
الأسرة المتماسكة تواجه تحديات الحاضر والمستقبل

World Down Syndrome Day and each year the collective voice of people with Down syndrome, and those who live and work with them and for them, grows louder and louder 

The theme in 2015 will focus on the role of families and the positive contribution they can make towards the enjoyment of full and equal rights for people with Down syndrome 

The message of this day is strong and simple: empowering families is crucial in order to provide support, advocate for opportunities and choices and empower people with Down syndrome to express their own views and make their own decisions, as well as advocate for themselves. It is important to remind everybody that persons with Down syndrome are people first, and require additional support, but should be recognized by society on an equal basis with others, without discrimination on the basis of disability 

It is worth-mentioning that March was chosen to symbolize a third copy of the 21st chromosome in children with Down syndrome (instead of two in ordinary people), the UN calls each year on 3/21 for all countries of the world to not only review their past year’s successes on behalf of persons with Down syndrome, but also to continue to strive to overcome the challenges faced by families and children with Down syndrome 

Studies show that Down syndrome can be detected during the first term of pregnancy and has an occurrence rate of 1 in 800 - 1000 births. For those with Down syndrome, the levels of mental retardation, emotional, and physical challenges differ greatly from one child to the next and thus results in varying abilities and needs for each child. This needs to be made clear to both the child's family and to their communities 

Commitments to fulfill 

In line with the basic needs for compliance with the UN convention on the rights of persons with disabilities signed and ratified by most countries of the world, both for- and non-profit organizations (regionally and globally) are challenged to exchange knowledge, experience, and lessons learned to support this year’s theme. This will better meet the needs of children with Down syndrome and help promote their rights to quality lives alongside their other members of society 

Together we make a tangible difference 

In many parts of the world, this world awareness day should serve as an occasion to celebrate our achievements in serving children with Down syndrome, supporting their families. Moreover, it addresses the humanitarian, ethical, and developmental challenges to develop more effective legislation and methods to help overcome them  

We should also take this opportunity to demonstrate to parents and families with members with Downs syndrome how much we care and support them. And lastly, we should take this opportunity to honor the many volunteers who work tirelessly to help promote the empowerment and advancement of children with Down syndrome to both better ensure their inclusion in our communities. Together, we can empower parents and especially the mothers who are the corner stone in the long process of rehabilitation and inclusion. This is why we have to contribute and take parts in the activities and programs of organizations working with and for persons with Down syndrome 

Together, we can continue to raise the awareness of Down syndrome and learn how we can better support every member of our society. Let us contribute and share this message 

المصدر: World Down Syndrome Day
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نشرت فى 22 مارس 2015 بواسطة alyarmouksociety

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