الموقع الرسمى الخاص بالاستاذ الدكتور محمد جابر خلف الله

موقع: بحثى - تربوى - تعليمى

earner and Instructional Factors Influencing Learning Outcomes within a Blended Learning Environment

Doo Hun Lim

Adult and Higher Education, University of Oklahoma, USA // Tel: +1 405-325-7941 // Fax: +1 405-325-2403 // [email protected]


Michael Lane Morris

University of Tennessee, Department of Management, USA // Tel: +1 865-974-6291 // Fax: +1 865-974-2048 // [email protected]


ABSTRACT: Among the many studies focusing on the effect of learner and instructional variables on learning outcomes, few studies have investigated the effect of these variables and their mediating mechanisms influencing students’ learning within a blended learning environment. This study examined the influence of instructional and learner variables on learning outcomes for a blended instruction course offered for undergraduate students. Data analysis indicated that age, prior experiences with distance learning opportunities, preference in delivery format, and average study time are those learner antecedents differentiating learning outcomes among groups of college students. From a regression analysis, the influence of learner, instructional, and motivational variables on learning outcomes found to be consolidated around one variable in learning application.

Keywords: Blended instruction, Instructional variables, Learner variables, Learning motivation

المصدر: د محمد جابر خلف الله (نقلا عن مجلة. Educational Technology

أ. د/ مـحمـد جـابـر خـلف الله

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5 تصويتات / 452 مشاهدة
نشرت فى 21 مارس 2011 بواسطة azhar-gaper

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دمحمد جابر خلف الله

دمحمد جابر خلف الله- أستاذ تكنولوجيا التعليم بكلية التربية جامعة الأزهر »

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