Effective teaching does not only entail the successful use of certain instructional strategies and behaviours related to academic achievement, it as well includes the ability to determine just when, where as well as with whom these strategies and behaviours should be used. Having these considerations in mind, effective teaching necessitates high levels of informed as well as reasoned decision-making. Reflective teachers ought to have and use the capability to decisively evaluate what they do along with the decisions they make. This examination is called reflection and the process in its totality is known as the reflective teaching. Reflective teachers ought to think deeply concerning their actions, and are thoughtful, self-critical, analytical as well as informed decision-makers. They take time considering the impact of their job in addition to the potential needed to alter or adjust their actions.
Reflective practice is the process of conducting a decisive self-examination of one’s teaching. Reflective practice entails a purposeful pause taken by the educator to assess beliefs, goals as well as practices so as to attain new or deeper comprehension that will lead to action that improves students’ learning (Hunt G. H., Hunt G. and Touzel 2009 p. 6).

Since reflective teaching is a process where educators stop momentarily to reflect on their instruction so that they can make sense of it, this helps teachers to develop professionally by influencing how successful they are at learning their own experiences. Reflective thinking assists teachers to think back over their teaching to analyze what they did and why as well as considering how they may improve learning for their students in future.   Reflective thinking is the basis of the education procedure. The ability of reflective practitioner determines the potential of quality instruction. It is the role of a reflective practitioner to consider and weigh...


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نشرت فى 1 نوفمبر 2011 بواسطة hany2012

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