Psychologists have suggested that anger is the emotional state accompanied by the eruption of the body, and the behavior of aggressive physical or verbal, occurs as a result of a belief the person that he was subjected to injustice or humiliation, or that things are going in a way not accepted by the person, as if to be contrary to expectations, or reverse the personal criteria.
Some believe that the dump emotion anger, screaming, or any behavior of an angry, improves the sense of the person angry and relieve him, but the consequences of anger is not always convenient, especially as the angry often discover that they had to act in an appropriate manner, and that anger is accompanied by a lot of negative effects, such as creating a state of conflict with others, and hurt people beloved by words or actions, and consider a negative, angry by people, and remorse by the angry, especially because of haste and Alandfaih dispositions, and high risk to angry if he was driving a car, or because of the nature of the work requires self-control, or sabotage property, and anger from the loss of majority status may lead to problems with the law, and different look to the same person angry when he sees the consequences of what he is angry. "

* Helpful tips to prevent anger:

■ sleep early and move away from the nightlife.
■ stay away from smoking.
■ Avoid drinks that contain caffeine, especially the so-called energy drinks.
■ exercise because it makes a person in a calm myself beautiful.
■ Alastgfaroakhz a deep breath for five minutes to relax the nerves.
■ be aware of the appropriate method for the wife, who calms the wrath of the husband.
■ avoid the reasons why the pair set the tone angry domestic and providing a state of calm.
■ not to engage in polemics, if there was a problem and must be incidental to the wife that her husband has quickly in the case of anger, for herself and her husband and her children.
■ to review the same pair in a state of calm away from the angry attitudes that may be going through, and to realize that his anger is unjustified increases the size of the problem does not solve it.
■ be aware that anger can have negative effects on people, such as lower productivity and increased tension.
There is a kind of anger Mahmood at home or work, when a person expresses his anger in a situation, this may lead to a constructive dialogue between the angry and the people who represent the other party, which contributes to the non-recurrence of the problem the cause of anger.

Source: Essays success





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