance incentives for teachers in Israel (Lavy 2002a, Lavy 2002b)
indicate that both group- and individual-based incentives have positive effects on students’
test scores, and that individual-based incentives may be more cost-effective.
Teacher evaluations may also present a simple and potentially important indicator of
teacher quality. There is already substantial evidence that principals’ opinions of teacher
effectiveness are highly correlated with student test scores (Murnane 1975, Armor et al.
1976), and while evaluations introduce an element of subjectivity, they may also reflect
valuable aspects of teaching other than improving test performance.
However, efforts to improve the quality of public school teachers face some difficult hurdles,
themost daunting of which is the growing shortage of teachers. Hussar (1998) estimated
the demand for newly hired teachers between 1998 and 2008 at 2.4 million–a staggering figure,
given that there were only about 2.8 million teachers in the U.S. during the 1999-2000
school year.45 Underlying this prediction is the fact that the fraction of teachers nearing
retirement age has been growing steadily over the past two decades and continues to do so.
In 1978, 25.7% of elementary and secondary public school teachers were over the age of 45;
by 1998 that figure was 47.8%.
There is also evidence that the supply of highly skilled teachers has declined. A recent
study by Corcoran et al. (2002) shows that females with very high test scores who graduated
45Notably, this prediction does not take into account possible reductions in class size, which would considerably
increase the need for new teachers. Even if lowering class size has a significant beneficial effect on
student achievement, it will certainly cause a temporary drop in average experience levels, and may lower
long run teacher quality if new teachers are of lower quality than current teachers. Moreover, the impact
of class size reduction may vary by district, since wealthy districts may fill their increased demand for new
teachers with the highest quality teachers from poorer areas. Jepsen and Rivkin (2002) provide evidence
that this type of shifting in teacher quality took place after class size reduction legislation was enacted in
high school in the early 1980s were much less likely to enter teaching than those from earlier
cohorts. One reason for this change may be that the opportunities outside of teaching
for highly skilled females have improved. Indeed, the average income of female teachers,
relative to college-educated women in other professions, has declined substantially over this
time period.46 Although recent evidence indicates women who were once full-time teachers
usually do not leave the education profession for a job that pays more money (Scafadi et al.
2002), there may be many women (and men) who would make excellent teachers, but choose
not to teach for monetary reasons.
Given this set of circumstances, it is clear that much research is still needed on how high
quality teachers may be identified, recruited, and retained. Seeking out and compensating
teachers solely on the basis of education and experience (above the first few years) is unlikely
to yield large increases in teacher quality, though currently this is common practice. Finding
alternative sources of information on teacher qualitymay be crucial to the creation of effective
policies to raise student achievement.
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[5] Bertrand, M. and A. Schoar, “Managing with Style: The Effect of Managers on Firm
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46See Hanushek and Rivkin (1997).
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[7] Figlio, David N., “Teacher Salaries and Teacher Quality,” Economics Letters, August,
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[15] Hussar, William J., “Predicting the Need for Newly Hired Teachers in the United States
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[16] Jepsen, Christopher and Steven Rivkin, “What is the Tradeoff Between Smaller Classes
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[25] Summers, Anita and Barbara Wolfe, “Do Schools Make a Difference?,” American Economic
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A Tests for Systematic Classroom Assignment
To test for systematic differences in the groups of students assigned to particular teachers
(i.e., tracking), I test if current classrooms are significant predictors of past test scores.
To do so, I calculate the residuals from a regression of past test scores on school-year-grade
dummies, regress these residuals on classroom dummies, and test the significance of variation
in past test scores across classrooms using a joint F-test on these dummy variables. I only
look at variation within school-year-grade cells because administrators can only change the
classroom to which they assign students, not the school, year or grade. Table A.1 shows,
by district, the F-statistics and p-values for these tests in each of the four subject areas.
All of the p-values are close to one, substantiating administrators’ claims that there was no
systematic classroom assignment based on ability/achievement.
I also examine how students are mixed from year to year as they progress to higher
grades, i.e., if administrators tend to keep the same groups of students together for successive
years. This type of systematic classroom assignment would not be captured by
differences in past achievement across classrooms. I examine this issue through calculation
of dissimilarity indices, commonly used to measure spatial segregation (e.g. of racial groups
in neighborhoods within a city). One can see the intuition for using this measure by asking:
are students in a particular school-grade-year cell ‘segregated’ across current classrooms by
their previous classroom? If one considers a school-grade-year cell like a city, a classroom
like a neighborhood, and a student’s previous classroom like a racial group, the issues are
clearly parallel.
To indicate what dissimilarity indices would look like with random assignment, I generate
data where students from four ‘classrooms’ of 20 students each are randomly placed into
four new ‘classrooms’ of 20 students each–this is fairly representative of the school-yeargrade
cells in my data. Dissimilarity indices from this monte carlo exercise are located
predominantly between .1 and .3. Figure A.1 shows, by district, the actual proportion of
school-grade-year dissimilarity indices falling between zero and .1, .1 and .2, etc. A large
majority of cells have indices between .1 and .3, giving strong evidence that the mixing of
classmates from year to year in these districts is similar to random assignment.47
47Though indices decrease with the number of students in each classroom and increase with the number of
classrooms, but large changes in the parameters I use (e.g., 100 students per classroom or 20 classrooms per
school-grade cell) are needed to radically change the results. Also, a tiny fraction of school-grade-year cells
in district B have indices above .6. This is driven by the small number of classrooms in district B that are
‘split-level’, i.e. they have students from adjacent grades placed in the same classroom. It is obvious when
looking at the data that many of the students placed in the lower grade of a split-level classroom remain
with that teacher the following year if that teacher is assigned a split-level classroom.
Held Back -5.546 -5.569 -8.533 -8.060
(1.830)** (1.879)** (2.736)** (2.120)**
Repeating Grade 0.841 2.032 -4.296 -1.118
(1.853) (2.041) (2.147)* (1.926)
Class Size 0.045 -0.129 -0.081 0.099
(0.080) (0.078) (0.107) (0.077)
Classmates' Average Previous Test Score -0.004 0.023 0.051 -0.009
(0.032) (0.030) (0.039) (0.030)
Split-level Classroom 0.414 -0.715 -0.883 0.194
(0.735) (0.632) (0.805) (0.734)
Below Split in Split-level Classroom 0.139 -1.318 -0.098 -1.503
(0.765) (0.722) (0.843) (0.810)
Observations 17409 20506 18266 23289
R-squared 0.82 0.82 0.81 0.85
Table 1: Estimated Effects of Student Characteristics and Classroom
Characteristics on Test Scores
Test scores are expressed on a Normal Curve Equivalent scale; one standard deviation on this scale is 21 points. All regressions
include teacher and student fixed effects, a cubic in experience, and school-year effects. Standard er
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