منبر من لامنبر له

موقع للتواصل وتبادل الأراء والأفكار وللنشر .


Ambassade de Grande Bretagne
Avis de recrutement

Ambassade de Grande Bretagne
recrute un/une Assistante Projets


Ambassade de Grande Bretagne recrute un/une Assistante Projets


The British Embassy invites applications for the position of Projects Assistant. This is a key position as a leading Embassy contact point for project work. We are looking for a dynamic self-starter who works well under pressure and who can build strong working relationships with contacts in Ministries, other Embassies and NGOs.

Candidates must have:

  • High standard of spoken and written English (IELTS score of at least 7 or equivalent)
  • Bilingual level of spoken and written French
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft applications
  • Ability to work as part of a team and independently

The following are desirable but not essential:

  • Bilingual level of written and spoken Arabic
  • Experience of project work

The Projects Assistant’s duties and responsibilities will include:

  • Assisting with management, monitoring and evaluation of projects
  • In liaison with Project implementers, ensuring production of progress reports, contracts and other administrative papers.
  • Logistical support relating to project activity
  • Developing contacts with key partners and civil society

The key competences for this job, which will be tested at interview, will be:

  • Communication
  • Delivering Results
  • Customer Focus
  • Working with Others

The starting salary for this job will be DH 12116 per month gross.
A covering letter, CV and references should be sent to:

[email protected]

The deadline for receipt of the applications is 10 October 2011.

The British Embassy in an equal opportunities employer


إن الكرام إذا ما أيسروا ذكروا من كان يألفهم في الموطن الخشن

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6 تصويتات / 147 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 28 سبتمبر 2011 بواسطة hammza2420

ساحة النقاش

حمزة وعزيز

كلمة شكر اقدمها لمن استضاف موقعي ,وهذا المنبر هو للعموم للاطلاع على المستجدات والأخبار المحلية والجهوية والوطنية والدولية في ميادين شتى كالنقابات والجمعيات والأحزاب والمنظمات و......., ولتبادل الأفكار والمقترحات وتحية خالصة للجميع »


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