A phrasal verb is a verb which is a combination of a verb and an adverb, a verb and a preposition, and a verb with an adverb and a preposition. It can have a literal meaning that is easy to understand because the meaning is clear from the words that are used in the phrasal verb itself. It can also have an idiomatic meaning which cannot easily be understood by looking at the words themselves.

The following examples contain a literal meaning and an idiomatic meaning:

Verb and Adverb (run + around)

to run around (something) - to run in a circle around something
The dog ran around the fire hydrant.
to run around (somewhere) - to go to various places to do something
I spent the day running around downtown.

Verb and a Preposition (run + into)

to run into (someone or something) - to hit or crash into someone or something
The car ran into the truck on the busy street.
to run into (someone) - to meet someone by chance
I ran into my friend in a restaurant yesterday.

Verb and Adverb and Preposition (run + along/around + with)

to run along with (someone or something) - to run beside or at the same pace as someone or something
The dog ran along with the bicycle.
to run around with (someone) - to be friends and do things with someone or with a group
The boy is running around with a bad group of people.

Some idiomatic expressions are made with a phrasal verb plus some other words. These words are used in a fixed order to give an idiomatic meaning.
to run (verb) around (adverb) like a chicken with its head cut off - to run around with what seems to be no purpose
I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off as I tried to prepare for my holidays.

What is a proverb?

A proverb is a short saying or sentence that is generally known by many people. The saying usually contains words of wisdom, truth or morals that are based on common sense or practical experience. It is often a description of a basic rule of conduct that all people generally follow or should follow. Proverbs can be found in all languages.

money doesn't grow on trees - money is not easy to get and you must work hard for it
The girl's father often says that money doesn't grow on trees when she asks him for money.

the early bird catches the worm - arriving early gives one an advantage
My boss always comes to work early because he believes that the early bird catches the worm.

the pen is mightier than the sword - writing and ideas are more powerful than the use of force
The pen is mightier than the sword and a good idea or strong beliefs will defeat the strongest army.


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