تكنولوجيات مازن

يهدف موقعنا هذا لإفادة طلاب البحث في المناهج وتكنولوجيا تدريس العلوم والثقافة العلمية وتبسيط العلوم





Personal Information:

Full Name


Hosam El-Deen Mahamad Abdel Motaleb Mazen

Last Name



First Name


Hosam El-Deen

Academic Degree



Current Job


Professor of Curricula and Instruction in Faculty of Education - Sohag University.



Curricula and Instruction of Teaching Science



[email protected]

Work Address


EGYPT, Sohag, Sohag University, Faculty of Education.

Work Telephone


+02/ 093-4601949            +02/ 093-4601932



EGYPT, Sohag, Mubarak Medical City, Building No. (2), Flat No. (10).



+02/ 093-2313800             +02/ 093-2302911



+02/ 0166386569              +02 0121006574


Academic Qualifications:


(1) Bachelor of Science in Education, Physics and Chemistry Major, Sohag Faculty of Education, Assuit University, 1975, with General Grade Excellent .

(2) Special Diploma in Education, Sohag Faculty of Education, Assuit University, 1978, with General Grade Very Good.

(3) M.A in Education (Curricula and Instruction of Science), Sohag Faculty of Education, Assuit University, 1981, with General Grade Excellent.

(4) PhD in Education (Curricula and Instruction of Science), Sohag Faculty of Education, Assuit University, 1984.


Work Experiences


(1) Demonstrator, Dept. of Curricula and Instruction, Sohag Faculty of Education, Assuit University, from 1/11/1975.

(2) Assistant Lecturer, Dept. of Curricula and Instruction, Sohag Faculty of Education, Assuit University, from 14/2/1981.

(3) Lecturer, Dept. of Curricula and Instruction, Sohag Faculty of Education, Assuit University, from 12/2/1984.

(4) Assistant Professor, Dept. of Curricula and Instruction, Sohag Faculty of Education, Assuit University, from 26/6/1988.

(5) Professor, Dept. of Curricula and Instruction, Sohag Faculty of Education, Assuit University (currently Sohag University), from 20/4/1994 till date.


Administration Experiences


(1) Head of the Council of Curricula and Instruction Dept., Sohag Faculty of Education, from 19/3/1994.


(2) Vice Dean of Sohag Faculty of Education for Education & Students Affairs, from 13/1/1996 and for two periods till traveling abroad to Oman Sultanate on 1/9/2000.


(3) Leader of Youth in Sohag Faculty of Education, from 13/1/1996 till traveling abroad to Oman Sultanate on 1/9/2000.


(4) Head of the Education & Students Affairs Committee, Sohag Faculty of Education, from January 1996 till traveling abroad to Oman Sultanate on 1/9/2000.


(5) Head of the Labs & Scientific Devices Committee, Sohag Faculty of Education, from January 1996 till traveling abroad to Oman Sultanate on 1/9/2000.


(6) Member of the Council of Sohag Faculty of Education, from January 1996 till 31/8/2000.


(7) Member of the Council of Curricula and Instruction Dept., since the establishment of the council.


(8) Head of the Management Council of Student Social Solidarity Fund, Sohag Faculty of Education, from January 1996 till 31/8/2000.


(9) Member of the Education & Students Affairs Council, South Valley University, from January 1996 till traveling abroad to Oman Sultanate on 1/9/2000.


(10) Member of the Management Council of English for Specific Purposes Center, South Valley University, for two periods from January 1996 till 31/8/2000.


(11) Dean of the High Institute of Computer Science & Management Technology in Sohag, Ministry of High Education, established according to Minister of High Education decision No. (549) issued on 29/5/1997, in addition to my work as Vice Dean of Sohag Faculty of Education.


(12) Member (from outside the committee) of Arbitration of Research Promotion for the Professors and Assistant Professors in the Permanent Scientific Committee for Promoting the Professors and Assistant Professors.




Associations and Social Work:


- Member of Egyptian Association for Scientific Education (E.S.S.E).

- Member of Egyptian Association for Curricula & Instruction (E.C.C.I).

- Member of Science Teachers League in Egypt.

- Member of Egyptian National Association for Science and Center of Science Teaching Development in Egypt.

- Member of League of Institutes and Faculties of Education Graduates in Egypt.

- Member of Educational Jobs Union in Egypt.

- Member of Developing and Protecting the Environment Association in Faculty of Science in Sohag.

- Member of the Arab Association for Education Technology.


M.A. Degree Dissertation Title:


"The Effect of Using Educational Aids Locally Made on the Achievement of the Second Year Preparatory Students of Natural History Unit"


PhD. Degree Dissertation Title:


"Using Educational Packages in Teaching Chemistry of Elementary Education, and its Effect on the Academic Achievement and Manual Skills of the Students"


حسام الدين محمد عبد المطلب مازن

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10 تصويتات / 240 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 20 ديسمبر 2010 بواسطة drhosam2010

حسام الدين محمد مازن

الاستاذ الدكتور/ حسام مازن أستاذ المناهج وطرق التدريس، ووكيل كلية التربية بسوهاج للدراسات العليا والبحوث سابقا، والعميد السابق للمعهد العالي للكمبيوتر وتكنولوجيا الإدارة بسوهاج،عضو لجنة ترقيات الأساتذة في تخصص المناهج وطرق التدريس وتكنولوجيا التعليمللفترة2012=2015م ثم 2016/2019م .حائز على جائزة جامعة سوهاج التقديرية 2016م-أرفع جائزة بالجامعة. من المهتمين بتبسيط العلوم ونشرها »


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